Ever wonder about the original stories behind King Arthur and his legendary knights, Robin Hood, or Aladdin?
Did you know that fairy tales weren't originally for children and are way more bizarre, ridiculous, and interesting than you ever thought possible?
Maybe you've heard of characters like Thor, Odin, and Hercules from modern movies - stories stretching back centuries. Well, the originals that inspired the adaptations are even better.
This show brings you folklore that has shaped our world. Some are incredibly popular stories you think you know, but with surprising origins. Others are stories that might be new to you, but are definitely worth a listen.
These are stories of magic, kings, Vikings, dragons, knights, princesses, and wizards from a time when the world beyond the map was a dangerous, wonderful, and terrifying place.

Carissa Weiser
Carissa is a former audiology professor with a background in psychoacoustics, linguistics, and creative writing. She loves her family, photography, tennis season, and riding horses.

Jason Weiser
Jason is a former hospital researcher with a background in English literature and narrative theory. He's a big fan of his wife and child, hiking, Batman, and cake (the dessert, but the band's ok, too).
Are there any myths about Lilth? She Adam’s wife before Eve or something.
Episode 47, urban legends is a really great episode. Most urban legends can be traced back very far. I loved the “scary stories to tell in the dark” books. Google it if you do not know of it. Scary as hell drawings. The best part of these books were the footnotes and sources in the back. The author listed some very old sources, going all the way back to ancient Egypt! I enjoy stories that have made it through the years and that influence current culture.
Hi Jason and Carissa, really love the podcast, been listening weekly since Episode 56, and am also gradually working my way through the earlier episodes. I do have one suggestion though – when you write the episode description, could you also write the name of the Creature of the Week? I like to look them up for myself, but sometimes when the name is in a language I’m unfamiliar with it can be really hard to know how to spell it! (As an example, and if you could let me know the correct spelling of this creature I’d be very grateful, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to spell the Zoroastrian bird creature from episode 82A). Anyway, keep up the good work, all the best, Jamie.
Dear Jason, in Maori tradition Rangi is not the sun but the god of the sky, Ra is the sun. Also, Taranga is pronounced with long ‘a’s & soft ‘g’ as it might be in Japanese. Kia ora, thanks for the episode. I always thought Maui should be called out for his shenanigans.
Hey man great podcast, just found it! I would love to hear more about djinns! Tho i got a big djinn tattoo on my arm i feel i should be more educated
Hi Carissa and Jason, I absolutely love your show ^_^ I have recently moved to the Netherlands and been looking into local fairy tales and folklore, and found this story which seems like it might be up your alley: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heer_Halewijn
Hey Jason and Carissa, I recently found your podcast and can’t stop listening. You make my bad days sooooo much better and distract my overacting mind onto something inspiring and magical….and that is a REALLY hard thing to do. Thank you so much. Hope you know how how dear this podcast is to a lot of folks suffering from anxiety. <3
Hey man just started listening really enjoying it except for when you pass judgement on ancient cultures, it comes off as super pompous. Like yeah we get it alot of it is unbelievable
I really enjoyed the stories. My favorite one was about Cupid and Psyche.
I understand Cupid is supposed to be a grown-up in the story. Isn’t Cupid supposed to be blind.
Just found your podcast on Spotify and I’m hooked. Keep the stories coming!
Dear Jason,
I just moved to a new city to embark on a new career path (I’m a liberal arts graduate trying to become a scientist). It seems to get harder rather than easier as the days go by.
Anyways, my whole body is tense by the time night rolls around. Thankfully, I have the podcast pipe bedtime stories right into my ear canal. You make dry, archaic stories light and poignant while preserving some tales’ inherit weirdness (often crossing the border into grossness).
Thank-you for your help as I adjust to my new life and know that your hard work is appreciated.
Thank you so much for this podcast, I try to recommend it to anyone that will hear me out.
I love your podcast. It makes my commute much more tolerable. But please, can we use “as in a side” less often? It’s distracting. Totally okay to say “by the way” or “sidenote” once in a while:)
Hahaha I was wondering what that was about too… I thought it was “as an aside” which was something I had only heard from the podcase
This reminds me of bettermyths.com, which was brilliant.
This podcast has become one of my favorite things to listen to on my commute to and from school. Mythology and fairy tales have always fascinated me too, and you have covered some of my favorites!
Would love to see you revisit some lesser known Grimm Tales soon and put your spin on those. “Little Brother and Little Sister,” “The Handless Maiden,” and “The Six Swans” are great.
From Indian mythology, if you’re looking for a different influence, the birth of Krishna is a pretty compelling tale with a lot of layers and interest points and could probably be even broken up into a couple of weeks.
Your podcasts on Italian folklore prompted me to delve into that a little more. I found the tale of “Doralice” to be exciting, and also a bit disturbing.
Great thing is, you have a wealth of possible avenues to explore! Looking forward to seeing what you come out with in the future.
I have found your podcast last week on Spotify and LOVE it! I am “binge” listening as much as I can during my work day and it makes my day just fly by. I’m only on 11, so have a ways to go to catch up.
Hi Jason and Carissa! I have binge listened to your pod cast for a few weeks now and am enjoying it all! I am almost done with 5 left. I am also excited to listen to Fictional on Google play also! When will that go on Spotify? Thanks for bringing humor into your podcasts and keeping my work day not so mundane! :)
Hello, I’m a big fan of your podcast and have been binge-listening to it for the last few weeks. I wanted to give a shout-out to more Greek legends since they’re a personal favorite of mine, in particular I’d love to see your rendition of Achilles. Thank you! and good luck with the show!
Hey Carissa & Jason! Extraordinary podcast that you have put together! I’m a long time listener and am only just writing in to tell you guys how much I appreciate the work and love you put into this podcast. Thank you so much! As a recommendation, can you perhaps do the story of Iranian princess Banu Goshask? It involves carpet-riding rodeos if that sweetens the deal for you.
Hi! I’m from the Philippines and I love your podcast. I haven’t listened to a lot of the episodes yet–will be getting to that. I love how listening to your podcast highlights similar tropes across all cultures. Episode 15 – Slavic Folklore – Bad Wolf about Ivan and the mythical firebird shows a lot of similar themes in Philippine folklore, particularly the story of Ibong Adarna. Similar themes include: three brothers, the third brother hurting himself to stay awake to catch a bird, and finding the love of a beautiful woman. I have only heard of one creature from the Philippines, the tikbalang (pronounced tick-bah-lang —rhymes with rang). I was surprised with the choice, given that the Aswang is probably the most famous one from our country. :) good luck with your show.
Hi!, my husband and I love this podcast (he recomended it me), we’re from mexico, and I would like to send you a legend from here, is that ok? I’m working on the translation, but I think it’ll be awsome if you do a mexican myth or legend that is not well known, most of people know the story of “la llorona” or “el chupacabras” and that stuff but this one i’m sure not many are aware of it. Thanks.
Yes! That would be amazing – thank you so much!
I’ve been wanting to do some stories from Mexico, but I’ve been having a really hard time finding some.
Thanks again, and I’m glad you like the show!
Great! Thank you so much for the reply, right now I have one, is a prehispanic love story. where can I send it? and if you like it, I can find more, I like searching that kind of stuff, it may take a while, but I’ll do my best. Thanks again.
sending it to my e-mail at jason(at)mythpodcast(dot)com would be perfect!
Greetings from Russia! I recently started to listen to the podcast and I love it. As a Russian, of course I know of Koschei and the fact the he is basically a bad guy. But you, Jason, did such a great job portraying him! I looked at him from another side and the story suddenly made so much sense. Not that he was a good guy or anything but I always hated the stories with bad guys who want to destroy the world, kill everybody or whatever for no reason. You added a lot of depth to the story and it became that more dramatic. Thank you.
Jason, this came up on my classical radio station just now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scheherazade_(Rimsky-Korsakov)
I thought it was quite coincidental! I never knew the pieces even existed. Hope they entertain you in some way.
Could you do the Mexican legend of The Llerona? With all this rain happening from these hurricanes, it seems so appropriate.
She maaaay be making an appearance in the Halloween episode this year :)
I love your show. When I first started to listen to it I binged it. I finished it in about a week and I find myself wanting to listen to episodes I’ve already listened to. Perhaps one of my favorite podcasts I’ve ever come across.
Hi, your podcast came up in my Arthurian Lit class. Downloading a few episodes now. Another thing that came up was the question: In times when a king’s foot was an official measurement… what happened if the king’s foot needed to be amputated? Part of me is thinking they could have just kept the foot and still used it for measurement purposes even though it would shrink a little. But I’m also thinking there was probably a king who held onto his swelled up diabetic foot way too long for these purposes.
Thank you.
I have no idea but I love this comment so much
What a brilliant find! Discovered this about a month ago and have not stopped binging on it since. Even my 9 year old son enjoys them. Perfect for long car journeys with the kids or even when I am stuck in traffic on my way to work. Have been telling friends at work all about it.
More eastern and far-eastern myths please!!
Just found this podcast the other day and have been binge listening since. Stories are told well, with some humor added in. And I quite enjoy the creature of the week after the weekly story. Reminds me of the 80s cartoons where you would get a fun fact at the end of the episodes.
I look forward to getting caught up.
I’m so glad I found this podcast! I listened for my whole 9 hour road trip. I hope to hear some West African legends in the future.
This is a great podcast!!!! Love hearing all those stories. Have you thought about maybe doing the Mexican legend of Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl? I know pronunciations will be a bit hard, but you can do it! Lol
More king athur! And some indian myths
I’d LOVE to see a Red Riding Hood episode. It’s AMAZING.
He already did one. It’s inside the Snow White Episode. He did three different fairy tales in that one.
Oh cool! I’m still catching up and I didn’t see it on the title list. I’m looking forward to it.
Are you thinking about tackling central Asia and the Turkic legends at all?
I recently started listening to the show to pass the time while commuting to and from work. I love listening to it! It is super interesting and I learn a lot too! I really like how you make it real and add your perspective! Thank you for your wonderful work!
Your podcast is one of my top 5 favorites! I’m an English major so I’m always looking for more podcasts like this. : D Starting Fictional today!
Thanks for your passion in sharing amazing old-world stories in a relatable, entertaining, and concise way. We appreciate your hard work!
My husband and I just discovered y’all on Spotify and we only had 3 episodes downloaded for our 16 hour road trip. We stopped at the nearest wifi location to download the rest. So fun! Can’t wait to hear the Fictional series!
I think that your show is amazing and I could listen to it all day. Did you ever make and episode focused on Baba Yaga, I know she was mentioned before and thought she was really interesting, and I would like to learn more on her.
I absolutely love the show and your unique (and hilarious) take on these timeless tales. I wait for Wednesday when the new episodes come out, and if I get too impatient with waiting, I just go back and re-listen to old episodes. And find something new to appreciate every time. I’m from Mumbai, and your show makes my daily commute so much more bearable – thanks for that.
Just wondering – is there a reason you haven’t touched on Indian mythology? It’s quite fascinating and just as varied as Greek or Norse mythology. I would love to hear your unique take on the loves, and jealousies, and adventures, and misadventures of the India pantheon. Do consider it!
Also congratulations on the new show, “Fictional”. What a great idea! I’ve subscribed already and am just dying to hear your first story!
Great job, great show. All the best to you and your family.
This is one of the best podcasts I’ve ever come across. Thank you so much for making this. The tone is PERFECT.
Hey Brother following the same suit as John Williams I recently started listening to the podcast days ago and do enjoy it immensely!
Thank you so much for your time your effort and your passion that you put into this; it means the world to me to be able to learn of these tales in greater detail and bonus: in layman’s terms!
As aforementioned, I am at an infancy stage with the media so this may have already been adressed, suggested and/ or remedied.
One critical criticism:
Please keep in mind that Many if not All of the beautiful Creatures Legends and Lores that you speak of are tied in with people’s Real Family bloodline.
This makes the content not only Fun and Enchanting to hear, but adds a semi-personal and (possibly symbolic in nature) Rich tapestry to the individuals understanding of their own personal place on earth if u catch my drift here.
Heritage/Lineage/Personal Truth/ Beliefs mean the world to those who choose to partake in belief.
In the words of comedian Ryan Singer- and the tagline for the Me & Paranormal You podcast-
“it’s more fun to believe”
In conclusion- unless that key aspect of humor (the hyper dismissal aspect, not the jests themselves but the judgments placed in the remarks craftly woven in) is an absolute core to the style of content and fan base you’re choosing to aim for/one of the many joys you personally get from your involvement with the content, please ease up.
Out of respect for Belief in general or if thats not resonating then the Beliefs of the fan base Please keep in mind these tales are highly endeared and possibly sacred.
To end on a much brighter cleaner note-
You choose good break spots, I love the music and the beats that come in behind the middle of some stories! It accentuates it greatly and I appreciate your attention to detail and willingness to break down the process for discerning the origin of the first speaker or teller of the tails!
Much love peace happiness and growth to all who encounter this enchanting podcast
keep that beautiful smile and remember only You can make it a good day!
So don’t just have a good day, Make it a good day!
so…. are you saying, you’re related to a fairy?
So I just started listening and love it. I wanted to say a special thank you because as I was wandering the internet, I ran into an article entitled “Yo Maybe Don’t Touch The Skulls At Baba Yaga’s House” with a link to a Russian artist webpage. It was great to not feel completely lost. Here is a link if you are interested. I love the drawing of Baba Yaga’s house with the chicken leg.
I have no connection to the artist other than a new found love for mythology, given me by your show. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Seriously, my favorite podcast ever. Have you ever considered a story about the Nephilim (giant/ half angel/ half humans from Judaism and Christianity). It seems perfect for the show!
Really enjoy the podcast, I’ve loved mythology since I was little and it’s great to hear the stories in an easily digestible form.
A Query: Why haven’t you covered any Egyptian mythology? If not some of the smaller stories then Osiris, Set and Isis is a good one with a proper arc.
Also a Request/Suggestion: If you’re looking for more Japanese mythology to do The tale of the Bamboo Cutter is an awesome one!
I’ve been listening to these podcast since a few months ago and i love it. I shall be honest though you(as in jason) look different then what i had imagined. Also if you could do an explanation on the myth of Atlantis or Ubar. (Basically ancient lost cities)
Loved the Oedipus episode, but Jocasta’s name is pronounced “yo-cahsta” (the letter “j” was the last to enter the alphabet, so it was a consonantal “i” which with the “o,” would be pronounced “yo”) and Antigone’s name is prounounced “an-tig-oh-knee.” :)
The pronunciation with the hard J is accepted well enough. There certainly nothing wrong with it. IF you feel we have to be accurate though, the proper pronunciation would be “ee-o-cast-aa,” since ancient Greek does not actually have a consonantal i, we inherited that from the Romans.
One of my new favorites. I like that it is clean, and the whole family can listen to your stories.
My husband and I travel extensively (nationally and internationally) for work, and when my sister suggested this podcast, I knew I found what we were looking for after the first episode.
I’m completely caught up and can’t wait for Wednesdays to roll around every week.
Thank you!
This podcast saves my sanity on my three-hour drives to visit my parents, and I can’t think you enough. I literally LOL sitting there in the car by myself. Thanks for that.
Dude you make my working day so much more fulfilling! Cheers for educating me/keeping me sane during monotonous tasks! I’d love to hear some stories about Amazonian badass bitches if you can rustle any up! Thanks again mate :)
Such a good podcast! I love greek mythology and it keeps getting better with each one I listen to! You’re the best!
LOVE your show!!
New listener, love the show so far!
But, I just wanted to point out a small error in the most recent podcast on Thor. Freyja is not one of the Æsir, she’s a member of the Vanir tribe, who’s home was Vanaheim and not Asgard.
I’ve been listening since it first started, and I can’t get enough of it. I just love listening to the strange tales of the Myths and Legends Podcast.
I have been listening to it since it first started ,it is my absolute fav podcast.
i get so excited each wed for it,it’s been a great companion when im stuck in traffic,breaks and whenever i wanted time alone
thanks a lot keep up the good work !
I just started this podcast and am only on episode 6, but am IN LOVE. I’m actually excited for my hour to hour and a half long commute b/c of this podcast! Keep it up and I am so happy that there are so many episodes!
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/dd7b608589c2c6db111b127174645c65cbd15311e26507bd3ea76e75a612d6df.jpg Is there a way to download the members only episodes ? Thanks.
Love you, love your show.
Is there a way you could organize the stories with multiple episodes so that they can play sequentially? i wish we could just let it run and listen in order!
I can finally put a face to the voice that tells great stories. My daughter and I have been listening and following your podcast from the beginning. We love this show, and we thank you so much for giving us some great stories. We are your fans! We look forward to hearing some more great folklore/mythological stories! Thank you!
Absolutely love the show! I’ve recommended it to all my friends, staff members, and anyone who mentions “podcast” in my vicinity!
Me too
This is a really great show – I’ve just binge-listened (that’s a thing now, I guess) to the whole Myth Podcast catalog in about three weeks. I’ve learned so much from this show – folklore is a great way to learn more about other cultures, Greek gods were horrible, and stay away from all forests, at all times, at all costs. Survival skills. I would love to hear some stories about the Hindu gods and goddesses. PLENTY of source material for you, there! (Holi is coming up on March 13th – might be a good tie-in!). Thanks for bringing some awesome into the world!
If you happen to take requests, could you maybe do an episode on Tanabata/QiXi? It’s a Chinese folktale that then spread throughout Japan and Korea. I think it’s an interesting story and you most certainly don’t have to get to it right away if you choose to tell it. The story would probably be best told in early July or the seventh lunar month (this year would be August).
I really love your podcast and your voice. I usually listen to your podcast every night, even though I’ve listened to all the episodes to date. I’ve gotten into such a habit of it that I can’t fall asleep without it playing.
So excited that you featured the Baku as the creature of the week. When I was little I had a Baka Baku puppet/stuffed animal. I just remember what he looked like and that he was supposed to eat my nightmares but had no idea of the mythology behind him! Thanks so much for bringing up fond memories of a childhood toy. ?
My 9 year old has listened to every episode, many of them twice. Thank you so much for doing this. This is our family podcast on every long drive and you have definitely sold him on lootcrate.
Thank you for a fantastic podcast, just stumbled over it and have enjoyed it immensely! Very solid all over, but I must say that the boy who drew cats really knocked it out of the park for me, amazing story and retelling! And what a tone shift. Creepy!
I realize I actually do cat doodles myself, though I don’t think my cat has had help shredding up the sofa.
Thank you for a great podcast. My first myth and legends podcast was the one about Volsungs saga. I am Icelandic but I never had the time (or interest) to read it …and now I don´t have to ;)
This summer I had a daughter and we named her Iðunn (=norse mythology) so I am hoping that a long the way I will hear some stories about Iðunn that I will be able to share with her when she gets older.
p.s. I am one of those crazy Icelanders who believes in elves ;)
Jason, I am in awe of your podcast and the delightful personality you bring to these stories. I’m a little worried that I’m catching up and will start having to wait a week for a new episode! I have recommended Myths and Legends to more people I can recall. I listen to lots of different podcasts and especially since the event in November, 2016, I have found you to be the perfect escape. I hope you maintain the energy to keep this up for many more years. Thank you for being there!
Great Podcast (one of my favorites)! I wish you would have 2 releases a week but I guess I’ll just keep waiting in anticipation every Wed,
Thank you for this podcast! It’s so great, I listen just about every day!
This podcast is really great! I’m sure you’ve gotten this before, but do you have any plans to cover any Jewish folklore? Like the Golem of Prague (or golems in general) or dybbuks?
Phenomenal show! I love seeing the new week’s episode in my downloads. You do a great job, keep up the excellent work!
Love the podcast and the variety of lore you go over. Wondering if we can get some Shinto diety stories or Polynesian diety stories. Thanks and keep up the good work!
I read an article today for my anthropology class at university (Bohannan, Laura. 1966. Shakespeare in the Bush. Natural History 75(7): 28-33.) I thought you might find it interesting. The author is an anthropologist, who believed that the motives and plot in Shakespeare’s Hamlet was universally understandable and obvious… until she told the story to the Tiv people in West Africa, and listened as the story took on an entirely new meaning as the Tiv tried to understand each element from the perspective of their values, beliefs customs and language.
Hello Jason,
I would first like to thank you so much for your incredible podcast. Luckily for me, Wednesdays are my Mondays at work so every Wednesday I get to start my day with a new episode of your show, and sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps my day from being a total bummer.
I recently went through a very painful pregnancy. My husband and I wanted the child very much, and being fans of Vikings and Norse Mythology, one of the sweetest things my husband said to me during my pregnancy was”You know why it hurts so much babe? It’s because you have a Viking in there, it’s Ivar”.
Sadly, we lost the baby. I had to have the pregnancy removed or I would have died. We are extremely heartbroken.
I would like to request an episode or two on Ivar the Boneless, please pleeeeeaaaase! :-) thank you again for helping to bring a little joy and storytelling into my life. Have a lovely day.
I have just stumbled upon your podcast and am in LOVE! Is there any way you can record podcasts faster? I am addicted!! Thank you so much for all the entertaining stories and your snarky comments and insight. Please keep recording!!!
Hi Jason,
I am a late bloomer…just dipping my toes into the podcast waters and discovered your stories on Spotify. I was hooked immediately…English major and lover of legends…you are my hero! I love how you tell a story; like a trip back in time, but with a contemporary and humorous approach. Keep doing what you do. I will be listening, laughing and enjoying. Thanks, Cathy B.
Hey Jason. My name is Morgan from California and I’ve been listening to your podcast for a while. I personally love hearing the adaptations of the stories that I’ve grown up with and learn stories from around the world. I love the stories you tell from the orient. The pock face story, your current one of the Japanese monk and the uncle and the white butterflies and the fox demon. Such good stories I would not have heard otherwise!
I also love hearing your creature of the week along with your anecdotes throughout the shows as it helps show your personality. Keep up the good work on your podcast.
And I like your wife’s podcast too. Very interesting and it was cool to hear about the cow San Luis obispo thing.
Hey Jason! I really love your podcast, it makes road trips, and even laundry folding much more fun. Dare I say it is borderline addicting! It’s been very charming moving to Ireland from the US, and visiting Japan, and hearing some of your stories from old myths books we have picked up on the way, such as the boy that drew cats (i think you did that one…) and Chuchalain (man, Irish names, am i right, i know that’s incorrect sp. and I dare not try and say it).
On top of praise though, I wanted to mention that your marketing worked on me, I ended up purchasing a Loot Crate back in Dec. However, the item has still not shipped out, even after 7 emails with the company. In looking on Reddit, it sounds like this is a common occurrence, with people suspecting they may never receive their packages and have to try for a refund or credit card reversal. I’m not sure if you would want your name associated with an unreliable company, so just thought I’d give you a heads up.
Again, really love your stuff. The Little Mermaid is one of my favorites, and you really did the original justice. I have story telling friends who do festivals and home shows in New York, they’re trying to start a storytelling movement. Might want to check out Robin Bady on FB, we’re trying to put together an Ireland festival in 2017. I would have sent this private, but couldn’t find another way to contact you. All the best!
Your storytelling reminds me of Shakespeare without the poetry–great stories but nothing that slows you down. Are you interested in the Welsh tales ofBran, Rhiannon, and laugh?
Just found your podcast. Started at the beginning and loving your retellings. Unique perspective. Thanks for taking the time!
Fantastic podcast! You do have a gift for storytelling. Any suggestions on good sources for the myths of the Titans and Gaea?
Love your podcast! Stumbled across it and immediately fell in love with it! While I love the stories and the creature of the week, it is your wit that keeps me coming back! Keep up the great work!
Enjoying your work. I would like to recommend that you start listing your podcast on youtube so you get can credit for your work and not some one else.
here is a link to your podcast I think that someone posted. If it is you then I am sorry for the
inconvenience. I just don’t like others getting paid for others hard work. Keep up the good work
I just started listening because of a friend’s recomendation. I LOVE these podcasts
Jason – great podcast! Just found you and listened first to the three stories of Loki. Ever since reading a convincing and intelligent article last spring on the theory that our Pres-Elect is Loki, though I’d better brush up on what becomes of him – and Asgard. (Now I’m really worried!) Love your voice and humor and the fun you have with the stories. Thanks!
I love your podcast. Very witty and love your little insights throughout the tales. Keep it up and stay safe from all the monster you mention in your podcast. :)
This podcast is the best part of my work day! You make ever stories I’ve very familiar with(Greek Mythology) fresh and interesting and funny! You have a great way of summarizing and making lengthy dialogues uber accessible,
This podcast has been my lifesaver on my new commute after moving to Colorado. My drive to and from the mountains is wonderfully complimented by the legends I get to hear about, and the colorful and appropriate commentary by Jason! Thank you so much!
Hi! I’m a huge fan of your podcast! You’re an excellent narrator and story teller. I can’t wait to hear more stories! I just came to say how much I love your Podcast, and I love it so much, I made a fan group on Google+ https://plus.google.com/communities/103974244760139811615. I hope you can stop by, and you don’t mind me making this group. Thanks so much for all of the great stories!
Hey Jason! First off I’d like to say that the podcast is beyond great, I love it. I was curious if I can get the logo shirt from the shop, except in a Heather grey? You can email me at pwinn00@gmail.com if possible. Thank you :)
This podcast is MY LIFE. I love it so much; I’ve listened to all the episodes at least twice. It’s so amazing! I love learning about myths from all the different parts of the world. Seriously, thank you!
The Myths and Legends podcast is the first podcast I’ve ever tried out and now my standards are pretty darn high for podcasts. I absolutely love your show. I haven’t been able to find anything that is as well read and entertaining as yours. It’s the perfect length to get me to work. Unfortunately, I’m now caught up and I have to wait a week for a new show ;p I appreciate your work.
Aw, thanks! I’m so glad you like it!
Great podcast!
thanks :)
Myths and Legends is the first podcast I ever heard, I’m not sure how the other podcasts are, but I absolutely love this one. I joined today. Can’t wait to hear more cool stories. I listen while I walk daily.
Jason, your podcast is phenomenal! I found it last month, and I have listened to almost all of the episodes in your feed. I teach 9th and 12th grade English; 9th has a mythology unit and 12th is all British Lit, so your podcast is an excellent resource. I’m listening to the Lancelot episodes and realizing how many gaps are in my knowledge of the legends. I would be interested in the resources you use, since your research is so broad and so many stories include information I hadn’t read before. Thank you for this podcast, I love it!
Yeah definitely! I am working on a bibliography for all the episodes, but I can only fit it in when I have time away from reading/writing/recording/editing/running the store. It’s slow going, but I’ll mention it on the show when it’s up.
When it comes to Lancelot, I took a lot from Cretien de Troyes “Arthurian Romances” and Malory’s “Morte d’Arthur” for the later episodes and a good amount from the French Vulgate for the early episodes (mainly the Prose Merlin and Lancelot Parts I & II).
Just want to let you know that my daughter discovered your podcast and we listen to it when we commute to work and school (Community College in her case). I enjoy the “backstory” and different versions of well known and not so well known myths. Keep up the good work.
Just wanted to say I enjoy your podcast! I listen to you when I work out and when I drive home from grad school. I am a history and myth/legend enthusiast, so finding this podcast was awesome! I’m making my way through your podcasts since I just discovered it about 2 weeks ago. Keep up the good work!
This is by far one of my favorite podcasts to listen to. I usually tell my on absurd stories about things that happen at my mundane job involving exploding toilets and microwaves gone berserk for car rides and I was running out of inspiration. Listening to you tell these stories is really fun and interesting for me and my boy sits rapt asking for more whether we are in the car or just sitting in the kitchen while he eats a bowl of ice cream. I usually have to listen to the stories a few times because I like to tell the story as accurately as possible to him which is funny because it reminds me of how he will ask me to retell the same story to him so he gets all the details. Thank you so much for this. Cheers.
I just started listening, and I’m in love. Your podcast is just wonderful and I love the witty and wry remarks you make about the myths you re-tell. Also noticed that MST3K reference!
you do an awesome job
I love it
Hi Jason,
You’ve mentioned a few different podcasts that you are working on in this podcast. I love your approach to story telling and want to check out your other podcasts since I am almost caught up with this one. How can we look up the others (I haven’t listened to the ones announcing them yet).
I just wanted to say, Thanks for creating this. You do a great job writing, and narrate very well.
You podcasts are the best, Late at night i’ll go to the podcast app, (i’m subscribed) and turn on one of your episodes. You can keep me awake for hours! Keep it Up!
I’ve been listening to your show for several months now and I love it!!! I love the unique and and funny way that the stories are told, and it is so interesting to find out the origins of many familiar stories. You make my weeks in cubicle land less soul-sucking and more fun. Keep up the great work, thanks!
I love your podcast! I enjoy history and folklore and your stories are very entertaining and help make the workday more enjoyable. Keep up the amazing work. Your stories crack me up and leave me wanting more.
Hi Jason! Love the show and have been a contributor since early this year. I look forward to every new episode! I am doing Peace Corps service in Georgia and your episode on Jason and the Argonauts has helped to illuminate the Golden Fleece images I see around here. I saw a post on Tumbler today about Wołogór, a mythical creature in Poland and other Eastern European countries. Maybe something to do in the future? Keep up the good work!
Love you, love your show
I just recently discovered this podcast on itunes and I must say I love it! I’ve slowly been making my way through the backlog of episodes I missed and so far they’ve all been very informative and entertaining. I think it’s really great how you analyze the myths and point out some of the ridiculousness of them. I also really enjoy that you give the perspective of the female characters in these stories.
Any chance you’d do an episode on the Welsh myth of Blodeuwedd?
Dear Jason I am a hospice nurse and there are sometimes where I don’t want to go into a home because I know what I will find there. Other times my heart breaks for families especially when the patient has become dear to me. Your stories make my job a little bit easier especially when I leave homes to the next home and need to clear myself. Thank you for what you do please keep them coming. hugs
Hey Jason I love the Podcasts I have been waiting for the continuation of the story that initiated the Trojan war. What did Achilles father fine when he came back home? I have been waiting sitting on the edge of my seat to find out what happened when he walked in. .
The only podcast I can listen to on hours on end. Keep up the work Jason.
Just agreeing. Especially with anxiety about the national situation, Myths and Legends is the perfect escape.
It’s honestly a great escape for me, too. I’m glad it’s helping :)
The first story I have heard was The Wasteland from Slavic folklore. I am Russian myself and remember Ilya’s adventures from boring school books. I was absolutely fascinated by Jason’s performance, the way he reaches out and puts the whole story together. I felt in love with this podcast and now listen to it everyday I walk to work. Medea and Jason’s recent story broke my heart! So good! Thank you, Jason, for all your brilliant work! I can’t stop talking about Myths and Legends now :)
Jason, you’re show is brilliant. I’m so glad I found it. I’d been looking for something amusing, entertaining and well-produced and found Myths and Legends to be all three of those things and more. You’re devilishly witty and I’ve particularly enjoyed your episodes about original stories of popular adaptations, The Little Mermaid, Rapunzel, Cinderella, etc. Keep it up! Can’t wait for more!
Love love love your podcasts. You really bring the stories to life and I enjoy the humour you inject into each story.
Hi, Jason! Your unapologetically modern reading of stories from different times and places never fails to delight. So many wonderful stories have awful values, and it’s as satisfying as it is entertaining to see storytelling put to good use without buying into the dehumanizing bits. Keep up the great work!
Found the show on the Podcast Republic app. Started with the story of Lancelot. Great stuff! Makes traveling for work more fun. Thanks :-)
first I’d like to write how much I love the podcast! I listen to it every Thursday and it’s a great way to start the weekend. Also really enjoyed the last episode of urban legends (e.47).
Second, just wondered what about some Jewish/Hebrew legends? We have amazing stories, like the Golem of Prague or any other non-biblical legends.
I just found this podcast when i was looking around on spotify and instantly fell in love. This podcast is one of the greatest of all time I just wanted you to know that I think the podcast is awesome as most people who listen to it do.
I wanted to write a review on itunes but for some reason the website didn’t let me. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I love your show. It’s absolutely great. Thank you so much for making it!
I love your podcast! I’ve only just discovered it and have listened to four so far.. Can’t wait to get to the rest! I have to say I really enjoy the little music clip which is after you give a description of anepisode. Is it from a song?
I loooove this podcast! It got me through a three day road trip to Montana from Louisiana. I listen to an episode every morning and am almost caught up.
I just wanted to say how much I love your podcast and how I look forward to a new episode every week. I’ve listened to virtually every episode with only the Pocahontas one remaining. I feel you do a fantastic job of retelling some of these myths and always enjoy your little personal touches or comments you spin into each retelling. Keep up the great work and I will definitely keep on listening.
Have you ever seen the TV show The Librarians? Every episode revolves around a story from literature, folklore, Arthurian legend, mythology, etc. I don’t watch very much TV but I loved that show. Might be worth checking out!
Thank you for the wonderful re-tellings! I am binge listening! Keep it up!
Love the podcast! In two days I am now up to episode 11. I really love hearing your input, sarcastic remarks, and terrible puns. It makes it feel like I’m being read a bed time story by a friend rather than sitting in a lecture room. I also really appreciate how clear you are about how you’ve cut or edited the story for a better narrative! Also I love hearing you butcher pronunciations.
Anyway, I just finished episode 10B and was wondering if you still accept recordings of other stories. I wouldn’t mind trying my hand at discovering and narrating some Maori stories, like Maui.
Anyway, keep up the great work.
Much love from New Zealand!
Just wanted to say love your podcasts and your voice! Me and my 17year old son always listen to you in the car together. I consider you a modern day griot. Keep the stories coming!!!
I just found this podcast, and I have to admit I am greatful for it. Such interesting stories about Greek mythology that I just found out I am very interested in. Thank you for making my day at work go by quicker.
Also any chance on covering Kratos Athens general / new God of War after killing Ares? Thanks again
I just found this podcast, and I have to admit I am greatful for it. Such interesting stories about Greek mythology that I just found out I am very interested in. Thank you for making my day at work go by quicker.
Also any chance on covering Kratos Athens general / new God of War after killing Ares? Thanks again
LOVE the show! I listen every week religiously. I’ve learned so much too. Like how much I love viking folklore.
Jason, just found your podcast, and I can’t get enough. I love all the history you’re covering and stories you’re telling. I’m about 1/2 way through the lot of them. great work and keep it up. my favorites are the Arthur and Merlin ones…great backstory!
Love your podcast, great story telling and pace. You give enough background with out bogging down the story but still fleshing out characters which we may not be familiar. I would love to hear an episode on Finn McCool (or Fionn Mac Cumhaill depending on spelling), this is my son’s name sake so it would be an extra bonus. Thanks!
Just wanted to let you know I listen to your podcast at work and am fairly new to the podcast but throughly enjoy the stories and the way you tell them! In total honesty the work day in my noisy factory seems to be cut in half by listening to you!
Recently my commute got significantly longer, and your podcast has kept me sane while sitting in traffic and honestly wishing there was more traffic so I can finish the episode. Thank you for the work you do, and please keep it up!
Tried your show on a whim and instantly became captivated. Love how you put a spin on what the characters may or may not be thinking during a special event in the story. Keep them coming can’t get enough ?
Hi Jason, I just began listening to your podcast and I’m so enthralled by the story telling. I’m a huge history fan so its awesome to hear the stories that were told centuries ago. Its truly extraordinary to hear the typical Disney-tized (yea totally made that one up) fairytales broken down to the original tale. Especially enjoying the stories were the ancient gods come in and make a mess of human lives, (I guess Gods need to keep boredom at bay too). Keep up the fantastic storytelling, I cant wait to hear more!!
Great show!
I started listening in the opposite order (excluding the multi-part episodes naturally) and I have to say that it got better with time. English is not my first language and I have no problem following the plot and jokes.
I am from Greece and I would like to suggest the legend/story of Ntavelis (Davelis), an infamous greek robber from the 1800’s. There are a few legends surrounding his stories and I would like to see a greek story that does not originate in antiquity.
Still great work, keep up the good work
Cool, I’ll look into it – thanks! I fully support going through it in reverse order. The quality of the early episodes can be rough…
What’s up? I found your podcast on I tunes and have listened to about thirty of em now. Just wanted to let you know I have enjoyed all of em so far. You do a great job telling the stories thanks man. Keep it up. I really like your Greek mythology stories!!! Looking forward to more. Again thanks. Later!!
Love the podcast, stories are so fun and fantastically explained.
Hi, Jason,
Thank you so much for doing this podcast! I love myths and legends and folklore. I can’t get enough of it and I’m so happy I came across your podcast. I’ve learned a lot of new myths and I absolutely ADORE the mythological creature segment at the end of each episode!
I listen to your show at work and am constantly bothering my co-worker about the various episodes (just finished the Koschei the Deathless episodes). I am looking forward to hearing more and would love to hear some more Asian myths (especially Japanese ones).
Have a wonderful day!
I have a 30 to 45 minute commute for work. Sometimes, I get stuff in traffic and, other times, I just want to go fast. But time has always been a bother to me, regardless of when I have it or don’t. So, to worsen my chances of survival, I used to play my Netflix to pass the time by more enjoyably. When I would tell my friends, they said that I really shouldn’t and should just listen to the radio. But I’m so over Top 40 and am getting tired of my local college radio. So, I decided to give podcasts a chance when I was working by myself one day. I was intrigued by yours and listened to the Beauty and the Beast story since the live action movie was coming out this year. I couldn’t put my phone down. I couldn’t believe they left out the ape butlers though I could totally believe why they left out all the convoluted fairy politics. Since I’ve listened to your podcast, I’ve stopped watching Netflix on the roads and I even lessen my cigarette count since rolling down the windows would hinder the speaker sound waves in my car. So, thanks for making an interesting podcast that kept me from smoking and more importantly Bob’s Burgers.
Will you ever do Hawaiian mythology? I know they’re a bit more modern for your podcast, but I figured to ask.
Just discovered your podcast. Love it! Can’t stop listening.
Just wanted to say I absolutely love your podcast. Just recently started listening on my commute to and from work. I’ve always been a huge fan of mythology and lore, but your podcasts have gotten my friend interested in it now too!
I just started listening to the podcast and I’m hooked! Great storytelling and production, keep ’em coming!
Hey Jason, I love the podcast and I was very happy to hear when you were able to make the transition to full time podcaster! I really enjoy the way you break down the content. You are a great story teller. Growing up my mom used to read me stories about the Monkey King from Journey to the West. I think they are fantastic stories and would be perfect for your cast. Keep up the good work!
love the sense of humour. This is my favourite podcast :)
Thanks so much for this truly enjoyable podcast. A longtime reader and lover of myths, legends, and fairytales, you have enriched my experience of these beloved stories–and expanded my knowledge of tales from other countries. With all the depressing news/politics of the day, I love tuning out the world and listening to lands where animals talk, dragons exist, and magic can save the day. Also, I love your wry humor that permeates the podcast. Thanks so much, Lynda
As a family of 5 just completing a 13 hour, 800 mile road trip, the podcasts definitely made the miles fly by and we learned a lot too. Also, the podcasts pair nicely with our sonos system, allowing us to stream the podcasts at bedtime. Thank you for this wonderful resource.
I love this podcast. When ever I am down or just bored there is always something new that I can learn and relate to.
I just discovered your podcasts on Iheartradio and I love them Great stories with great insight. You are entertaining and informing. Thanks so much!
Hey Jason,
Your podcast was recommended to me by a friend of mine and after listening to a few episodes, I’m hooked! I too have a background in Folklore, specifically Greek Mythology and traditional Fairy Tales. I’m a teacher, creative writer, and new mom, so I don’t have much time to research/study literature these days. Your podcast is what’s been missing for me! I can now keep up on the stories I love/learn new things on my way to work or when I have a little time during my day. Thank you for working hard on this podcast and for making these stories accessible. The next time I teach a fantasy class, I will be using these podcasts as resources for my students.
P.S. creature of the week is awesome and make me feel safer ( sometimes not so much) in the world, knowing what skulks in the shadows.
I just started listening to you podcast and love it. If you haven’t yet, I would love to hear on one on Native american story’s, from the northwest. Thanks.
I started listening to your podcasts to take the boredom out of driving to and from work. They have turned the commute into a thrilling journey where I’m learning more about the stories i heard growing up. Loving your style and delivery and the tangents you go off on to critique the writer. Keep up the good work bud!
Hi! I’ve just started getting into your podcast and I really like it, you tell the stories in such a compelling, fun and relatable way. I’m such a huge Arthurian legend fan so I’m just eating those ones up. Questions… Where are you getting the stories from? Like what are your main sources? Maybe I haven’t listened enough and you’ll cover it, but I’d love to read in more depth about your research and what it entailed.
A couple of things happened this weekend that made me realize how much this podcast means to me.
1. I turned down a phone upgrade because it would have made me switch off of an iPhone. I didn’t want to miss out on easily downloading this podcast specifically.
2. I finished the audio book of American Gods by Neil Gaiman and realized that I wouldn’t have enjoyed it half as much if I hadn’t listened to these stories first.
Keep doing what you do. If there’s more to hear about the Zorya, there’s now one I’d rather hear it from than you.
Hi Jason — I finally got my act together to sign up for membership and leave you a proper review on iTunes. Listening to Myths and Legends is truly one of the highlights of my day — instantly transports me all at once to being the sniffly kid comforted by a riveting story (like nothing else can comfort) as well as the English major in college who unabashedly geeked out on texts and tales of all sorts. Now in my late 30s, it’s a genuine pleasure to be able to return to those past worlds of mine for just 40 minutes a day. Hope you’ll continue this for quite some time!
Quick suggestion (since i know you don’t get enough of those :)) if you ever wanted to do something more on Chinese literature: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms heavily profiles Zhu Ge Liang, the original “Crouching Tiger,” who is historically regarded as China’s top military strategist, along with Sun Tze. Except, unlike Sun, Zhu Ge’s military strategies have a crafty, sometimes mystical element to them that make for some amazing story-telling (see, in particular, his Borrowed Arrows, Empty Fort, and Huang Gai Self-Torture strategies). His stories have been made into one of the most popular children’s cartoons in Asia, while also being exhaustively studied by Chinese literary scholars and military personnel even today. Thought it might be worth checking out. Thanks again!
And PS: Your Little Mermaid episode was epic. I have forced all of the female tweens in my life (mostly my friends’ kids) to listen to it from beginning to end, in an effort to counter the Kardashian effect. My friends think i’m weird but still appreciate it.
Just wanted to drop a comment here giving you props on the podcast. My sons and I are obsessed with them and listen during commutes. Moreover, the production quality (and Advertisers) have gotten better with every episode! I listen on spotify but will get a review in on itunes as soon as i figure out which laptop I actually installed it to.
favorite episodes so far: Hong Gildong and Alladin. what keeps me coming back? your dry sense of humor – Best of luck and keep up the good work!
Thanks for making my work week less tedious. I love the witty quips in between your story telling. I’ve been listening to all your podcast from the beginning and have enjoyed every single one! Keep up the good work, I’m loving it!
Your show is so great! I quickly became hooked a month ago, and I’ve been pouring through the archive. I grew up reading great stories like this, and the King Arthur legend has always been one of my favorite (I’ve actually got my copy of “The Once and Future King” on my night stand right now. Keep the Arthur stories coming! And I’ve seen mention on the site that you plan to do some Robin Hood episodes as well, and I can just say, I can’t wait to hear those.
jason, i have a 30 min drive to work and 30 mins drive home. this is conveniently the time it takes to listen to one podcast in a day. i must admit i have not had any interest in myths and legends but after listening to one on Rome, i thought i would look further afield and found yours. keep up the good work…even better that you are a daxie lover. (our family have a couple of the arrogant little sods and love them) i like eating cake too.
I laughed out loud at “arrogant little sods” – they really are.
And thanks! Which Roman podcast did you listen to? I’ve only heard Mike Duncan’s “History of Rome”, but it’s one of my favorites.
This a great podcast! I really enjoyed the Greek myths stories with Hercules and his naked wrestling matches. I have a half hour drive to work and even stay in the car until it’s finished. Though I’ll probably get fired for being late all the time, keep ‘m coming!
Love your podcast. I love how you tell the stories with humor and honesty. It’s refreshing and very entertaining.
This podcast i
I started listening to your podcast on a road trip from houston, tx to NYC. It is awesome! Great editing and I enjoy the occasional sarcasm. Thank you an keep up the great work!
Just wanted to say how much I love this podcast. Came across it in an extremely difficult time of my life and it has helped me wind down and enjoy indulging in something I already love – great stories ! Ive always loved myths, legends, fairy tales etc and this podcast is everything wonderful about those things. Thanks so much for sharing your love of these literary works.
Hey, just want to congratulate you guys on a job well-done – your podcast is pretty darn amazing! Just wondering if you’ve considered doing some more Chinese myths? Because there’s definitely a wealth of material out there. Like the story of the Ma Liang’s Magical Brush? Or how Ne Zha subdued the dragon king?
Thanks! Yeah, I actually just bought a few books on Chinese myths and folklore. I was mainly looking for different versions of Ye Xian, but I’m really glad I bought them because the other stories in the books are great. There will definitely be some Chinese myths coming up.
Hey, I’ve been loving your podcast. It was good from the beginning, but I really appreciate that you work to improve it with each episode. Request. Could you do something with the Egyptian pantheon.i feel like us Westerners focus on the Greco-Roman and Norse pantheons at the cost of losing so many wonderful tales from the Egyptian cast and crew.
Just stopping in to say to tell you what an amazing job you do with this podcast. I might have a problem. I get frustrated when I start an episode and have interruptions that prevent me from finishing one. A few life questions I’ve asked myself since listening to Myths and Legends: “How did my morning commute get so short? “How do I fake being present on this conference call while listening to M&L on my phone?” “If the recipe says cook time is 40 minutes, which episode can I fit in while this casserole is in the oven?” You know. Life Questions.
This made me so happy – I laughed out loud
Hi Jason. I just wanted to say you are an awesome storyteller! I’m very fond of mythology, and it’s amazing to hear stories like Hercules’ Labors and Prometheus spoken rather than read. Your podcast has really gotten me interested in oral storytelling, so I’ve been telling some of the stories I hear on your podcast to the kids I counsel at my school’s summer camp and they absolutely love listening to them. Thanks a ton for the great podcast, and I can only imagine it will continue to flourish. Also, you don’t suppose you could do an episode on The Pursuit of Diarmuid and Gráinne?
First, love the dedication to each episode you give. Just wondering if you and any Alaskan Native myths/legends on your agenda.
Hi, Jason. I first started listening to your podcast on a warm night when I couldn’t sleep and by God, I’m glad I did. I was hooked from the start and have been listening ever since. You make the stories on the podcast so much more interesting and engaging with your hilarious comments on the characters shady actions; far from the flat, dull delivery of the classroom, I had to endure. I take a lot of buses and so love revisiting the legends that I grow up with and uncovering others that I didn’t know about my country’s past whilst learning about other cultures around the world at the same time. I am going down to Nottingham Uni soon for an open day and was wondering if you could do an episode on the legends of Robin Hood, possibly making a series of them like with you have with King Arthur? Just want to say again that your podcast is amazing and I look forward to your next episode. Thanks.
Yes, Robin Hood is coming. I have some excellent books on him, but his story is more of a challenge because Arthur has some key people tying the stories together early on, but Robin Hood seems to be all over the place until much later.
Absolutely amazing podcast,it’s 1 of my favourite other than another 1 listen to, I’m on my 5th time round listening to the series, keep up the awesome podcasting, I couldn’t
leave a review on iTunes so il do it here
Found the show on Spotify and went through all available episodes in just a few days. Amazing show, keep up the good work!
Good Day Jason & Carissa!
Your show brings me joy, during my day at work or to pass the time on the commute home. My favorite episode so far is 5A-Slavic Folklore: Tried and Died. The horse that brags is just an amazing animal, the legend like all the others are just enjoyable.
Have you by any chance stumbled across the Mayan folktales?
A good book to reference is listed below. I have yet to read all of it but hope it brings intrigue.
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Popol-Vuh-Definitive-Mayan-Glories/dp/0684818450/ref=zg_bs_4882_3
Keep up the hard work and I hope this letter finds you both well!
– Milly
I have to say that this is my favorite podcast ever. I drive a total of 6+ hours almost every weekend, and I’m a little sad that I’m all caught up and won’t have Myths and Legends marathons anymore. I’m excited to hear what’s next! Also, I would love to hear more Latin American folklore if possible – especially from Mexico.
Just started listening to the podcast yesterday while doing incredibly boring clerical work! I’ve always loved myths but I never knew where to start when trying to learn them and then trying to find understandable (to me) versions. I really love your commentary on the episodes and the historical background you give has really helped me comprehend the stories in their historical context, though honestly I’ve only listened to the first few. Love it!
hi! I’m new to your podcast – actually, i’m new to podcasts, period; the only other one i’ve listened to is Welcome to NightVale or something that like. it was wierd. this is so much better.
i haven’t scanned the list of done episodes – just finished bawling my eyes out while doing a buck-twenty on the 401 which is not a good thing but Gelert gets me every damned time! for real: that story is a main motivator for me getting into dog rescue. i’m a huge – HUGE! – dog fanatic and dogs love me, too.
soooo…. just to, you know… set the record straight: dogs are not “Descended from wolves”. Dogs ARE wolves. for real. they’re no longer “Canis Domesticus” – a cousin of sorts to the wolf. they’re Canis Lupus Domesticus – a wolf subset. the working breeds – husky, malamute, alsatian, malinois, border collie, australian shepherd, pyrenees, etc – are the closest to the wolf because they’ve been bred over many centuries to retain the most wolflike qualities. they are good at what they do because they’ve kept the wolf prey drive but (if handled correctly!) have had the kill drive blunted.
now on to requests: have you covered the fox spirits of japan? the Kitsune (pron. “kit-snee” – no accent on any syllable, since japanese for the most part doesn’t accentuate syllables – at least, that’s how i understand it).
there’s another one i would really love to hear but this one you’ll have to do your research: it features night-time in a japanese (or maybe chinese) temple, cats, and demons. i can’t remember if the cats were the demons (ie, bakeneko) or if they drove off the demons, but it was a fantastic story.
Love the Podcast!! I would love it if you made an episode on Indian mythology . Most of them have very interesting stories and are very well documented. If you are looking for a starting point try the story of “Parashuram”, He’s a sage but a total badass!
Also love the website! is this a weebly site? I’m looking to join weebly and if this is the final result i can take that step.
I love listening to your podcast! I have never listened to podcasts before, but I recently started working in a position that requires a TON of computer time, and your podcasts are much more substantial than music, but much more manageable than full audiobooks! They’re great! I was wondering, though, if there is any chance you have maybe one giant timeline for all of the stories? I know you generally try to give the time period or compare one story to another in terms of timing, but is there one master list we listeners could see? If not no worries I’ve just been absorbed by trying to place all of the fantastic stories and characters in their “historically” accurate places! Thanks so much for doing what you do!
Just saying hello. I started listening to the podcast a few months ago and I am totally hooked. I listen to it when I drive and when I see, which easily consumes two episodes in one sitting, so getting a bit worried now that I’m running out of episodes here!
Could I please ask that you look into some African stories, such as the Anansi stories? They’re wonderful and would add greatly to the podcast. The Ramayana, too, would be great, as someone else has already suggested. Thanks for all you’ve done so far, Jason. I really enjoy listening!
New to podcasts and myths and legends was one of the first I listened too. Hooked instantly and working my way through all the episodes. Thanks!
I absolutely love this show. It makes my day anytime a new episode pops up. Great work with the music, by the way. It adds so much to the whimsical and endearing nature of these stories. Thanks so much for this!
Thought it was high time that I thanked you, Jason, for this podcast. I have been a subscriber since the very beginning and have never laughed more by myself in the car than when listening to your stories/legends adapted into podcast form. Your little inserts are some of my favorites and I find myself saying the same things along with you. I’m also greatly appreciating the fact that you explore myths/legends from every culture. Haven’t signed up for a membership yet to support you, but will in a few moments. Thank you!!
Really love this podcast, started with 1 now I am on my 5th. Great story telling and love the sideline humor. Even better, Jason’s got a good voice!
Hey! So theirs an odd thing of note in every one of your episodes, specifcally during the ‘creature of the week’ segment. Right after the initial spike in volume for the creature music fades, theirs a high pitched tone for about 10-15 seconds. It’s consistent. I’ve heard it in every episode of the podcast. On the most recent week, 38A, it occurs at 34:28. Take a listen! I wonder if theirs a way to get rid of it, since it’s not exactly pleasing. That being said, I love your podcast and listen to every episode the moment it arrives!
I recently found your podcast in Spotify and I love it. I teach English in a state college in the Philippines and I find it really difficult to find transcripts and other references in teaching Mythology and Folklore. Your podcast has made my life a lot easier. I’m planning on using your podcast as an instructional material for my class. So thanks.
Oh and if you ever need info on Philippine folklore (which has btw inspired Neil Gaiman) I can probably lend a hand in collating info.
I know I’m late to the game, but I really love your podcast. I’m a history and culture nerd, and this is a wonderful find! Thank you!
I started listening to your podcast earlier in the year while training for the Boston Marathon. I became hooked as I ran and lost myself in your telling of these stories. Now, I’ve roped in my girlfriend. When we take long drives; she’ll ask me if I’ve downloaded more Myths and Legends. Keep them coming! Great job!
I found this podcast a few days ago and have not been able to stop listening. I hope you have time to get to more Chinese Folklore or even African Folklore. I lived in China for a year and I learned of many stories involving ghosts and could totally see you bringing them to life. Thanks for the good listens!
Thanks! I have some really good African stories in the works, and I need some Chinese stories. I’m planning on doing “Journey to the West” and all the characters associated with it, and I’m working my way through a couple of books on Chinese folklore, but no story so far seems like it would work…
I am a 25 year old woman that looks forward to your story telling! I am obsessed with the real Disney versions of these princess stories! Please do all Disney princesses! Also will you please do the Swan Princess?!? Been dying for that one!
Just want to say that I’ve just discovered your podcast and it’s risen to the top of my must listen to now list. Informative, witty, funny, you’ve got a good delivery. Thanks!
Thanks for doing the podcasts. You’ve managed to reawaken the curiosity many of us had when we were kids.
Also love learning about other mythologies we don’t know, “but really should,” like Arrow Odd’s.
This podcast kept me company while I was moving into my own apartment recently, and it certainly made the experience much more enjoyable. Who enjoys unpacking/assembling furniture? I did, while listening. Whenever I think about this move I’ll remember the podcast as well – thank you!
This podcast kept me company while I was moving into my own apartment recently, and it certainly made the moving experience much more enjoyable. Whenever I think about this move I’ll remember the podcast as well – thank you!
After I listened to the first episode I couldn’t stop. You do a fantastic job! Thank you much. I can’t wait to listen to more :)
I just recently discovered podcasts in general…but yours has been my go to every single week! Thank you for your amazing show – and facts. It’s funny how history we learn in school is a tad different than what really happened. Thank you!
My friend suggested this podcast to me, and it has changed my life!!!!!! It is the best thing since my siblings read lord of the rings to me as a child. I love stories and I love the side notes. They are hilarious. I love you. I love this podcast.
Hey Jason, I am listening to your podcast for the first time and I would like to read the ‘Beauty and the Beast” fairy lore. You said there was a 20 page section on your site. Where is this section of the book about the fairies?
Jason- As I progress through college I have come to appreciate the cultural importance of myths, legends and folklore in society and I find it quite noble that you are interpreting and styling these stories in a way that the modern listener can appreciate. I,for one, have already told many friends on escapades of these stories and of your podcast. I am very thankful that you post sources since they are very difficult to come by and are fascinating. As a lover of history I stumbled across this podcast while looking for King Arthur legends and I came to the right place. I am sure you have 1 billion requests but a humble listener asks that a short for Robin Hood perhaps be looked into.
Thanks again for what you do.
Jason- As I progress through college I have come to appreciate the cultural importance of myths, legends and folklore in society and I find it quite noble that you are interpreting and styling these stories in a way that the modern listener can appreciate. I have already told many friends on escapades of these stories and of your podcast. I am very thankful that you post sources since they are very difficult to come by and are fascinating. As a lover of history I stumbled across this podcast while looking for King Arthur legends and I came to the right place. I am sure you have 1 billion requests but a humble listener asks that a short for Robin Hood perhaps be looked into.
Thanks again for what you do.
Hi Jason, just a quick “thank you” for the work you put into the episodes. I’ve subscribed for a full year as I know a good thing when I see (hear) one.
I found you on “Podcast Addict” app on my droidphone and you’ve been a welcome visitor sitting alongside me on my long commutes from work. I listen to Cato Daily podcast in the mornings to get ready for the day, but after heroic battles at work (hence my username gorgo_reptilicus) it’s time to wind it back down – and what better way than to learn and be entertained by a friendly traveling companion?
I’ve recommended your show to my daughter who also enjoys tales. She’s a fan of the contemporary telling of old stories, but will also love your research and interpretation. Hard to say, though; I recently got in trouble for telling her son that Goldilocks was actually eaten by the bears after trespassing, vandalising, and eating stolen food from the owners’ home… so maybe she’ll have a similar response to episode 18 :P
BTW, I think your take on the “Beauty and the Beast” and “Unbreakable” stories are stunning. Excellent commentary and all your stories are well-told.
Thanks and best wishes
Just a random little fact. After finding your podcast, I thought my coworker was moonlighting and doing a podcast. Turns out you have a voice doppelganger in SC! And as a side effect of me asking him about it, he’s now a listener as well I think :)
Awesome! Also, if you’ve listened to the Doppelgänger episode, you know how dangerous it is for someone to have one. Please tell your friend to stay far away from Cincinnati, OH.
Great podcast! I recently found it and I am now listening from the beginning. I just listened to 6B (origin of Melrin) and you mentioned that dying of a broken heart is not possible. Maybe you already got this feedback, but I didn’t see it here. There is a condition called takotsubo’s cardiomyopathy that is basically borken heart syndrome. It is real and can indeed be fatal.
Again, love the podcast. keep up the good work
I did hear that, but I really appreciate the information. I honestly had no idea it was possible – I’ve always just thought of it as poor writing. It’s really interesting that it actually exists. Thanks!
Dude! Where have you been in my primitive introduction to the podcasting world! Was introduced to podcast little less than a year ago by a coworker and have slowly been expanding my library. Found your podcast last week and I have to say that without a doubt you’re in my top 3…maybe even top 2? lol. All joking aside, your delivery, voice and knowledge keeps me coming back for more. I really hope that you continue to create new podcasts to keep me, and no doubt many others, informed and entertained. Incredible work!
Jason thank you for presenting this podcast to the world. It’s my escape from everything else. I enjoy your presentation of the stories and have listened to everyone so far. My favorites being Beauty and the Beast, stories of King Arthur, and the Japanese Fairy Tales. You mentioned about doing another podcast, has that kicked off yet? Thank you for your talents!
That’s still in the works…turns out nearly doubling my workload each week was more difficult than I anticipated, haha
This podcast is like Joseph Campbell runs into Mark Twain. Love what your doing
This is now one of my favorite descriptions of the podcast – thank you.
I found your podcast about a week ago, and have been binge listening to it when I’m at work. (I deliver things and drive for about 8 hours a day) I love your podcast, and the stories that you tell.
Do you have any plans to do pacific islander, Maori or Hawaiian stories? I’d love to hear you tell the story of Hi’iaka.
I’m looking in to those. I would love to tell some of them, but they are outside of any expertise I might have, so they take a little more research for me. Glad you like the show!
You are a fantastic story teller. Love the little bits of incredulity and sarcasm tossed in when the original stories stray. I identify with the way you occasionally toss in comments about the world your daughter doesn’t have to grow up in – I feel the same about mine.
My wife and I recently sold our condo and bought a house. Your podcast kept me company as I stayed up late, long after my wife and toddler went to sleep, for many nights of packing, shlepping, eventually unpacking and doing many odd jobs around our new house. I would not have gotten it all done in time for moving day without your stories keeping me awake and entertained.
Thank you so very much and good luck with everything.
Just found your podcast, so I am a little behind. I love it and i love the creature of the week.
This is a fabulous collection of stories, retold to capture a modern audience! I was a giant myth nerd when I was a tween, and slogged through countless dense, boring old books to get to these stories. This podcast captures the essence of these tales and saves you the boring research.
It’s very Western-heavy, which I suppose makes sense, but I’d love to see some stories from the Indian tradition; the Ramayana and Mahabharata are chock full of stories perfect for retelling in this format.
This review would’ve gone on iTunes, but Apple appears to be bad at writing software.
Hi Jason,
Love this show! I work in a grocery store and find myself mentioning Myths and Legends to many of my customers, based on the tee shirts they wear! I have recommended the podcast to many, including my old English professor, who specializes in Medieval history. In one of her classes we spent time looking at the ancient maps as literature, illustrated with many mythic characters and odd creatures.
I one of my writing classes we spent a whole term looking at Cinderella, and the changes the story went through as it moved from one country to the next. If you are looking for strong roles for women, check out the Vietnamese version of Cinderella! I get home from work at two in the morning, and even though I can listen on my phone as soon as the car is turned off, I still myself sitting in the car and waiting for a good stopping point!
Truly love your story-telling style, and I am excited for your success. Don’t retire soon!
Thanks for a great listen,
Shelley in Oregon
Hi Jason, I love listening to your podcast right before I go to sleep. Its like you have given me back a little piece of my childhood. There’s a MASSIVE TREASURE CHEST of stories in old indian/ arab/central asian literature which you havent really touched upon. Your episode on Ali Baba made me think of all the different stories that are now long forgotten but are probably the most awesome stories that I have ever known. Here is a couple of them to start you off on
Baital Pachisi (might be a little scary for some but by far the most interesting of all of these), Arabian Nights, Panchatantra, Jataka Tales, Hatim Tai or Hatim al tai, The Stories of Aldar Kose ( this one is from Kazakhstan)
There will definitely be a big cultural dissonance should you decide to cover any of these, but all your other episodes have been such faithful retellings, and there are so many good translation available in english that I’m sure you will do it perfectly. I’d be happy to correspond with you should you require any help with these and I sincerely hope you cover some of these.
Good luck and all the best.
I am making my way through every episode and catching up. Contrary to some comments, I really dig your 21st century take. It’s refreshing to hear your criticism of especially sexist stories.
I have a suggestion for a creature of the week. The Piasa bird from Midwest Native American legend. If you look at the website for Alton, IL, which is on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, I’m sure you’ll find a terrific depiction that is painted on the side of a cliff.
One more thing, when I was in college, I did a term paper that was initially going to be on fairy tales. But it evolved into a comparison of all the Cinderella stories from different cultures. That might be a fun one shot for you later. I particularly liked the Chinese version.
Also, the more Japanese folklore, the better!!! The Latin American story of Crystal was also very refreshing.
Keep up the great work. I checked out your podcast just because it seemed like something I would like. And it has been a pleasure. A great surprise. Thank you for being you!!
I just found this podcast and I am so pleased! Listening will give you modern, quirky, and easy to swallow versions of stories from many cultures that never fail to delight.
I absolutely love this podcast. It’s so interesting and informative. As a writer I’m really finding it a great tool to supplement my research. When writing high-fantasy, it’s really great to keep the legends of the world in mind, both as inspiration and as a reminder to not rip something off too egregiously. Thanks for all you do!
Hey Jason and Carissa, I really do love the podcast! I’m just wondering what the benefit of being a member is? There are no new members only episodes and it’s been that way for a while.
I don’t get the chance to read any literature you may post, hence I’m a fan of the podcast. I mean no disrespect, I’m just merely wondering? Many thanks.
Hey Kris! Totally fair question. The member episodes come out at least monthly, and I’m planning on doing them more frequently in the future. The last one was “The Day it Snowed Tortillas” that came out at the end of April. If you haven’t been seeing them with at least a monthly frequency, let me know because there might be a problem with your feed.
I’ll follow up over e-mail, too.
Thanks so much for getting back to me! I haven’t seen the one you mentioned so it does sound like the problem is on my end. Thanks for letting me know! This is the best podcast and you’ve got the gift for storytelling. Looking forward to the next installments! Cheers!
Jason, I just recently got into podcasts and my partner suggested Myths and Legends. I love it! I am a teacher and I am so ready for the summer holiday so that I can just lay about listening to Myths and Legends. That is all that I want to do. :) Thank you so much!!!!
Hey I’m in Sheffield in the UK, discovered Myths & Legends in the podcast app when I was looking for something interesting to listen to whilst walking the dog! I have an interest in the Ancient Greek stories and stumbled across Hercules Labours – absolutely brilliant and great acknowledgment that much of it is hard to believe but we love it anyway! More Ancient Greek / Roman stories please – Alexander the Great would be a great three parter ! Great work :)
I love your podcast and the whole vibe you have going on with these stories. Your inserts are great. I look forward to every new episode and have replayed a lot of them over just to listen to them again! Your perspective just adds to the stories! Great job! By far one of my favorite podcast of all time!
I love your podcast and the whole vibe you have going on with these stories. Your inserts are great. I look forward to every new episode and have replayed a lot of them over just to listen to them again! Your perspective just adds to the stories! Great job! By far one of my favorite podcast of all time!
You’re a wonderful story teller, I am really enjoying listening to your podcasts. I eagerly await new stories.
Keep up the excellent work!
I just wanted to say I greatly enjoy your podcast. I’ve been researching, for myself, the Greek Myths and Legends. I first stumbled upon a Greek Gods Encyclopedia when I was 12 and am now soon to be 26. I just recently decided to research other cultures and their myths and legends because I’d like to write/illustrate children’s books based off them. For example “How we got the stars” and have all the stories about how the constellations got their names. My favorite is Orion though there are several stories on it. Anyway, your podcast help with the inspiration and kind of a starting point for the other cultures I’m not to failure with. I also enjoy your use of a side bar. Plus I have a desk job that’s very mundane, your podcast make the work day much more entertaining. I am a big fan, probably should’ve started off with that but, then I wouldn’t be me. I listened to all of your podcast on itunes in 5 days. I may submit in an email or however i send the voice thing on a few favorite stories in Greek Myth.
Hi Jason.
I just wanted to contact you and say how much I love this podcast.
Im a serious podcast junkie but yours is the first one where I’ve felt compelled to seek out the creator and thank them!
There’s just something about these incredible stories that takes me back to being a kid and staying up reading Greek and North myths until far too late on a school night!
Anyway, thanks!
I just found the podcast recently and have been binge listening – I love it! It is so fascinating to hear the stories, and I really appreciate the work you put in looking at the sources and trying to make them all fit. Thank you.
Thanks! Finding all the different sources and making them fit is time-consuming, but I love it.
Hi Jason!
I just stumbled across your podcast today, I have been looking for something new to help distract me during my long workouts (marathon training) and your perfect telling of the story of Cupid and Psyche did the trick! I have been listening all day! Thanks!
I love the pod cast but I would love it even more if you could make more episodes like 2 a week pls and thank you
Haha, I would like that too…but it might just kill me. That, or shows would be like 10 min long :)
I posted this on iTunes also, but I feel the need to put this here too:
Okay so I am a lifelong mythology buff and have read so many stories I can’t even count that high, and have translated plays and stories (my favorite is Euripides’ Medea) from the original ancient Greek — all of this is to say that I know a thing or two about a good story and a well-told myth. And I LOVE this podcast. Jason does a superb job with bringing these stories to life while expressing a soothing manner and humble approach, recognizing that part of what makes myths myths is their variety of versions and retellings over time. This podcast is a phenomenal contribution to the mythological canon and Jason is an expert storyteller. He combines and shifts between humor and sobriety well, handles delicate subjects with care and gives fair warning about them, and has a keen sense for the absurdity and good fun that has made these myths last so long in human memory. To Jason: thank you so much! To everyone else: LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST.
Thank you so much. That’s really nice of you :)
Awesome podcast man, keep it up. Keeps me super entertained during work. Love Greek Myth so hopefully those ones keep coming :)
Thanks!, and definitely. We have Jason and the Argonauts as well as the Iliad coming up in the next few months. Glad you like the show!
I LOVE this podcast and wait impatiently for it every week and am never disappointed. The episodes are a great mix of storytelling and history. I recommend it to anyone with interests in literature or history. I was so happy with the Crystal the Wise podcast. Keep those strong female protagonists coming!
YES. This podcast, and world literature in general, needs more stories like Crystal’s. That story helped me find several great resources for similar stories, so more of those are coming :)
I love this podcast. I’m slowly catching up on episodes. I listen to a couple a night to relax and sometimes get too into it and wake my boyfriend to tell him bits and pieces. I wanna rate it on iTunes but I currently listen on Podbean on Android. D:
Thanks!! And no worries about rating it. I appreciate that you want to, but at this point I actually like hearing from people more.
I love, love, love this podcast. I’m new to podcasts in general but due to my insomnia I’ve discovered a few, this one being my favorite.
Hi Jason and Carissa!
I have tried to write this review on iTunes, but it wouldn’t allow me – it says “customer reviews are currently unavailable”. Therefore I am writing it here, and if you technically can, please, put this review on iTunes.
Thank you very much for this excellent podcast! People tend to forget the importance of storytelling, let alone myths and legends, which accompanied humanity at each stage of development. Wonderful podcast – I am sure I am not alone who does learn a lot from you, and this is an invaluable knowledge. Thank you also for the brilliant website – very helpful!
I love the way you present stories; repetitions of previous episodes, if you talk about the same heroes, are very helpful to recall and to remember the plot.
Please, continue to enlighten us!
Best wishes to you!
Hi! Just wanted to pop in and let you know how much I enjoy your show; particularly this week’s episode on Crystal the Wise. It would have been nice if she was actually just wise, though, and not just because she had a magic shoe, but I suppose you can’t really help that part.
I love listening to your podcast when I work on paintings. Keep up the great work!
Hi there! Wanted to extend my thanks for producing such an awesome podcast. I found you through Spotify when they added shows and I’m currently working my way through your backlog of episodes. I love history and I feel as if the myths and legends that people have told and passed down for generations can help us understand the mindset of people just as much, if not more, than the actual day to day goings on of their lives. Plus its fun to see what wacky things they came up with along the way. I can’t wait to catch up but for now, I’ll continue working my way through your fantastic storytelling. Thanks and I hope you have a great day.
Really enjoy the show and I’m impressed with your background work for each podcast. I recently changed jobs and have a 40 min. commute to replace my former 10 min. one. However, your podcast gets me to work before I know it and often I regret having to wait until the drive home to finish a story or hear about the creature of the week. Thanks for your work and keep it up!
I recently subscribed to your podcast and just fell in love with it. I know this might sound weird or something, but I love listening while going to sleep and while working on art (I’m a freelance illustrator, in case you’re interested). Anyway, I have been dying to recommend the original tale of Beauty and The Beast for an episode and I hope you’ll consider it! P.S. I also just bought a membership so I’m looking forward to the member only episodes. Thanks for everything you do!
Seriously, thank you so much for the membership. It is a huge help. I’m planning on doing Beauty and the Beast at some point, but I’m thinking about a show that brings in a bunch of the stories of that type.
I only recently discovered the podcast and I just wanted to send along my thanks for the great stories. I drive around a lot for work so I have ample opportunity to listen and they definintly make my days much more tolerable. Although work at times feels like Hercules’ 12 labour, lol, I figure my day can’t be so bad after hearing some of the stuff these protagonists’ have to go through! Look forward to any and all future episodes.
Jason, thank you for this AWESOME podcast. I love listening to these old stories, especially as you tell them with a modern twist and cheeky commentary. :)
Haha, thank you. I’m glad you like the commentary, as it can tend to be polarizing among listeners.
Just discovered this podcast and thoroughly enjoy it. I had Sir Thomas Mallory and Lloyd Tennyson in high school and appreciate getting to hear the “short and skinny” King Arthur related podcasts. It might be cool if you could ID where one might have heard of the mythical creatures you share at the back end of your shows. Good stuff.
Yeah, definitely. Are you looking for sources, or just sort of a mention as to where this creature may have made an appearance in the wider culture? Usually the creatures are more obscure and just a fun little bit at the end of the show. I’d absolutely be willing to post my sources for each one, but I don’t think there would be much in the way of mentions of them outside of folklore.
I LOVE THIS PODCAST! Stumbled across the podcast looking for interesting things to listen to on my drive in from work. Downloaded a couple of episodes and was hooked and ended up binge-listening to them like I binge watch Netflix! Keep it up, so very entertaining!
Greetings! Thank you for your enjoyable podcasts – I am now an annual member. Listening to your podcast takes the edge off my overtime shift. Rock steady, drive on!!
Aw, thanks! It is a huge help, and you and others that have supported the show have really helped it grow to where it is today. Thank you.
Hey I just wanted to say this podcast has been pretty great. I just got a new job that involves a lot of drIving and its helped to pass the time. I would really love to hear more about the genii, an origin story perhaps?
Keep up the good work man!
Thanks! Glad you like it! Yeah, I’ve received a lot of requests for another story about the djinn, and I just found the perfect one. It will be a few weeks, but it will be good.
Hi Jason! I just wanted to say I love your podcast so much! I am currently a doctoral student and I spend long hours driving to and from school and my practicum site and your podcast is what gets me through those early morning drives! I hope you keep making episodes. I really enjoy your witty humor and how you add your own interpretations sometimes, very well done!
I just wanted to say that I’m a huge fan of your podcast! I’m a classical civilization minor, and I’ve always been fascinated by Greco-Roman mythology and culture. I love how you incorporate stories from other cultures and backgrounds, and I’ve never been disappointed!
Thanks! I always breath a small sigh of relief when someone who is trained specifically in these areas listens to the show and doesn’t hate it. Glad you like it! Let me know if you have any suggestions for cool stories :)
I love your podcast, I just found it on Friday and have listened to half your episodes already. Thank you so much for creating it.
That’s a lot of my voice :) haha, you’ve fast-forwarded through months of rough mixing/editing/mic technique. I’m glad you like the show!
Hey there! Love your podcast. Myths and Legends have always been interesting to me. I am a comic book artist and I listen while I work. I know it was a while back, but you put a call out for artists and I would like to offer up my talents for you. This would be fun. Here is the link to my site: http://www.colormechrisanderson.com
P.S. My dog’s none is Abby too. Abby Normal.
Hey! Thanks – I’m currently working with a designer for a t-shirt, and if that pans out, then there will definitely be more stuff in the future. I’m glad you like the podcast! Thanks for saying hi.
Keep up the awesome work Jason and Carissa. This is my fav podcast since I discovered it a few months ago. The content is always so interesting and Jason is the perfect narrator. Here’s to many, many more amazing stories! Loving your work from New Zealand ?
I’m a fine art photographer who works in 19th century processes so I spend a LOT of time in the darkroom. 12 hours a day on average. This means that I ravenously burn through hours of podcasts and music to keep me alert and focused— because I can’t read by red light or sear my glass plates with light from Netflix on my computer. That said, this podcast is one that I eagerly await every week— when I first came upon it I binged on it for 3 days. I am so thankful that you have legends from around the world! Romani and Slavic folklore are among my favorite genres and I am stoked about all of the Norse mythology. I would love to hear more about Celtic and Native American lore. But please, Please, PLEASE, consider doing segments on Turkish, Indian (Hindu), Mongolian, and Andean/ Mesoamerican myths and legends. It will enrich all our lives! In my artistic practice I draw from archetypal stories that can be found across the globe for inspiration— so you in no small way help me keep doing what I do best. Laughing the whole time!
Thank you so much for the wonderful content and fantastic listening experience! Good heath to you and your family.
I would love to do more stories on Turkish, Indian, Mongolian, and Mesoamerican. Unfortunately, they are a bit outside of my expertise, so it takes me longer to find the stories. If you have any you think would be good, let me know, and I’d be happy to take a look.
I’m glad you like the podcast!!
The Indian god Ganesh/Ganapathi has a lot of weird and interesting origin stories. The Epic Mahabarath also has some good ones.
Big fan of the podcast by the way! Let me know if you have any questions on Indian Mythology and I can help you out.
Yes definitely. I’m looking into Indian Mythology because it has been requested almost since the podcast started. It’s outside my expertise, though, so I really want to do the research to make sure I get it right.
Oh and my personal favourites are the Korean, Japanese and Native American ones
I love them all, but those have been some of my favorites, too :)
Hi Jason – recently discovered your podcast and am really loving it! You have a great gift for storytelling and I like the humour you inject with your asides. I always imagine that some of the ‘weirder’ elements of myths are related so some kind of ‘everyday practice’ of the people (so in the Volsung saga, I found it really interstesting the bit about Sigmund donning a wolfskin being related to the berserkers). I like the retelling of the Disney stories too (e.g. Mulan), as the originals are so much darker and more weird and interesting! Amazing work :-)
I really enjoy your podcast! I wanted to ask if you could tell more Greek and Roman mythology stories? I really enjoyed the one about Cupid and Pysche and Prometheus.
Love your podcast. I am an artist and a curator of, ‘Lady,’ an all female art collective based in LA. In past art exhibitions I ranged in themes focusing on bringing in female focused folklore, like La Sirena: Maiden of the Sea, and Persephone… and more. I like to celebrate women in a positive light because I feel that there is a lack of female power, and role models in today’s society globally. With that being said, I’d like to request a female focused podcast – not on the dismay of Super Women and Goddesses, not how they use their seduction to eat children or trick men or even be saved by a man. Perhaps a Podcast on Lakshmi, Kali, Green Tara, Nut, Isis, Gaia or the Sacred Feminine as a general topic. I know you can work your magic and create something fun the ladies would enjoy.
I’m always on the lookout for good stories, and the paucity of female-focused episodes is something I’m hoping to correct. I’ll look into what you mentioned. Thanks!
Just wanted to pop by and say that I really love your show. I have now binge listened to all of them, and am looking forward to more. The level of detail is perfect, and your sarcasm always brings a smile to my face. Sharing the podcast around work, and people are loving it as well. Keep up the great work!
I have always been of myths, legends, fairytales…in any form and as they fall into any category. BUT, the way you tell them with just a hint of sarcasm and facetiousness…it takes it to a whole other level! I love it, but I also find myself chuckling at your humor. Thank you Jason!
I absolutely love the podcast. Diving deeper into the stories I either thought I knew (thanks, Disney) or barely remember (6th grade ancient history is a little rusty almost 20 years later) is exactly what I didn’t know I needed! Requests: more Greek myths (!) and maybe some Persian ones. Thank you so much for what you do! I can’t get enough!
I just got an awesome book of Persian myths, so those will be making an appearance soon. I’m also planning on doing the Iliad, Odyssey, Jason and the Argonauts, and many more from Greek mythology.
Fantastic! I can’t wait to listen!
I’m absolutely hooked on your podcast. Thank you so much for making it, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Great stuff always, please keep up the notes about whether or not shows are appropriate for kids – my 11 and 8 year olds listen regularly. interestingly newborns on a ship alone didn’t bother them, a knight killing his dog when he didn’t need to did. Almost as odd as some of the Greek gods.
It’s always tricky to know what will be ok for families. I’m going to start putting all the stuff I think could be objectionable for kids in a little disclaimer section at the bottom of the discussion post, since I have recently learned that a lot of families listen to this podcast.
I commute about five to six hours, three times a week… and am completely jazzed to discover this excellent podcast! (I’m late arriving to the scene, but enthusiastic!)…
I also do freelance art / design work and I’m working on a poster right now while listening… so a great break from listening to my excellent musical selection… THANKS SO MUCH for the wonderful work!
Great podcast. I have an hour commute each way in the car and these really help pass the time.
Love the show! I’ve recommended it to several friends and coworkers.
Just curious, what state/part of the country are you from? I noticed some subtle different pronunciations.
I’m living in Upstate New York, but I grew up in Ohio. I’m interested to know, what pronunciations have you noticed? I’ve learned since starting this show that I have been saying some words incorrectly for years…like the word “pronunciation.”
Haha, well pronunciation would be one of them. Off the top of my head, the way I hear it, the way you say “saw” (for example, he saw her standing there), sounds more like sawl/sahl (versus sah). Very minor, I just notice things like that.
I actually find that really interesting. One of the things starting a podcast will do is help you find all the little things you have been saying weirdly or incorrectly for years but people either didn’t notice or didn’t want to say something.
Just want to say thanks and great job! I just found your podcast last week and I’m starting from the beginning. I’m an expat/artist/unintentional hermit living in Korea and this podcast is just what I need to spark my imagination and creativity! I listen to podcasts while walking my dog and it’s nice to have something so fun and well-researched! So, thanks from your new fan in Korea!
I found this Podcast about a 5 days ago and binge listened to all episodes. This is just the right amount of story telling and editorializing. Jason does a great job telling the stories while mocking the more ridiculous parts of the stories. Well done and thoroughly entertaining.
Thank you Jason! I am loving listening to your stories. I have a “wildly” useful degree in Literature and really appreciate the effort and beauty in your tales. Thank you again for bringing them to us. You have really helped bring some calm and happiness to my busy days. I am sharing the cast with a lot of people and I can’t wait to hear what they think. I love listening!
Jason, I wanted to let you know that this has become one of my favorite podcasts in the past few months! I found it in the “new and noteworthy” section of itunes, and I subscribed after listening to the first few episodes on my graduate school interviews in February. I listen to them on the bus, at work (I work in a lab, so listening and focusing is easy to do), in the car, and sometimes before I go to sleep at night, and when I get up in the morning and make breakfast. Your storytelling is very calming and pleasant. I really like the Japanese stories, I know you did a few podcasts already dedicated to these short and sweet stories, but I love their uplifting message. I would love to hear more, and I can’t wait for what you have in store every week. Thanks for the stories!
I love Japanese fairy tales. They have probably been the most surprising stories I’ve found over the course of the podcast. They’re very well-constructed, and they pack so much in to such a little space. We’ll definitely be seeing more of them on the podcast. And thanks! I’m glad you like the show.
Love the podcast! This has quickly joined my top 4 podcasts (geeks guide, nerdist, night vale and you ???) as soon as I am on a computer I will write an iTunes review. Could figure out how to via phone, sigh. Really enjoy the blend of historical tale and modern wry asides.
Aw thanks! Those are all good podcasts, and I’m honored to be mentioned among them :)
I only try and convey my love and appreciation for podcasts i truly enjoy. This is one of them. History has been an obsession of mine since I can remember, and that obsession came from seeing how stories that were told as legend actually happened to an extent and how they came to be in our modern time/understanding. I feel some have a difficulty with relating older information and conveying it to an audience but this podcast never (to me) has a lull or span of boredom. I was actually sad to learn these were already transcribed, as that is my job for a living. Getting back to King Arthur, Aladdin, the Norse myths and SO much more i haven’t even gotten to yet is exceptionally exciting for me. Love myths and legends from history? Look no farther. AMAZING job, sincerely.
Hi- I just found your podcast today and wanted to say how much I enjoy it. I teach World Mythology and have already suggested my college students check this out for more modern retellings of the stories we discuss. Thank you for putting good information into the world!
Wow, thanks! I put a lot of time into research, and I always breath a small sigh of relief when someone who teaches these stories in an academic setting says they like the show.
I found your podcast about a month ago and my kids (11, 9, & 8) and I have been listening to it during car rides. My kids tell me “don’t play it while I’m gone” and so we power through episodes as we drive everyone to their activities. It’s hard to find something everyone enjoys, but this is it. Thank you for making something fun, entertaining, and informative. My family and I appreciate all of the hard work that you put into these.
I just found this podcast about a week ago and am so hooked! I’ve almost caught up on all the back episodes (I listen at work and in the car), and I particularly enjoyed the Volsungs, since I’m a huge Wagner fan. Keep it up!
Hey Jason,
This is such an awesome podcast. I’ve read several books on myths, legends, etc and to find a podcast on things of this nature is really cool!
Maybe you can also look into incorporating where sayings come from that we use on a regular basis…i.e. “Let the cat out of the bag” or “pig in a poke.” These all come from historical things that happened to common folk and were incorporated into daily language but the original source sometimes is misunderstood or not commonly know.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
That would be interesting… thanks for the suggestion. That might be a cool change of pace episode, or a lighter one after the longer, heavier episodes.
Truly enjoying listening. My LO is really into fairies, and she would love to learn more (real stuff) about them, not the Disney’s version.
Amazingly well done. As a lit scholar, I can’t find a single flaw!!! Beautiful!!!
I am seriously addicted to this podcast! I am currently binge-listening from the beginning and I often find myself laughing out loud. Jason, your sense of humor is delightful and I love the way you tell the stories. I have been recommending the show to pretty much anyone that I know. Please keep up the amazing work!
I LOVE this podcast! I enjoy the storytelling so much. I’ve been binge listening and should be caught up soon. Keep ’em coming!
I am a Podcast fanatic with a deep love for fairy tales and myths. I was beyond delighted when I found this podcast and truly got hooked after the first episode. I started listening maybe less than a week ago, from newest to the oldest ,and I have now listened to all of the published episodes (neglecting my other podcast, haha). Thanks, for bringing such refreshing take on many stories that we love and introducing new ones to us. AMAZING JOB!
I just wanted to let you know that my 3 kids and I are OBSESSED with this podcast! My first intro to podcasts was ‘Serial’ and I wanted to find a good podcast that would be good for all of us to listen to. We found it! We love hearing stories we thought we knew. Creature of the week is also so funny and entertaining. Keep up the good work!
Hi there, quality of your voice track is great. What mic are you using? Backing music doesn’t work for me though. Too modern, doesn’t fit the theme. Subtle natural atmospheres might work better. Cheers, Diane di.hope@live.com
Hey Diane, thanks! Depending on what episode you’re on, I’m either using a Blue Snowball or a Heil PR40.
Sorry you don’t like the music. Depending on how far in you are, it might get less intrusive, but it always stays pretty modern.
Great podcast! I love the music particularly the 8bit tracks i think of Heracles whopping things with his club making Mario squashing sounds. Keep up the great work. I enjoy catching your new podcasts as much as any of Mr. duncans.
I am a THoR and Revolutions super-fan, so that means a lot – thanks!
Thanks for great episodes! I discovered your show a few weeks ago and just really enjoy the way you tell a story. It’s clear you put a lot of work into each episode. I’m often in the car for 2 hour drives and I love listening to your show while I’m driving. The Russian Fairy Tales and the Korean Folklore so far are my favorites. Have you ever thought of delving into modern urban legends? Keep up the good work and I’ll be listening!
The Russian and Korean folklore are some of my favorites, too! I’m glad you like the show and thanks for reaching out. I’ve thought about doing urban legends, but I’m torn. On one hand, they are shocking and interesting, and on the other hand they are pretty gruesome. Maybe this year for Halloween.
I really enjoy your podcast and as soon as I discovered it I raced through all the episodes on my way to and from work. I especially enjoyed the Volsungs saga and the story about Aladdin…I had a video of Aladdin when I was a kid and it was not the Disney Version, but went more like the version you told (alas it got lost in the many moves since my childhood home). I tell a lot of my patients to listen to your podcast as a distraction for their panic attacks or other troubles, because it forces them to use more of their brain power to both listen and picture the story than listening to music does, and the results so far have been positive. Anyways, I was also wondering if there was any chance of you doing Indian folklore/mythology? There are two major epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharatha which have numerous re-tellings but are originally based on some ancient sages who put them on paper. Contained within them are many stand-alone stories that are used in Indian culture to this day to tell kids about how to be moral upstanding people, and they are also depicted in comic books (Amar Chitra Katha). There are also the Vedas which contain much more mythology. Thanks again for the podcast, and looking forward to this weeks edition!
I absolutely love your podcast! Keep up the great work, guys!
Found your podcast on iTunes and just can’t shut up about it to my friends and family! Having loved fairy tales, mythology, and legends all my life, this couldn’t be more perfect for me. I love your approach to each story, contextualizing and fleshing out (Ha! Koschei the deathess!) the characters, as well as trying to understand their motivation from a psychological perspective. Great job!
Enjoying your show!!! And love your sarcasm! Keep up the good work!!
I love listening to your stories at bedtime. Of course, I fall asleep, which for me is the point since falling asleep is usually very hard for me. Would you consider putting your transcript up to read? I love your version and your humour.
Love the show! Thanks to you and Dan Carlin I am now a history/stories/myths/oldstuff fanatic! I have to ask because it’s been stuck in my head since I’ve heard it but what’s the song in the Hercules “labors” episode when Hercules is rushing the 1x waist for 3x giant cyclops? It’s been killing me. Ha.
I tried looking into it, but Hercules didn’t face a cyclops – at last not in the episodes I did. Theseus did in episode 17A on his mini set of labors on the way to Athens, so could that be it?
Ooh you’re right, not a cyclops, the giant. He had one waist, 3 torsos, and 3 pairs of legs. He killed him with a hydra arrow.
I love the work you guys are doing on this podcast! Highly recommended!
Great show, I listen constantly when I’m on the road. Kind of makes me want to own a sword.
They are surprisingly easy to find at flea markets, at least in the Midwest in the US. I have two…
Magical swords, though, are a bit harder to come by. Generally those are found in trees or rocks.
And thanks :) I’m glad you like the show.
Love this podcast! Catching up on back episodes. Thanks, Jason for your story telling wit & humor. Ready for more.
Love your podcast, Jason! I enjoy your take on all the stories, and I’m glad that you’re doing non-European ones, as well.
Also, who creates the episode art? Is it you? They’re great and add to the modern take on ancient stories.
I found the podcast through my Pocketcast app one day and jumped in with “Dragons”. Love the storytelling and absolutely love the music woven in with the tales, it really adds to the drama. I especially appreciate whenever the 8-bit music pops up (i.e. – beginning the adventure/quest of Iavain in Knights of the Round Table, very Zelda). Please keep up the great work!
I am from Hawaii and I grew up hearing Japanese folktales. Hearing some of them on the podcast (Urashima Taro especially) brings back childhood memories. Listening to them also makes them seem new. I grew up hearing them but now I am listening to them through an ear of perspective. I am an eighth grade teacher and my students listen to one story from the podcast a week during study hall and it always leads to great discussions. A great story for the podcast would be “Tsuru no Ongaeshi” (The Crane’s Return of Favor) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuru_no_Ongaeshi. It was my favorite growing up! Thank you so much for your excellent podcast!
“Song of the Sea” is how I found out about selkies, too. Seals are my favorite animal, I’m excited this is in your hopper.
Hi Jason,
I’m not much of a podcaster in general but I LOVE THIS PODCAST. Myths and legends are my jam (not in a scholarly way per se), and your retellings are the perfect combination of source authenticity and modern context. In fact, I do historic bookbinding and recently completed a binding of Bulfinch’s Mythology (https://brienbeidler.com/2015/02/28/contemporary-gothic-binding/) you may be into. Anyway, thanks so much – maybe I’ll try to do something with your transcripts – Any thought of editing and publishing those? Not that you don’t have enough on your plate…THIS RULES
Very nice binding! I’m glad you like the show, and there may be some plans for editing/publishing, but nothing I can talk about quite yet :)
Hey, Jason and Caris, I just found the podcast, and it’s pretty interesting. Do you have/are you planning on making any shows with selkies? I just did a quick search of your website, but it didn’t return any results. I’ve recently become aware of them, and I think it would be cool to hear stories about them.
Yes, I’m planning on it, I’m just looking for the right story. I watched “Song of the Sea” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_of_the_Sea_(2014_film)) recently and have been wanting to do a selkie story since.
I have been binging on this show and I absolutely LOVE it!! Some of the myths and legends I had already heard of, but many of them I had no idea about. Like how different the story of the Little Mermaid really is (just terrible). I have to admit that I got teary-eyed listening to the story of Geller (not sure of spelling) and I was at WORK. Keep those stories coming!
I got teary-eyed recording Gelert. Such a sad story…
I’m glad you like the podcast, and thanks for saying hi!
Just found this podcast last week, I’m almost half way done all the episodes! I love learning new things about myths and legends I thought I knew! Jason has a great voice to listen to. I recommend this podcost to all my fellow history majors!
I would love to hear more about Native American myths!
Thanks for making an entertaining and enlightening podcast!
I agree full heartedly I found this last Friday and only have 7 episodes left
I just started listening to your show
Last week I did not even know what a podcast was so I went on my app and this was the first thing to show up so I listened to it
And now I love it I have all your shows
By the way what is your email Jason I have a few questions I want to ask you
Wow! That’s awesome that this was the first podcast you ever heard. My e-mail is jason[at]mythpodcast[dot]com
Thanks so much
You said that you live up in New York well I used to live in Massachusetts
So I was wondering if you could do a podcast on the legend of the Hoosaic tunnel
I recently got hooked on your podcast and just finished listening to the first Viking story about Sigmund and c/o.
As a swede I enjoyed it tremendously! (And your pronounciation made me giggle a couple of times ^.^)
Anyway, keep up the amazing work!
love from Sweden
Those Sig- names… And I’m pretty sure I never said Sinfjötli correctly. Thanks! I’m glad you like the show.
Hi Jason,
I love your podcast! I’ve always been fascinated by old stories like these (especially the Norse myths), and this is literally the perfect thing for me. And there’s a bonus connection because I’m also an English major from Upstate New York! I’m not sure if anyone has brought this up before, but have you considered doing any episodes on the Kalevala? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalevala) It’s one of the main influences behind The Silmarillion, and has a lot of excellent (and bizarre) moments that would fit right in with the other stories you’ve told here.
Keep it up!
Hey Darren – first, thanks for becoming a member, and I hope you like the extra episodes. I haven’t read the Kalevala, but I’ll definitely give it a look. Thanks for the suggestion!
Great stuff man!
I listen to your podcast every day during my commute to work. I’ll soon run out of them :-)
Keep up the good work!
I really like the dedication you show in your speech, it is great to listen to somebody so passionate about what they do.
Your humorous comments along the story are sometimes hilarious!!!
Thank you very much!
Regards from Denmark
Thanks!! I’m glad you like it. It is a good amount of work, but I love finding these stories and sharing them with people who might not have heard them.
Hey Jason!
Thank you for the excellent stories. Your dedication to historical accuracy and ability to break down the tales with dry humour makes them all the more entertaining. You have received a lot of requests for Celtic folklore, if I may specify a request for some Welsh tales aside from King Arthur? Fascinating tales, but I say I’ve exhausted them, being my namesake! The Mabinogion is an excellent source for Welsh Folklore.
Looking forward to your episodes every Tuesday!
Oh, I’m planning to :) The Welsh tales I’ve read have all be very good, and I have a few in mind for the future. I have some very good books on Welsh folklore, so I’m excited about it. Any ones that I definitely shouldn’t miss?
Sorry- Not Howl’s Moving Castle, wrong cut and paste. I meant to post Hanes Taliesin.
Haha you sent me on a search into the folklore behind Howl’s Moving Castle…
I’ll likely be able to give Taliesin the time he deserves as the podcast goes on. I touched on him super-briefly in the Myrddin the Wyld episode, but his actual story is pretty good.
Hey Jason!
I just listened to last weeks podcast, so thrilled you’re doing some Celtic stuff this week.
I don’t know if you’re recorded it yet but if it is the story of Cuchulain it’s pronounced Ku-cull-in.
Love the podcast.
Just a quick comment, my trips to work has become far less boring now that im listening to your podcast – keep up the good work. Also as a dane i find it admirable how you have included our treasure “Hans Christian Andersen” in your episodes, its pretty cool :D
Hi, I just listened to the Call of the Wyllt episode. What is the piano music you use? It’s beautiful.
There’s been a lot of Norse on the podcast, but not much Celtic. Have you thought of doing an episode on Fionn mac Cumhaill?
There’s definitely some Celtic coming – I just got a few books with stories and background resources :) Norse Mythology is definitely my comfort zone, and I’m not as familiar with the background for Celtic mythology, but I’m getting there. Thanks!
I’m pro-Android so I can’t leave a review on iTunes. But I love this podcast so much. It’s a blend of my favorite things — excellent stories told by a guy that reminds me of Jim Halpert. The Office + myths. I’m pretty sure nothing is better. Thanks for doing this and I hope you can make enough money to make this you’re full-time job!
I would love to make this a full-time job! And I’m pretty sure Jim Halpert-style sarcasm was exactly what I was going for without even realizing it.
As further historical background on Vikings and all things British (Welsh, English, Scots, Saxons, Normans, etc), you may want to connect with Jamie who does the British History podcast from Portland, Oregon. Your two podcasts complement each other well.
I’m a fan of the BHP and it was part of my inspiration for starting this one. You’re right, our podcasts do complement each other, especially if people want to get deeper into the history behind some of the stuff I’ve covered.
Hey Jason,
Just wanted to agree with the many other people thanking you for the podcast. I listen to it coming home from night shifts at work to help me wind down. Can you do selkies as your creature of the week one week? They are one of my favourite UK mythical beings.
Yes, I want to do selkies either as a creature of the week or as part of a longer story.
I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie “The Song of the Sea”, but it’s an awesome animated movie involving some Irish mythology, and selkies in particular. I just saw it a couple days ago, so I’m raving about it, but check it out if you haven’t seen it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Song_of_the_Sea_(2014_film)
Hey Jason,
Thanks for the great podcast. I’ve been powering through for the last week or so and just finished the last Hercules one.
I especially loved the volsung podcasts. This story has been a favourite of mine since I was about 15 and read Rhinegold by Stephen Grundy. If you haven’t read it I can’t recommend it enough. Its an extremely well researched and written novelisation of the saga (brutally hardcore too). Very faithful to the source material also.
Bernard Cornwell has written a three book series on King Arthur called the Warlord Chronicles. It is thoroughly excellent aswell. It portrays the material more realistically that you usually get with those stories and is set in a post roman, dark ages England where the saxons are invading and christianity is slowly gaining sway over the old druidic religion. Merlin is portrayed as a druid and there are no knights (knights weren’t a thing yet), just warriors and warlords, clans and petty kingdoms. Highly recommended as well.
I’d love to know if you have read either of these works and hear your thoughts.
Keep podcasting!
Hi Jason, another of your international listeners from the home of King Arthur and Merlin. Although as you’ve already shown, it has come to be home to a great many different people over the years. Which is lucky because it means our stories become even more enriched.
I recently bought a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient poem from Mesopotamia. I’d love for you to turn your dry wit and modern references onto something written in 2100 BC and considered one of the first great pieces of literature. I think you could do it justice.
But even if it’s not something that interests you, I look forward to hearing your interpretations. It’s great that you’re making these stories so accessible, you versions are definitely the ones I’ll read to my children (save for the mermaids).
P.S. I loved your work with Koschei the Deathless.
Thanks again, Jared
Can’t say enough about this podcast. If there were seven episodes a week, I would listen to them all. For now I guess I’ll settle for a weekly fix. :)
Please keep it up!!! A rare gem!
Hey Jason, just wanted to let you know that you’re awesome (like you didn’t already know) and I love your show. I really enjoy your dry, monotone sarcasm. Somehow, yours is the most riveting voice I’ve come across in my very brief experience with podcasts. I’ve binge-listened to almost all the episodes in the last three weeks, but now I’ll have to wait until next week for another installment, and that kinda womps.
I don’t know if you came across this when researching Baba Yaga, but her hut’s “chicken legs” has been compared to structures built by the Sami people of northern Scandinavia. This got me thinking that there must be some myths worth exploring in their histories. I don’t know of any, but then I don’t know much about the Sami people in general.
Anyway, have a good week, and thanks for your work.
Hi Jason just wanted to say that the podcast is awesome and hope you keep going for a long time. I was wondering if you could do an episode (or episodes) on the whole romance of the three kingdoms saga, the only thing i know about it is from the Dynasty Warriors games and it seems really interesting. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Hi Jason, I would love to become a member on the site (was on Patreon for a while) but I do not have a paypal account. I was wondering if you would be making any other payment options available?
Yes! Absolutely. I should have payment options via Stripe and Visa up soon. I’ll let you know as soon as that’s the case.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for all your work on the podcast, I’m enjoying every minute of it. Unexpectedly for me, the Arthurian stories have been a favourite so far – unexpected perhaps because they come from a chapter of history I thought I had no interest in.
As a suggestion/request, I’d love to hear some Australian Aboriginal stories on the podcast. Storytelling has been supremely important in Aus Indigenous cultures for 40,000 years, and so the mythology (which varies from place to place but shares some central animistic beliefs) is rich, ancient, and unique, with stories that connect human problems with the physical land and celestial bodies. It’s really cool. Stories centre around an “everywhen” – called in English the Dreamtime or the Dreaming – which is a kind of continuum outside concepts of past, present and future, and provides the framework for how to interact with each other and the land. I can only assume the English translations fall woefully short of describing the subtleties and complexities of Dreamtime stories (not to mention erasing the differences across like 900 dialects) but they are still beautiful.
If you’re interested, this website is a good introductory resource http://www.thedreamingstories.com.au/. And if you’re REALLY interested, here’s part one of a great academic article about the epistemology/English misconception of the Dreamtime: https://theconversation.com/dreamtime-and-the-dreaming-an-introduction-20833
Also, look up the Bunyip – it would make a great Creature of the Week!
Thanks and apologies for the info-dump!
Hey Maddie,
I’m glad you’re liking it! And I’ve been surprised by the Arthurian legends too. They have everything – weird monster fights to deep character studies.
I would love to do some Australian Aboriginal stories, and I’ve received many requests for them. The only problem is they are well outside the range of my expertise, so the links you sent and the brief explanations are very much appreciated. I would love anything else you have, so let me know. I always try to get things accurate, but so many of the downloads come from Australia, that I would want to really know my stuff :)
And this is literally the 5th request I’ve gotten for the bunyip, so it really needs to make an appearance soon, haha.
Hi Jason.
I just started listening to your podcast and its great, now i listen it al day long. I hope you can make one on some mexican legends. There are hundreds of very interesting ones.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Thanks! I would love to do some stories on Mexican legends. Any ones in particular that I should start with?
I’m glad you like the show, and thank you so much for your support on Patreon too :)
Well there are some prehispanic legends like the love story of the Popocatepetl & Iztaccíhuatl which are two volcanoes (actually one is a volcanoe and another is a mountain) that are very important in our culture. Another prehispanic legend is the one of the “Red Queen” from Palenque.
There is also the legend of the eagle that stood in a nopal devouring a serpent that lead the mexica people to start a civilization in the valley of mexico.
There are some spooky stories like the “Llorona” or the doll isle that exists in the canals of Xochimilco.
Here is a link with some legends that can give you an idea of what you can look for. The only problem is that it is in spanish but it can help you as a guide.
If you need any type of help I would be glad to help you.
I recently moved to a new office in Toronto so am doing more commuting. Tried a few podcasts which I subsequently ditched and then came across yours and it was like sunshine breaking through the clouds! Really love the stories and your storytelling style has grown on with each passing week. I enjoy the wit you inject and the references to modern day entertainment that these stories have inspired.
As far as future recommendations you can’t go wrong with Greek and Egyptian myths and legends. However, if there are any Native American myths/legends of the likely hundreds that exist, those would be great to hear also.
Keep up the great work and happy to support your efforts!
First, thank you too for your support with the member’s section/Patreon. I’m incredibly grateful.
Some Native American myths are definitely coming up in the not-so-distant future. Haha, they are outside my area of expertise, and there seems to be a lot of cultural knowledge wrapped up in the stories as well, so I want to do them justice. They are coming, though.
Definitely more Greek up soon. Next month is Theseus and the Minotaur!
Since starting a new office job, I’ve been on the hunt for podcasts to listen to during the day. Myths and Legends is one of the best ones I’ve come across so far! It can be so difficult to find not just a myth, but an accessible version of that myth. You not only make these myths accessible, but entertaining. I love your comedic asides, your additional facts, and the atmospheric touches you put into the reading of those myths. I just finished the Boy who Drew Cats episode and I adored it. Japanese myths are my favorite for their unique atmosphere and their quiet despair.
In that vein, have you considered/would you consider looking into fox myths? The Kitsune is a popular figure, but there’s so many appearances of foxes in different cultures and stories, and I’d love to see how you’d pull everything together.
Keep up the good work!
I actually wasn’t really aware of a lot of fox myths other than the kitsune, but it was fun putting a lot of the narratives for the dog episode together, so I’ll look into them. Thanks for the recommendation!
Also, yeah, I have been blown away by some of the Japanese myths. They are such well-constructed little stories that really get you invested in the characters and situations despite being so short. Quiet despair is a perfect phrase for the mood of a lot of those stories – you’re absolutely right.
Also, thanks for saying hi :) I’m really glad you like the show.
Love love love your podcast! I was just listening to part 2 of the Ragnar episode and you mentioned Ivar the Boneless and a genetic condition called osteogenesis imperfecta popped into my head. Maybe he had that as it has a range of severities I believe. Just thought I would share. Keep up the fantastic work! Well wishes from Toronto, ON!
Oh wow, yeah, I could definitely see that. I’ve had another person tell me about possible causes, so I’m going to mention it on the show next week. Mind if I mention you by your first name? Is it pronounced like it looks (Tee-ha-nuh)?
Also, glad you like the show!! Thanks for saying hi :)
Yup that’s totally cool, and the pronunciation is correct! :)
Hi Jason,
My fiancé recommended me your podcast, really love it. A big fan of medieval mythology and lore. I am listening to it at work where the best part is, I am creating all this fictional world for movies, as a VFX artist and listening to your stories, fits in perfectly. Just finished the Volsungs saga and I loved it. After listening to the Aladdin story, I remembered that there was very old movie in my native language (malayalam), where the story occurs exactly as you described, albeit the place is in India not China and the movie isn’t so famous.
Would you ever consider doing anything on Indian mythology – you know Ramayana, Mahabharatha? And then we have so many folk lore – 32 Tales of throne is one of the most famous ones.
Once again, awesome podcast. Thank you for doing it.
It sounds like you have an awesome job, haha. I’m glad you liked the Volsung saga. It’s been one of my favorites so far, and if I only did one major story for this podcast, I wanted it to be that one.
As for Indian mythology – I would love to, I am just woefully ignorant when it comes to Indian myths and legends. I’ll take a look at the recommendations, but if you would happen to have any more, specifically major stories, I would be very happy to do a few for the show.
Will mail you some directions soon
I really love this podcast. I listen to it while I work. Could you do a story on Baba Yaga? I am actually making an artist book about death gods from around the world, and her story is brilliant and super weird. I think people would like it and I would love to hear your version. Also Baron Samedi is a good one too! Thank you for putting this show on!
Baron Samadi is super interesting, and, as bad as this sounds, I wasn’t really familiar with Baron Samedi beyond the Bond villain… I want to do more Canadian, US, Mexican, and Caribbean folklore in the future, so I’ll definitely include him.
Also, an episode with Baba Yaga is coming up! On 11/18 to be exact. Ivan and the Grey Wolf didn’t quite have the legs to go two weeks like I thought it did, so given that I’ve had so many requests for Baba Yaga after her appearance in 5A, I’m going to do another story focused on her in the week where I would have concluded the story of the Firebird.
W00t! Can’t wait. My mom read to me stories of Baba Yaga when I was a kid. That house with bird feet…
I really enjoy the podcast. Myths and legends are a bit of a hobby of mine, but their fragmented nature and the many narratives from various retellings and different oral traditions can make finding a coherent story difficult. It’s nice to just be able to listen to a story, whether I know it or not, and also learn more about non-Western based mythology. Also the amount of work which must go into the compilation and elucidation of a coherent narrative must at times be momentous, and it is inspiring. Please don’t stop making these. They make my commute far more interesting.
Also as an aside, and you probably know this, but Myrrdin is pronounced closer to “murthen” as the double dd in welsh is a th. Because phonetic spelling still isn’t a thing.
Thanks for reaching out! And I appreciate the understanding of just how difficult it can be to condense things into something that resembles a (hopefully) compelling narrative. As with anyone telling a story, there’s a tightrope walk between how much detail to include v. how much *needs* to be in the story when considering pace and listener interest. I have no plans to stop any time soon, so no worries there :)
Also, I have such a hard time with Welsh pronunciation… I have friends for most of the other languages I deal with and do not speak, but no one for Welsh. That, and there wasn’t a great consensus on the internet for the pronunciation of “Myrddin” specifically. Thank you for letting me know, and I’m going to do extra research on Welsh pronunciation in the future.
Love the podcast, excellent. I love the balance you have struck between modernizing the way you tell the stories, and the (amazing) sarcastic comments you make that literally make me laugh out loud. I usually don’t recommend podcasts, because I don’t want to be ‘that guy who won’t shut up about those weird audio pod things’ but I can’t help but tell anybody who I know listens to podcasts…Or who likes stories…Or who likes to laugh. So pretty much everybody.
I’d also like to recommend a creature of the week for you- the Jackalope. Everybody loves talking, alchoholic, warrior bunnies, right?
Haha, I know what you mean with recommending podcasts, so I doubly-appreciate you telling people about it. Also, I had written off the Jackalope until I looked into it at your prompting. I’m absolutely going to do it as a creature of the week – I had no idea it was such an interesting little creature.
Also, as an adult that’s way too into Batman, it’s an honor to know the dark knight is listening to my podcast.
Hi there Jason
My brother directed me to your podcast, I too am now addicted. :-)
Regarding our stories we can record and send to you, how about a written out version (via email obviously) and you read out the story? I am from South Africa and we have so many myths and legends here that I would love to forward on… but i would not want to put people through the pain of having to listen to my voice…
Yes! absolutely! That would work, and I’d be happy to read it :) Thanks so much, and I’m glad you like the show.
Keep up the good work Brother.
Thanks :)
Really enjoyed your podcast. Found while travelling to alaska and listened to it almost continously after departing texas. I’m not sure if anyone has suggested this, but I would love to hear a podcast exploring the myths and legends surrounding the possibly real person Ragnar Lodbrok, or if that is something that doesnt really interest you then just general Viking mythology is extremely interesting to me. I would also suggest for one of your creature of the week segments look into Kuchisake Onna, she is a very frightening character that many Japanese people still claim to see regularly. I think you would enjoy reading about her. Assuming you haven’t already that is. On an aside your episodes about Koschei were amazing, that is the first Russian folklore I have ever been exposed to and would love more.
First – you’re in luck! I literally just finished editing the first of two episodes on Ragnar Lodbrok that will come out this Wednesday. It’s very different from the History Channel series, but I think the legend is really interesting.
Second – I googled the Kuchisake Onna, and now I can’t unsee that. Haha, If I decide I don’t want to sleep ever again, I’m going to do an urban legends episode, and I’ll definitely include her.
Lastly – thank you!! My episodes on Koschei are actually my favorite so far. It was the first I’ve heard of this really bizarre (and actually kind of sympathetic, for a deathless kidnapping sorcerer) character. There are a whole host of Russian folklore stories that are just as good that I’m excited to do.
That is excellent. Looking forward to it!
Your podcast is amazing! I binge listened to them over the course of a couple days, and I wish I had discovered this podcast far in the future so I had more to listen to! I have a feeling that your podcast is going to blow up soon, and I am helping it on it’s way by recommending it to all of my podcast listening friends. I would like to suggest some of the more popular greek myths like Orpheus and Eurydice, Persephone and Hades, or Echo and Narcissus, but I love hearing things from cultures that I’d never heard before, so keep doing what you’re doing.
Also you have a really soothing voice
Really, thanks so much for all the recommendations to your friends. That’s really cool of you.
I absolutely plan on doing more Greek things. I honestly thought everyone would be bored with them since they are so well known, but after the Epic of Gilgamesh, more Greek myths is the number one request I get.
Jason. You are so great. I don’t think I know enough words in English to express just how great you are. Anyways the story about the boy who drew cats kept me in my seat the whole time. I was listening during my commute to work and I got to work before the story was over so I sat in my car until it was done. I ended up being late. Like super late but it was totally worth it. What a great story teller you are! Review to follow on iTunes. Keep up the good work!!!!
You know, that was one of my big goals – to tell a story so interesting that someone sits in their car longer than they need to in order to hear the end of it. It’s happened to me only a few times with podcasts I listen to, and it’s crazy to think someone did that with mine. Thank you for letting me know. Also please don’t get fired because of my podcast :)
Favorite new podcast, well done! Also, I love the way you use your words. Fun, tricky and very interesting. Highly recommend the show – that means all episodes.
Aw, thanks :)
Thanks so much for making the work day exciting. I would love to hear more stories about Celtic legends. But honestly all of it is good. I know there are so many amazing myths from all over the world and look forward to maybe some Native American tales as well. Again, thank you I will also post a review on iTunes.
Thanks! I’m glad you like it. I’m eager to jump in to the Celtic legends, and I have a few books on them, so they will be coming in the near future. I have virtually no background on Native American stories, so those will take a bit longer, but they’re coming too :)
Love the podcast, am quickly finding myself addictive. My one request would be to slow down the background summaries on episodes where characters often have their own lengthy backstory. Can be kind hard to keep up. Ie. Vickings/Norse Mythology.
Would to love to hear more African stories and tales from outside of Europe/Asia as well.
Keep it coming!
I completely understand, and I’ll definitely slow down some :) thanks for letting me know
G’day, found you from the recent reddit post. Already subscribed and looking forward to listening to all the episodes. Any chance you will be looking into The epic of Gilgamesh?
Haha, yes. Gilgamesh is the #1 most requested story I get, so I will absolutely do it at some point.
I had to analyse the Gilgamesh stories in high school, hated it! If you could make me like it again, that’d be amazing!
Happened upon this wonderful podcast while perusing iTunes. What a treat! I love legends and myths and all that good stuff and you, Jason, make it so enjoyable! If only school could have been like this! I know what it takes to do this kind of research and produce an awesome podcast, so I appreciate your hard work. I honestly had never been real interested in the King Arthur legend, but you hooked me. Keep it up!!
Hi Jason – just want to let you know my whole family is really loving the podcast. We do frequent hour+ car rides and podcasts are always on the agenda, the hard part is finding ones that everyone likes :)
So thanks for the hard work!
Wow, thanks a lot :) I’m glad you all like it. Thanks for letting me know, and thanks so much for the review on iTunes, I really appreciate it.
Just finished listening to the Volsungs cycle, Jason, and it was so well done. Great job of cutting through the clutter (the eternal problem in rendering the sagas for moderns!) and presenting a very enjoyable narrative. Your digressions are well and frugally chosen, and your asides very amusing. Thanks for all the hard work, and please keep ’em coming.
I just saw the review on iTunes, and I’m really grateful both for the
feedback here and on there. You mention knowing the story, and I was
honestly the most nervous about listeners like you, ones who know and
perhaps have studied the tales, and I’ve endeavoured to get things right.
It’s a huge encouragement that someone like you not only approves, but
enjoyed the show, so thank you so much.
Just wanted to say I really enjoy listening to your podcast. I found it on i-tunes, downloaded the first 3 episodes, and enjoyed them. I really like weird history stories and facts, and think your show fills those needs. I hope you produce a hell of a lot more!
Thanks so much! I’m glad you like them, and I’m totally going to keep making them.