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So maybe you don't want to subscribe yet - that's completely cool. You can play each and every episode right here on this page with the player below. Though if you enjoy it, I would really recommend subscribing. That way you can get the podcast each Tuesday night while you sleep. Except everyone else in the world not in EST. Then you'll get it in the early morning/middle of the day sometime.
Myths and Legends is a registered trademark of Bardic Enterprises, LLC.
This is such a good podcast. I love the way you tell each story and how you incorporate jokes to poke fun at the absurdity of the characters. I love the diversity in each story and you make them very easy to follow along and enjoy.
This is an amazing podcast with great stories. It truly pulls you into the story!
Hi! I’ve been listening to your podcast since 2016, and I look forward to it every Wednesday! It’s world folklore day and your podcast came up first in recommendations. I just want to say congratulations to you guys for what you have built here!
-Sarah from Virginia
P.S. I can’t wait for the next Monkey King episode next week!!
At work, we have Podcast lunches where we give new podcasts a try. I was shilling for you because hey, I like your stuff, and this is what I came up with: Myths and Legends Podcast by Jason and Carissa Weiser
Dive into the enchanting world of folklore, fairy tales, and epic sagas with the Myths and Legends Podcast by Jason and Carissa Weiser. Each week, Jason and Carissa breathe new life into the timeless tales that have shaped cultures and captivated imaginations for centuries. From the heroic exploits of ancient gods and legendary kings to the whimsical adventures of tricksters and mythical creatures, this podcast offers a captivating blend of storytelling and historical insight.
With a perfect mix of humor, drama, and thorough research, the Weisers uncover the fascinating origins and variations of each story, revealing how these myths and legends reflect the values, fears, and dreams of the people who created them. Whether you’re a mythology buff, a lover of good stories, or someone looking to learn more about the rich tapestry of human imagination, the Myths and Legends Podcast is your gateway to a world where the extraordinary is always just a story away.
Join Jason and Carissa on a journey through the fantastical and the awe-inspiring, where every episode promises to entertain, enlighten, and inspire.
Hey guys your podcast is one of the only things that have allowed me to survive through covid. Jason your voice is one of the best voices I have ever heard in a group of podcasts Myths and Legends, Fictional, and Scoundrel. The part that amazes me the most is that you can somehow do both funny and serious stories at the same time. Carrisa you do an amazing job on the audio for the podcast good job! Even though I am only 12 I have been listening to you podcast since I was 9 and I have gotten a membership and bought a t-shirt as well. keep up the good work and also just keep being amazing.
Thanks for everything and keep being amazing and doing what you do best.
Thanks, Peter
P.S. I think that episode 115 is very touching and even though it is not real it made me cry.
Hey guys I love you and your podcast so much and I listen to it as much as possible. The Lord of the rings references are great and so is everything about this podcast, you and Carissa do a great job. I may only be 11, and I know that you say “this episode isn’t for kids” or something like that but I have listened to almost all the episodes by now, even the scarier ones.
This is such a delight to listen to
Best wishes and best of luck in life,
Love Mackenzie😘
P.S. I’m currently listening to the podcast while writing this.
Love the show wanted to check for a status though because you haven’t had a new episode since the first week in May I remember that you guys were taking a week off but it has been a couple now. Hope all is well. You do a great job with these stories and I can’t wait for new episodes.
That’s crazy bro
Hey what episode is the story of the hunchback? The one where the people keep making it seem like someone else killed him? I can’t find it
Episode 201
Thank you for the work you do. Interestingly, of about a dozen podcasts available to inmates in Norfolk County jail, this was one of them. I used to dance about my cell to the theme song, but now I’m triggered and never want to hear it again. Thank you for the many hours we’ve spent together and for unwittingly lulling me to sleep on so many occasions.
Who liked the story you did?
im stich
Long time member, obsessed listener, and all around fan here. This episode was the very rare occasion that I didn’t like the “extended interpretation” of the protagonist reflecting on doing anything as a samurai, which led to loss of his family. Or, I should say, I did until Jason mentioned that he added this. It was too much of a reach as the original story ended with the focus on honor and sacrifice, not regret.
Myths and legends capture the social norms of a culture and Jason’s interpretation of the end took this story from a Japanese tale that emphasizes the Japanese author’s value of honor and duty. I think it’s important to walk a fine line between retelling and reimagining, and this time the reimagining took the ending right of out of the context and culture in which it was written.
My two cents…now back to being #1 fan!
Heyy Jason! I absolutely lovee your show, you’ve taught me sooo much during my 9-5 shifts LOL . I am so happy to have found your podcast, please continue to do this for as long as you can, you’ve changed my life in such a positive way!
Also im a new member to the site and im having trouble accessing the source packs, i’ve emailed a few times but no reply not sure if it’s getting through to you. Please help! I’m very exciting to start some reading
Thanks again!
i am the biggest bird im the biggest bird o no o no im the biggest im the biggest bird dont what you heard but im the biggest bird lol
Hey there! I love your podcast and your way of story telling, as well as your soothing voice.
If you’re able, please do more episodes on Latin America. If you could please do one of the many legends of the Aztecs, like Popocatepetl.
Thanks for an amazing podcast!
Love the show so much! I listen every day, I really enjoy the story telling so much!
I love listening to this podcast the way you tell it is so great and the dialogue is casual and yet fits with the story. But I need more monkey king! It’s by far my favorite story you’ve told and I really can’t wait to find out what happens. BEST PODCAST EVER.
Beautifully weaved, intent with every word. You guys are amazing at this, please keep it up.
Such an amazing podcast I listen to different one every night. I can’t wait for more.
Are all the episodes posted on the website? I have been trying to find the resources you used for episode 275 Free Bird. P.s. I love this show so much, I’ve been listening daily for years, thanks for all the work you do!
I only just discovered this podcast and I love it. Jason’s voice is perfect for storytelling and his sense of humor is refreshing and wonderfully sarcastic. It’s easy to get lost in the stories and lose track of time.
Not sure if you’ll ever see this but I LOVE this podcast, and I would love to hear more Asian stories, especially from Thailand. There’s the story of Sang Thong that I’d love to hear your take on.
Best podcast there is. I cant go a day without listening. Love the humor and the occasional gruesome details. Really, I can’t recommend this podcast enough. My favorites are the 1001 Nights, but theyre all fantastically.
Hi all,
Thank you for all the stories you tell.
I am wondering if the Spanish version has a website with transcripts. It would really be helpful for learning spanish.
I really love the podcast. Your episodes are great and the podcasts are really good but I want to learn more about the myths and legends that you talk about and I want to know.
It would be great if you could have a list of resources on the website which tells us more about the myths.
Best wishes,
Hey, just letting you know that there is a subpage on this site of all the sources from each episode to read yourself and get a further look in.
Everything okay? I have been waiting around for the ad free version of the latest episode to drop in my feed, but it never appeared. I thought maybe I should unsubscribe and resubscribe on Pocket Casts, but that didn’t help. So now I’m just trying to figure out whether the problem is unique to me, to Pocket Casts, or something else. Help?
Never mind. I got it fixed. :)
What is going on with the production these days? I love the show but my membership lapsed and I’ve been listening to episodes for current back to about 140isb. In the most recent episodes especially there is at least one or two repeat sentences, like the actual production is off. But wow, this Hans Christian Andersen episode that dropped today was impossible to listen to. Idk if y’all were trying to make a shadow of a voice behind the main narration but it was like multiple people saying the same lines over and over for the last half of the story. Could barely make out what was being said, and it’s never been the style to mess around too much like that. I’d love if someone can make sure there are such big errors going on, as a paid member I really really love the show but the quality has gone down lately – just not as fluid and seamless in editing. Idk if y’all are stretched too thin these days with your extra projects but I really hope I’m mistaken about epsiode 269 being so messed up. I’ll see if platforms other than the podcast app on my iPhone give the same issue.
I’d like to second this. Noticed it happening a little here and there – a repeated take getting left in, but nothing too distracting, and I get that it’s very difficult to catch every mistake in editing. But this episode was genuinely unlistenable for the exact reasons Mel gave above. I Had the same thoughts about the possibility of it being a creative take on shadowing the story, but if that’s the case, it wasn’t a great execution.
Hey everyone! There was a big production issue with the episode this morning that has since been fixed. It definitely was not an intentional choice – we’re not THAT artsy.
We tried hiring outside help and this was the first episode in over 300 that wasn’t audio edited by either Carissa or me and it’s not something we are going to do again. Every episode from here on out will be edited by us.
So sorry about that and thanks for letting me know. If you still want to hear the story you should be able to refresh the feed and re-download.
Hi, I’ve been a big fan of this podcast since 2016 and I’ve loved watching it grow. I started listening on the way to school. Then in college I started listening to get to bed, and it was the only way I could sleep. Having listens for so long I noticed the inception of short ads in your own voice which were minimally intrusive, then in later episodes longer ads still in your own voice. My problem with the ads begins with the intrusive ads that are loud and intrusive in the beginning and middle of episodes. The problem then culminates in these same ads being added to previous episodes (I had resorted to relistening to avoid these ads). I completely understand the need for these ads to keep your show running and I love that you have enough of a support base to warrant so many sponsors; however, I pay for a membership and was disappointed to find that even using website with and active membership included ads. Thus, I would like to propose an ad free subscription option at least for listening through the website. I know I would definitely not mind paying more to be able to listen to these wonderful tales without ads and I’m sure others would as well. Maybe I am overstepping my bounds here or don’t understand the logistics behind running a podcast, and I don’t mean to be disrespectful in any manner, I would just love to be able to listen to the podcast unobstructed and would appreciate if you would at least take this proposition into consideration as I personally can find no other fault with this show.
Hi Maya – if you have a membership, you should have access to the member feed that doesn’t have ads. If you log in on this site with your information you should see a page that has information about accessing the member feed, including a link to listening to it through your browser.
I’m not affiliated with the podcast, but I also have a membership and have not had ads in old or new episodes since subscribing to the member feed.
That hasn’t happened to me. Must just be you
You guys do such a good job with your sponsors’ spots, any chance you and your wife could do an episode as a duet?
Hello! I would absolutely love it if you told more Monkey King stories. They are the best! I love them.
Also, could you retelling the first Norse Saga you ever did? I want to listen to you redo them! Thank you, and I love it all!
Hello! I just want to say I absolutely LOVE your podcast!!!
I was wondering if you could do some episodes on Spanish, Asian, or Greek folklore.
Also I just LOVE the fairytales you do….could you maybe (you don’t have to) do a couple more fairytales?
Hiiii! my name is Malin Miedema and I’m a HUGE fan! I discovered this podcast about two or three years ago when I was going through Spotify (Just browsing for something actually interesting to listen to) and this one caught my eye. I then continued to watch all of the episodes by which one sounded most interesting, then I started to listen by date. I’ve been listening to all of the for the 60000000th time over again and I still love them! it gets me excited every week! I’m such a myth and legend AND myths and legends nerd! I really like how you do your shows, making Wednesday my favourite day of the week, and when you release your shows!I know I’m only 12, but thank you for continuing to do more episodes and I really appreciate the time you spend researching and recording! I also admire all the sarcasm you add in there, as a VERY sarcastic person myself I really love it!
I really like the one you’ve done these past few weeks! Again, thank you so much!
Can you do more of the Arthurian Legends? (unless you’ve done them all of course, then you don’t have to. Of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to or anything, but I’m really interested in them soooo ya.)
Man, thank you so much for this. The only podcast I actually enjoy listening to. I can tell you put a lot of work into the show and you definitely keep my attention. Great story telling. Can’t thank you enough for this
Hi Jason, I just wanted to let you know your podcast have greatly improved my life. I’ve had insomnia for as long as I can remember, but I can fall asleep instantly listening to your podcast. I don’t mean that in a negative way, I truly enjoy listening to your stories and wish I could stay awake, but they help me feel relaxed and put my thoughts as ease. Thank you much! I genuinely love your work!
Soooo, as a Spotify subscriber, who’s never listened to a podcast – and in fact, thought she could never enjoy listening to just TALK, as opposed to music, while driving – but suddenly became tired of listening to music all the time (ironically), I searched for something to do with myths on Spotify. Whether it be myths dispelled or the true tellings of myths, I happened upon Jason’s Myths and Legends podcast. I was instantly hooked.
Not necessarily with the retelling of the stories as they were meant to be told, or the idea of HOW MUCH RESEARCH it must’ve taken to accomplish this feat (both exceptionally impressive)… NO… It’s the intelligent, and very observant commentary he adds in his dry tone that is the drug I’m addicted to! If you don’t listen carefully, you might might miss all the best parts of these stories!
I’m only about to start on episode 11-Japanese fairy tales, but I haven’t listened to music (in my car OR with earbuds while at work), since I discovered this channel.
I look forward to continuing with my new obsession, and will soon be donating to this wonderful break from reality that I get to escape to everyday!
Cheers to you, Mr. Weiser (and Carissa) for bringing such a wonderful product into this world! ❤️
PS – you have ENOUGH trouble pronouncing names in your tales. So, I’ve included the phonetic spelling of my own. It’s native American and means little dove… In case your curious of the origin. Fun fact: I’m named after Sacheen Littlefeather who accepted an award for Marlon Brando in 1973,the year before I was born. Just in case you ever decide to some sort of native themed podcast series. ?
Hi guys I just wanted to say how good your show is I’ve been watching it for about three years now and it is the delight of my day I watch it when I come home from school just wind down and I think you guys have done an amazing job i’m looking forward for new episodes
Hi I absolutely love your podcast I’ve listened to all of them and I especially love the Japanese folklore ones as a lot of your stories coincide with my traditional bodysuit funny enough! (Shuten doji and Raiko are on my chest lol) Your show gets me through my long days at work and they are so well done I’ve had no issues relisyening to them over and over! The way you tell the story are so quirky and you bring them to life in imaginative ways that are exciting and new and I can’t get enough! Love it!!!
First of all, I love your podcast, it is amazing! I have listened to nearly all the episodes, and I’m very sad that I am almost finished. But I just wanted to let you know that some of the more recent episodes have had a few little blimps, like repeated words or a few skipped words, its not a big deal, just abit annoying.
Love laughing at this podcast while listening to great stories
More Greek mythology episodes please… I love those???
Same I lovvvvvvvvvve Greek Mythology!!!!!!
I love this podcast so much! I love your creativity to keep the listeners engaged!
Hello! I absolutely love your witty takes on the myths and fairytales, it is so captivating and eye-opening to listen to these, and I’m still in the early episodes but I just really enjoy how accessible and fascinating you’ve made them. I listen to them when I fall asleep (not because they’re boring!) when I’m doing chores and when I’m doing homework, and I’ve shared your show with my parents who are interested in Egyptian mythology! I really appreciate how you include content warnings as well, and the creatures of the week are delightful. Thank you so much for telling these much-needed stories. You’re amazing!
Hello, I am a first time podcast member and I am still getting ads. I came over from google podcast to start the podcast over cause I finished it and I wanted to listen without ads so I became a member. How do I listen without ads?
A truly great find. I have passed it on to others.
This is a great podcast! The narrator has a fantastic voice, the tone is serious but lightened up by sporadic jokes and the content is very, very, very interesting!
Hey Jason, love the podcast! About halfway through the backlog, my favorite so far is Hong Gildong. Would it be at all possible to get a text version of the episodes, so that I could share them with my deaf sister?
also can you do more Russian folklore I always really enjoy them.
can you do a episode on Pinocchio
episode 112 a b and c
I would give this three stars. The korean ghost stories were good and interesting and really different from stories here in the US but all the ads throughout the podcast kind of overwhelmed and frustrated me because they would go from saying part of the story to an ad and I understand that ads are how they keep the show running but maybe saying we’re gonna take a quick break or something might be helpful. I think my favorite was the story about the town that couldn’t tell human and cow faces apart and the girl ended up killing both of her brothers because she couldn’t tell them apart from cows. I think that it’s one of those stories that is so out of this world that you wouldn’t think it has a deeper meaning or lesson attached to it but it does. I think the lesson was that sometimes we as people get so caught up in life that everything begins to get blurry and when we get a chance or are forced to stop and think about things or see something that we don’t recognize it. Overall I loved the stories and the speaker’s voice was very clear and concise.
Hey! When it comes to the ads, can I ask what you mean? They shouldn’t interrupt the stories at all. They should only come in after we mention that we’re taking a break…
Hi Jason, there’s been a few episodes where the ads interrupt the middle of an episode and there was no mention of a break happening. I’ve listened to a few newer ones and now I’m thru the first… 8-10? I was hoping becoming a member would mean no ads at all. “? : ( still happy to support the show!
Hi thanks for the good work on this podcast. I am a paid subscriber however am having trouble downloading a couple of your recent eps. that’s episode 226 and 228. I am using Downcast on the mac. and only get a “Queued for download” message. can you help or take a look at the feed?
Hey will you do more urban legends. They’re my favorite to listen to and it is fun to retell them to my friends
I can’t access the member feed even though I am a member It just brings me to the become a member page
Help please
favorite podcast ever!!!!
just to add, I only just became a member, but I’ve been listening since a few weeks after it came out.
I love this podcast so much! Your voice is so soothing and perfect for story telling. I also love your sense of humour, it’s honestly been such a stress reliever!
Also have you heard of the East Asian myth called The Red Thread of Fate? I would love your take on it!
Keep up the amazing work!!
Hiii First of all I am new in this, and Im using your podcast as a way to improve my English. I have to say that I loved all the episodes Ive heard so far… However I would like to know if there is any kind of trasncript and how I can get it. Im suscribed on Spotify but there you can only listen and I am really interesting in getting the transcripts for my learn….
Alex :)
PD: My favorite episode is 10B!
This podcast is very dear to my heart and is actually one of my favourite “tools” in my coping toolbox. I have an anxiety disorder that sometimes also causes me to fall into depressive episodes, and whenever I’m struggling I always listen to these stories to comfort and ground me. You’ve created a safes pace for me, thank you
Yo I just finished the backlog!!! The timing was super convenient too with that message about next Tuesday (I’ve been thinking about leaving comments earlier.) I’m liking the Russian stories and hope there’s another episode about Bulat the Brave Companion or Ilya Muromets.
This is definitely my favorite podcast (and my top one of 2020!!), and it’s my favorite source of knowledge for myths and legends. I would absolutely love it if you could include some of the Mahabharata in future episodes! I know it’s a suuuuper long read, but I’d love to hear you tell some of it at least! Keep of the good work!! Thanks for keeping my brain fueled since 2015!
Jason ive tried to login to the member only feed for a week and its telling me an error code
Been Listening to this podcast for about a year and a half, 13,000 minutes this year your podcast saved me from the reality of 2020. Today for Christmas I got a memebrship and can’t wait to escape into thousands of more minutes of all these great stories!
if you wrote them
I really like your podcast, but i would much appreciate it if you:
1. State the riddles in episode 9.(I couldnt even find a transcript, or anything about it on this website)
2. Write transcripts for every episode.(I know that, that would really be hard, because you have skipped some of them and wrote little transcripts, and i would like this podcast, even more.)
i am forced to watch this during school im in pain please send help thank very
lol me to
I have been listening for years and have listened to every single episode. One of the absolute highlights of my week. – when a new episode posts! Now, I am a member and looking forward to checking out the special member episodes. Thank you Jason and Carissa, for years of entertainment, education, distraction (especially in 2020!), and fun. You have made the drudgery of commuting a joy! ❤️
I’ve never been so interested in podcasts before. Love Myths and Legends. Thank you so much for creating this!Hope you never stop with these amazing stories!
Sorry for repeating the same comment
I’ve never been so interested in podcasts before. Love Myths and Legends. Thank you so much for creating this!
thank you for such an amazing podcast! i was wondering if you’ve done a series of creation mythologies? i’ve always found them to be incredibly interesting; each culture’s take on how the world came to be!
Such a fantastic Podcast. I listen to it with my children (9&13) as well as my high school students. Is there any way to get a list of the various creatures in the “Creature of the Week” segment? I’d love to be able to get a look at what you’ve covered but I can’t see how without going through each and every episode – which I’m happy to do, but don’t have the time for.
Can anyone help me find an episode I heard a while back? It was about a guy who befriends a talking horse (I think) and maybe marries a queen but doesn’t realize that he’s been there for a few hundred years. When he leaves whatever realm he’s in he realizes the world has changed and he finds is talking horse friend again. Man, I hope some of that was accurate because it was an episode I really loved.
I think this might be koschei the deathless. Episode 5A and B.
Turned out to be ep 117 but I haven’t heard those other two yet so now I’m really interested!
Episode 117: What did it Cost?
YES omg thank you! I’ve been trying to figure this out for like a year!
Hey I love your show! It’s easily my absolute favorite podcast!!!!!!!!
Any plans to do more Anansi episodes in the future? I’d love to hear more African folk tales and mythologies.
Hi, just found you on Spotify and loving the myths and legends.
I love finding out about the ‘true’ stories behind these modern and popular retelling.
I also love learning about the actual stories rather than the dressed up Disney/Hollywood versions.
Nursery rhymes (as I’m British) are a particular favourite like Humpty Dumpty or Mary Mary quite contrary.
Keep it up and looking forward to more.
I really like your podcast. You do a good job at it.
I discoverd you by Habitica. I loved your story. Your voice is magical! It is design to do radio. What I like the most is to learn an other version of the story I already know. For now, my favorite is Snowhite! Continue your good work
I’ve been listening to Myths and Legends since March while I work every week day and I love it! I’m already on episode 99 (or podcast 140) and plan to listen in order till I catch up.
I just found out about it in Habitica and I really love it! Awesome work! ❤️
I also found it in Habitica ^^
Hi! I’m relatively new to the podcast, and so far, I love it– I’ve always loved any form of storytelling. I just had a quick question– what’s the difference between mythology and folklore?
I’m not an expert, but here are some thoughts to probably take with a grain of salt: To the best of my understanding, mythology tends to have at least a bit of a religion/spirituality/supernatural-related element, whereas folklore is more purely urban-legend type of things. So, bigfoot or loch ness monster = folklore, whereas “the holy grail” or Zeus and Hermes, would be myths. If there were lots of stories about bigfoots having some sort of magical/spiritual properties (which IDK, maybe there are), then when you get into that, bigfoot would become more of a myth instead of just folklore. Although, I think leprechauns are supposed to have magical properties, and I think of them as folklore more than myths. Perhaps it’s whether the supernatural element is a main aspect of the creature/story, or whether the supernatural part is just part of the details added to the story. Again, I’m not 100% sure on the exact details.
Hey, congrats for the podcast, I really love them, I got here from Habitica and I’m really glad!
I’m from Brazil, and we have a lot of indigenous myths that you could like!
Your amazing. I started listning yesterday and i am already hooked
I’m a tween and I really like your podcast but I would really appreciate before the halloween episodes you would give me a warning because I don’t really want to listen to those at night. I really like it and i’m already listened to all of it 1 time and i’m listening to it a second time. I hope you keep doing this it’s a great form of entertainment!!!
Hi, Jason! I’ve been listening to Myths and Legends nonstop since it first began, when I was about six. You’ve provided fantastic entertainment For half of my life and I really appreciate it. Keep up the good work!
Hey, I love the show, and I listen to it everywhere. I love the humor and the way you tell the stories. Thank you.?
Let me start off by saying that I count myself so lucky, having discovered this podcast last week (I know, I know), it’s led to sleepless nights because the stories are so riveting. I have always loved mythology and I am devouring the episodes, sometimes to my detriment the next day!
Love and adore this podcast always, it’ll forever be my #1!!! I would love to see a topic category of all your episodes with female main characters so i can re-listen to all of them at once!
I remember listening to an episode about a ring that makes sad people happy and happy people sad. Does anybody remember which episode this is? Unable to find it again.
Hi M&L, could you possibly suggest a kid story I could convert for a skit or readers theater for a spring concert? On that has the occasion of spring breaking, so strong nature themes and animals? thanks in advance! btw I love love lOve your show, and your casual, relaxed tone XOXOXO
Love the Hamilton reference in 169- 1001 Nights: A Bottle of Djinn.
Also, I love the way you take classic stories and turn them into something new but still leaving the backbone and vibrancy of the old stories.
I am about 5 episodes in and I am enjoying this immensely. It is great to listen to while I crochet and relax.
I just started listening to this podcast and I really like it! I started with the very first ones but my favorite episodes so far are the ones with Odin and his band of cohorts. One thing I really enjoy is your sarcasm/deadpan in the stories, it makes me laugh. If that makes sense! ?
This show is amazing i’ve been listening for over a year now and need to renew my membership because the show is so good.
keep up the good work?
Best freaking podcast ever
I love this show!
Habitica brought me here. Amazing!
I’m very curious about how Habitica brought you here. I love the site – it’s what I use for all my todo stuff and planning and it’s legitimately changed my life for the better.
I have been listening to myths and legends on spotify for the last 4 months and I am so hooked! Thank you for all the hard work! I usually listen when I am driving and at work(sshh). Looking forward to more adventures!
I really appreciate how you tell these stories. I have shared it with many coworkers and …relatable and just enough sarcasm to keep me grinning. friends.
I love Habitica too for keeping me on task. I often, but not always, join in a weekly “challenge” to listen the current episode. No challenge there!
Easily my favorite podcast!
ok thank you for reading
Have started listening in the last week or so to keep me company while working from home. My first podcast and absolutely love it. At ep 27B from listening from the start and so happy there is so much cool stuff to go to catch up.
Hi, I am an english learner so I am wondering if there is some transcript of the stories that could help me to understand better. Thank you.
Hello, I am in love with your podcast, especially the greek myths episodes so please, for the love of zeus, get to that trojan war, I am so intrigued!!!
Hey! Just passing by to say thank you, for your amazing podcasts :) I had a very tough year making biology experiments with a team I didn’t like a lot, counting over 2400 Daphnia per day (microscopic zooplankton. This is as fun as it sounds). Your voice accompagnied me during those hours, making me laugh and generally making my day better. Thank you so much! Now I can listen to you during long night car rides, and you never disappoint^^
Also, just a quick idea, if you wish – I live in Poland and there are some quite unknown to the world legends around – I recommend Wars and Sawa from Warsaw, Popiel king who got eaten by mice or the Cracow dragon. If you ever run out of ideas, may this be somekind of help^^ Help in pronounciation is included here. Thank you for your amazing work
i have listened to this podcast a while and i absolutly LOVE it!!!!!!
i think it is cool what you did here. it is just a great podcast.
i really like the egyptian mythology and greek/roman mytholoy.
i also think yur voice sounds great.
Thank you for all the work and love and humor you put into this podcast. I love it so much! I’ve got something fun to share! I just listened to the latest episode, #149 Son of a Peach, yesterday and LOVED it! Today while searching for chill work tunes I came across this album by Takenobu! Guess what the theme is? MOMOTARO!!
So I recently just stumbled upon Myths and Legends. I work alot of hours and am have a ton if time to kill while working. Anyway, I can’t thank you enough for making my work day so much better. My 12 hour shifts fly by so fast with the podcast in my ear. Thanks again! Absolutely love the show!
New favourite fairy tale! On a scale of one to even, I can’t. This is a phenomenal story, and I am so glad you saw it for what it was, and did it justice <3 Thank you for your gift of storytelling, and for being a bad ass feminist :)
this podcast is amazing, I’ve been listening for over a year and I really have seen how much you guys have grown!, also ive been trying to contact you on twitter to let you know that im really looking forward to the continuation of the fictional podcast, I really liked it.
Hi, I’ve just read War and Peace and I’d really love to hear it told by you on fictional and your perception of it as I find it really interesting when you go into history on the Myths and Legends podcast. Once again, I love the show and I have told all my my mythology loving friends (a lot of them) about this podcast. I think that by the end of the school year, your podcast will be the talk of the school. My school librarian has already taken an interest into fictional. Anyway, I would really like to hear you retelling War and Peace and I think a lot of listeners would enjoy your retelling of it.
Hi Jason! I absolutely love your podcast! I like your 21st century comments, and that you don’t put in curse words and that you put in disclaimers for possible uncomfortable issues. I am so glad I joined! I do have a question – forgive me for being computer-challenged. You say that there are extra discussions on this website for members, but when I pull up an episode, I look and look, but I cannot seem to find the discussion page. Thanks so much!
If it hasn’t been done I think you could get alot of play from journey to the west! Keep up the good work either way! I’m hooked!!
Is there an episode or a creature of the week on Kokopelli? I would really love to hear it if so!
I also thought it would be good if you did an episode on Chinese Mythology. I don’t know much about it and it is supposed to be really interesting. I think it is different to Chinese foklore.
Hi, I love this podcast. I love the way you tell the stories and I am certain that there is no better podcast out there than this one. I always enjoy listening to your analysis on the stories and I love slipping into the world of mythology and fairy-tales. You have completely changed my opinion on fairy-tales. I used to think that they were nothing more than a dragon, a knight in shining armour and a happy ever after ending. I always look forward to Wednesday’s now with the knowledge that I get to listen to another episode. Fictional is great too.
OMG Thank you so much for one of the best podcasts out there (love fictional too!). question, when do the member podcasts come out? ☺ keep up the awesome work!
Just started listening, thanks for this great podcast!
Oh my goodness! Amazing article dude! Thanks,
However I am going through problems with your
RSS. I don’t know the reason why I cannot join it.
Is there anyone else having similar RSS issues?
Anyone that knows the solution will you kindly respond? Thanks!!
i love your stories. i listen to them all day long at school. thanks for your good stories soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
Great podcast! I’ve been listening 4 episodes daily since I discovered it. Keep the awesome job and greetings from Mexico!
Love the podcast! You do a great job retelling the tales with a clear, contemporary style. I think sometimes old wisdom gets lost in old wordings, but you communicate in a way that is funny and engaging. Keep up the great work!
I’m currently writing a fantasy novel based on more traditional ideas of the Fae and I was in a discussion one night with a guy at a party, talking about this. He recommended this podcast to me. I conveniently had a six hour drive ahead of me soon after, and I decided to give Myths and Legends a go. The next six hours passed extremely quickly as I was transported into a world of traditional myths, told in a new and refreshing way. Even those stories I am already quite familiar are just as engaging, and the way Jason provides wonderful and amusing commentary throughout had me laughing at many points (although I’m sure some other motorists were somewhat concerned at the lady throwing her head back in laughter down the highway). I now find the wait in traffic each morning a blessing as I get to listen to more of Myths and Legends before having to go back to the reality outside of my car.
Hey, I absolutely love your podcast (especially the Greek stuff!) and have recently become a member. Just have a small suggestion that may be helpful for new listeners such as myself: a page on your website just of a list/table of all your episodes with stuff like episode number, membership only flag, release date, theme/main character, perhaps country of origin. It would be a great help!
Love what you’re doing!:) David.
This podcast is absolutely amazing!!! I listen to it while doing homework and it is surprisingly helpful to focus.
We had to listen to the Epic of Gilgamesh in September for World History, and ever since, I have been listening to this podcast while I clean my room, which is a lot because I am a very messy person and it takes me a whole day, sometimes more, to clean my room. I have always loved faerie tales and myths and stuff like this, so I find it very entertaining. Thanks for making this amazing podcast. It has taught me so much.
Love Greek mythology stories. Sudden but inevitable betrayal. Great prequel to the other Greek stories.
So im a new father. My son, Siren and I listen to your wonderful podcast everynight. He has a half brother named Odin and if you cant tell mythology is a big deal in our house. We are so glad to have found you. We hope ypu are able to do this for as long as you want.
Fictional is pretty rad too.
Thank you.
Just found this podcast yesterday on spotify and i absolutely loved it!
Thank you for the great work, hope you can do something on the Chinese beast “Nian” soon!
Love from Singapore!
I’m a 52 yr old floor fitter and listen to these tales while at work. Great to hear the original storylines in modern speech.
Telling everyone how good the podcast is and easy to listen to.
Your doing an awesome job Jason, and your production crew too. Keep it up and greetings from Belfast.
So i just found your podcast like four days ago and i’, a total historian, fiction, myth, and legends. So i was really stocked when i found this podcast. you found all the historic stories that i always wanted to learn about in this podcast which i can listen to anytime, anywhere. Its funny, entertaining, and educational. also your voice is really add an extra effect to the stories. Than you!!!
Recently discovered your Podcast which is both informative and entertaining (and shouldn’t these stories be both?)
Being an English speaker it is a little hard for me to work out your rapid American (e.g. It took me 3 minutes to figure out that “swannasay” is actually American for “I just want to say…” But you know what, that just adds to the enjoyment of listening to your show, thanks.
Small grammatical point though, The verb associated with Prophecy is”to prophecy”, not “Prophecize. or Prophesizes”
The only time one says it like that is in the 3rd person singular present tense: “he/she phophesies”
Sorry to be pedantic but it’s very distracting.
ok… enough rant…. I have 100 episodes to catch up on now… back to the show.
Aotearoa/New Zealand
South Pacific.
Thanks for the shout-out on episode 129b! I am one of those who is all caught up on fresh stories… and I have been for the past two years. Now, I look forward to every camel “hump day” in order to hear another myth or legend that is usually new to me. Thank you guys for being so committed and passionate, so that I may share these awesome stories with usually disinterested co workers! But, either way i always drop the name Myths and Legends, because I definitely did not come up with this stuff! This is information for everyone to know and love.
Please do the Czech tale The Lame Fox.
I love all of your episodes and have listened to all of them about five times each! Your commentary is really entertaining and makes it more relatable. I even use a couple of the episodes in my World History classes to help my students learn about the different cultures. They love them too and always ask if you have any more new ones about the original fairytales and disney stories. Thanks for the amazing myths and stories!
– Mclain
You should do an episode on the Loch Ness Monster :)
Please do a story on the myth of the Myan ball game. I am learning about it from “Maya Divine Kings of the Rain Forest” by Grube
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How do i refresh the feed?
Happily found this on YouTube! I’ve wanted something like this all my life. Thank you from Kansas.
Hi Jason! I love your voice and your take on all the myths and legends that you do. Do you plan to put up any more member only content? It has been quite some time since you put any up and if we are paying for it monthly…
As I don’t see it could you do an episode/episodes on Robin Hood. I love your podcast and like some of the stories of Robin Hood and would like to know what else you may be able to find on the legend
Dear Jason,
I listen to you from Malta, on Spotify. It’s great fun listening, and I’ve learned a lot! I only wish you could do something on Maltese folklore, or on anything Mediterran that isn’t Greek.
Still, you get 11/10 from me, and I love the jokes, puns and pop culture references!
Junior Boss.
Just wanted to second what Junior Boss said! Excellent podcast, and I’ve learned a lot from listening. I second the request for Maltese folklore; my family is from Malta, but I know so very little about the folklore there! Would be awesome to see some!
Do you have the sources for the rest of the podcast episodes? Under your Sources tab, it seems like it only goes up to 55 and even then it seems like most are missing.
I look forward to hearing the next episode every week.
I look forward to an episode every single week. I love this podcast.
Found your podcast on Spotify by accident it is one of the best things I’ve ever discovered. I’m currently writing a series of books based on myths and legends from around the world and your podcast has been both informative and entertaining. You’ve given me so many starting points for my research and I hugely owe you one for that.
I can’t wait for the next episode and I’m definitely recommending you to every single one of my myth-minded friends.
Love your podcast – and your voice – wonderful for listening to your mesmerizing twists/turns and modern spin on these tales.
Please look deeper into The Arabian Nights – consider the edited version by Husain Haddawy based on the text of the 14th century manuscript edited by Muhsin Mahdi – stories within stories within stories all told under under the threat of death should the king lose interest in the tale
Hello! I discovered your podcast in my own dives into mythological research, and a new job in a very quiet office. What started as a timekiller while crunching numbers, very quickly has become my favorite morning ritual. 7:30 AM, a fresh cup of coffee, daily reports…and a new myth to listen to and learn about.
What you’re doing here is appreciated, more than you know. You’ve revived a lost art of storytelling, twisted it to a modern audience, and has had myself and without a doubt countless others giggling quietly and hoping their coworkers don’t hear.
So in short, thank you. You do a wonderful job, and I hope that it is as fulfilling to you as it is enjoyable to the rest of us.
this podcast is so amazing! I listen to it for hours on end. I started from the beginning (Episode 1A) and kept listening whenever I can for months! I’m currently at 41-C “It’s Complicated”.
I only started listening a few months ago from the beginning and I’m only on episode 39 now, but I love it so far! I was wondering if you could possibly tell the Greek myth of Oedipus?
he has. ep. 65 ‘motherboy’ is what you are looking for :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PODCAST! I can take some vantages of what may have happened or motivated people in the past or just have a great story listen!
I also love this podcast. I think Jason should do an episode on Draco The Dragon
Jason, I’ve been with you from the start -Member when that became available as well. My students and I love your stories. Fictional rocks too! We are waiting for the Golem from Prague episode on M&L. Keep up the amazing work. Thank you from all of us.
Thanks for sticking with the podcast for so long. Golem of Prague is coming up immediately after the Sundjata story!
Hay, Jason you should do a podcast on Draco the dragon
Hi Jason and Carissa, I love the Japanese story’s that you do. Also the best part of this podcast are the little phrases you add on to make it more enjoyable especially when Zeus purses his lips or Ra furrows his brow. Anyway, do you reckon you could do an episode on the story of Sadako and the thousand paper cranes. It’s probably not folklore or a myth but it would be cool to do a story about her. Thanks
Hello. impressive job. I did not imagine this. This is a fantastic story. Thanks!
Hey, Jason! I’ve been listening to your podcast for a few months now, and I started at the beginning. I just got to the Snow Queen episode and while you reference Frozen as a pop-culture adaptation of the story, I also noted parallels between the Snow Queen in The Magician’s Nephew from the Chronicles of Narnia. Does this also get its origins from the Hans Christian Andersen story?
As a Swede I grew up with the norse myths and hold them very dear to my heart, I love your take on those sometimes crazy stories and I really love listening to them, I even learn new things about them that I didn’t know, so thank you for making them! My dad’s middle name is Vidar and funny enough he has a problem with shoes never being good enough, I bet he’s making his own somewhere in case Fenrir (Or Fenrisulven as we Swedes call it) would turn up haha..
I have been listening to your podcast for quite a while now and I absolutely love your storytelling mixed with the humour, it blends perfectly. My work is a place where everyone’s grumpy and sad so when I start laughing when listening I get that ”he’s crazy” look from people haha..
Thanks for making this podcast! I will recommend it for everyone I can, because it’s such an amazing place to hear all those great stories. Cheers from a viking fan!
Can you make one about Grendel? It’s a book by John Gardener. Also, I love this podcast, I listened to the series about Beowulf because we were reading it in class, so much more helpful than trying to read SparkNotes or sometimes even the book itself, I’ve also listened to a ton of different ones, and your always super funny and creative the way you retell the stories.
ya I really want to hear the thing about
Okay, so I really enjoy this podcast and I want to suggest another one from the Grimm brothers, the singing bone. That is all.
You probably don’t get around to reading every comment, and you’ve probably skipped over this one, but I just wanted to say that your technology is amazing. Your voice is clear, the music choices are great, and your storytelling is beautiful, painting a picture, no, a masterpiece. I don’t have any requests, because you’ve already covered so much, and I have no doubt you’re already working on the perfect myths and legends. Please keep this up!
I love this show!!! I have listened to every single one. I love the way you make these stories worth listening to. This is by far my favorite podcast!!! Keep up the good work!!
so amazing!!!
This is literally the greatest thing I’ve ever stumbled upon, I’ve been binge listening since just before Christmas and you sir are a God. Thank you for this.
I LOVE bet of the worst! I would enjoy it for the next season. :)
Thanks for much! I love listing to you while working my… not-so-exciting desk job. XD
Enjoy the show and have been listening for a while.
Just thought I could add a biological note after the last one.
Aristotle might not have been so wrong about those worm parties on the beach.
Google Pseudocerastes urarachnoides. And look for the videos. There are a couple on YouTube. It’s insane.
I am a zoologist and I did not know till recently that this animal exists but it genuinely does. It’s found in Iran so not impossible that Aristotle would have heard about it and it still bears the name ‘Cerastes’ – though it has a ‘pseudo’ in front.
i started listening last week and it really good. hen i was 4 my parents told me and my sister the story of Gelert and llywelyn and now 10 years on i listened to it on the way to school and almost cried from your pronunciation. but i wont hold it against the podcast. :)
Does anyone know the name of the tune that shows up in intense scenes like “episode 43-Slavic folklore: The wasteland @29:22”. Goes dum dum dum du dududududum(i know sounds silly typed out)
You can play it out loud and, if you have an iPhone, download an app called Shazam and find out what it is. Shazam is very accurate.
I’m trying to learn more about the round table itself, the physical item. Somewhere in Mallory (drawing a blank on the narrow-down, will look more) it says that the table could seat 150 knights. Factoring 18″ of seating space for each knight that gives us a circumference of 225 feet. Divided by pi to get diameter I think and we’re looking at a table that’s about 75 feet across, roughly the size of two tennis courts side-by-side.
Does all of that sound (a) about right storywise and (b) plausible in reality given what if anything is known about the average size of castle banquet halls in those days?
can someone give me a summary about just this episode??
I click get it on google play and it sends me to the home page I want to subscribe but I can’t.
this amazing. I listen to this every time I do my homework
I just found the podcast last week, and I can’t get enough. I’ve already listen to all the Norse myths and have started from the beginning.
Jason: I love your podcast and will have my British Literature students, sophomores and juniors in high school, listen to some during our study of Arthurian legend. Any way we could get in touch with you to talk about your writing process?
I’m wondering when fictional website comes out
hey, Jason i was wondering do both podcasts come out every week or every other week? Also, when does the fictional website come out?
I love this podcast! I have been listening for about 2 days now and I can say that I’m hooked.
Is it me, or has it been a really long time since we’ve had a member episode? Do i need to update it or something? Really enjoy the pod cast, one of my favorites!
I wanted to share the sidehill gouger with my students, but I forgot to save the episode… I was wondering which episode it was from, or if there is a list of the creatures of the week?
I’ve just started listening to your podcast and it’s amazing! Thank you for taking the time with the source material, it really sets you apart from other places I’ve looked for stories.
I was wondering if you’ve received any requests for Jewish folklore, specifically stories of the Golem. If not, check it out. I think it could make a great episode. I’m not sure what sources look like, though.
Thanks for all your work! I’m dreading the day I catch up and have to wait for new episodes!
I’m searching for a podcast on any Aborignal, Polynesian or Asian myth.
I’m an English teacher my Year 7s will be learning about myths & legends.
Are you able to point me in the right direction?
There are many Japanese folktale episodes, and several other Asian episodes, there are no aboriginal episodes, but there are some in the creature of the week, and there may be one Polynesian episode
You may want to give some a listen through before you play them for your class, but my 8 year old brother an listen to most episodes without issue, I think your students should really enjoy these.
Does anyone know when the next Fictional will drop?
It’s every other week, so the next one will be on 10/3
Gargoyle is where we get the word ‘gargle’ from ;)
Could you please add the Russian story of Anastasia/Fake Anastasia to your list? I noticed that you like doing stories that were adapted into animated movies. I would love to see your take on the Anastasia story.
i discovered this podcast at work, looking for history and storytelling, and have listened to almost all of them within a 3 week period… so fantastic, so funny, please do these forever
I was recommended the show after wanting another podcast similar to Lore. So great! Really impressed by the stories themselves and your impeccable narrative. Creatures of the week are my favorite!
Fantastic Show!!!!! I love cultural stories, and was introduced to this podcast by my brother. I was especially interested in the episode he told me contained the Tokoloshe (22C). When I found it, I just wanted to point out two things: the Tokoloshe is Afrikaans, so it’s “Toh-koh-losh”, not “losh-ee”. Second, as a lesser-known fact, it also lights your toes on fire… but only if you sleep on the ground. You just left that but out, but hey! Blame it on the buttercat.
Thanks! This podcast is so well done with the music, the dry humour, and great stories make it a favourite on the go.
New listener, love the show so far!
But, I just wanted to point out a small error in the most recent podcast on Thor. Freyja is not one of the Æsir, she’s a member of the Vanir tribe, who’s home was Vanaheim and not Asgard.
This is the best podcast ever! Thank you so much, Jason! I love you work and have half a mind to start my own podcast; though it would pale in comparison. I particularly loved your Greek myth stories and cant wait for more.
As a random note, Im not sure if anyone on the discussion has said, but in your episode In the Dark, you gave a shout out to a member called the Faceless old woman. That is a reference to the podcast Welcome to NightVale, my other favorite podcast. Just throwing that out there.
Also, I was wondering if you might ever consider doing an episode on the Journey to the West? Its an awesome story from Chinese folk lore and, though it would be rather long, is just the kinda story you might like. There is a YouTube Channel I follow that covered it in a three part, and I can link it below.
Again, thank you so much for all you do. I love your work and cant wait for more!!
Hello from Philippines!
I love the podcast loco, i listen to it from Argentina and i really love it, keep it up. Could you tell the history of Eos and Orion?
Thank you so much for this podcast. My kids and I just love it and your ‘asides’ and background music kick the whole thing to a notch that’s just very cool and often hilarious. Request: more of the lesser-known Grimm’s tales please! Some of them are not very well fleshed-out and I’d love to experience your treatment of them. Thank you for all you do!
Yes!!! That would be the best!
Jason I listen to your viking tales and long series( Like Arthur) on my long drive alone to visit my best friend two states up. It helps me to stay awake because I feel like im engaging in a conversation. Your voice is awesome and I love the humor. Looking foward to the holy grail series of podcasts.
when are you going to do Indian and Islamic folklore? super interested to hear your take/story retelling on it!!
i’ve been listening to your podcast at work and it’s helping me get through the days. i love your voice and the music choices, and i was very excited that you did an episode with a kumiho story! keep up the great work!
hey, i love the show! you have a very good voice for it and pace things out very well. your insights and interpretations of the stories are always interesting too. i’ve been listening while i work and it makes the day move a little faster for me.
i wanted to sort of put in a request? my personal favorite mythological thing is the Korean kumiho (sometimes romanized as gumiho, too). they are basically these fox demons who take the form of women, lure men into the woods, and eat their heart or liver so that they can become human. i’d love to hear you talk about them sometime! probably not a lot of people have heard of them.
thanks for everything you do! i’ll be listening as long as you keep making things!
actually, i just saw there’s an episode with them in it already! my bad!
Jason, this podcast is simply amazing. I’m completely addicted. Could you possibly include more Scottish, Polish, French, Danish and German folktales? I would also love to hear more Japanese ones (if you ever wish to have help on Japanese pronunciation, I study it and can help).
yess central european folktales what a gold mine
Hey Jason, is there a list of all the ridiculously funny items you can buy, but could join Myths and Legends instead? I have a standing bet with my father in law, and the pay off is $5 every time. We have varied the actual payment type, but it’s always worth 5 bucks. I love your ideas and wanted to use them at some point if my team ever loses to his team again.
Thank you for all the entertainment Jason. Regularly listen to your podcast while I finish up work at home in the evenings, it gets me through. Its been a while since you added to the King Arthur series, anything new coming up?
William Wallace? Does that count?
Where did the phrase “blame it on the buttercat” come from?
Haha, it was the creature of the week in this episode: https://www.mythpodcast.com/3570/25-dragons-this-is-where-you-get-to-make-it-right/
hey Jason i was wondering do both podcasts come out every week or every other week? Also, when does the fictional website come out?
I have never been a Podcast listener… until I found this one! If I’m being honest this is still the only Podcast I listen to. I first found it from the Irish legends episodes and have since gone back to episode 1 and “binge listened” to almost every one. As a history major I love hearing the stories behind all these famous (or not so famous) stories.
Wow, I truly love this podcast. When I’m at school at lunch or in art I listen to Myths and legends. It makes the 1 1/2 hour classes go by so much faster. ? I also really enjoy Fictional, especially “There lies the Wub” I’ve listened to it like 7 times now.?
I love this podcast!! I was just wondering though, how could Theseus be an argonaut and the leader of Athens if Medea is Jason’s wife before she marries Aegeus? Thanks, Georgia
Haha, that is the question, right? The timelines don’t really agree. I should have kept Theseus out of it, but I really wanted to talk about Theseus again.
I just found your podcast and started listening from the beginning. I was listening to episode 3D and when you mentioned Arthur Rackham’s illustrations, I almost dropped what I was holding. I have a collection of his works. I enjoy your podcast so much! I’m glad I started from the beginning.
Awesome show, just started from the beginning and me and my girlfriend are hooked. Keep up the great work!
Would love to hear a Creature of the Week about La Llorona (the Weeping Woman), sometimes called the Ditch Witch in the US Southwest. I learned about her growing up in Albuquerque, but I have been told that stories about her in various forms are common in the Spanish-speaking Americas.
Yes, La Llorona will get a creature of the week spot coming up. I have gotten so many requests for her. Thanks!
52 Greek Mythology: A quick comment on the Narcissus tale. My understanding as to why many of the stories say our beautiful narcissistic hero turns into a flower later named after him is that the narcissus is a flower that bends over and faces down. So if there were a pond beneath it, it would be staring at its own beauty like its namesake.
Been listening to this podcast from the beginning. Great work, interesting, funny, well balanced scholarly homework and engaging story telling style. I have finally broken down and gotten a membership because I need a bigger fix.
Whoa, awesome detail. I’ll need to include that on a follow-up episode. Thanks!
Thank you thank you thank you! Thank you for allowing me to indulge in my slight obsession with myths, legends and the paranormal on a daily basis. I love all the stories and have listened to many of them multiple times. Its so awesome to be able to get lost in the interesting, sometimes horrible tales! Thanks so much Jason!
I have been listening since episode #1 and I love it. It make longs drives with my family fun. Thank you Jason for bring me joy and inspiring me to learn.
Where can the show notes be found?
Those are usually in the podcast player, but I sometimes just copy the shownotes for the individual posts here on the site. Any particular episode you’re looking for?
I absolutely love this show! I’d been meaning to start listening to podcasts in general, and finally got started when a friend on social media was asking for suggestions. I went browsing, picking up suggestions from other people. This was actually NOT one of anyone’s suggestions, but suggested by my app as something I’d like based on the others I was looking at. I decided to give this a go first – SO glad I did! (I actually haven’t made it to any of the others suggested, because I’ve been binging on this every chance I get, which is sadly not as often as I’d like!)
Except for Greek myths, which I’m very familiar with (and LOVE how you’ve handled and streamlined the oft-confusing narratives), I’ve really enjoyed hearing so many stories that I’m either less familiar with, or have never heard before. Even The Little Mermaid, which I *thought* I was familiar with the original story, had some surprising points in it I wasn’t aware of. The Snow Queen even more so – and again, I thought I was familiar with the original story. So I’m very much looking forward to more classic fairy tales, as well as the great myths and legends you cover.
Speaking of Little Mermaid/Snow Queen/Hans Kristian Andersen in general, brings me to your commentary and various asides. Which I find insightful, and quite often hilarious. I am a huge literary geek, and I love listening not just to the stories, but you delving into the motivations of not just the characters, but the writers, and how it differs from a modern perspective. (I also very much appreciate the feminist commentary.)
I just signed up for a membership, and I’m sure I’ll thoroughly enjoy all the added content and material you provide. Thank you SO MUCH for creating this podcast, and making it with such a high quality of content and obvious thought and research behind it.
My daughter and I very much enjoy listening to your podcast. We had to pause the “Dracula, bad blood” one to post this. “Drac” in Romanian simply means devil. The dragon of fairytales is a “zmeu”. Romanian is a Latin-based language, albeit with some strong Slavic influences. I am native in Romanian and Czech, so I should know…. In Slavic languages, such as Czech, “drak” indeed means dragon. Kind of arcane, but I figured it would be an interesting bit to share.
My understanding is that when Vlad Tepes was around, the word drac meant both “dragon” and “devil” in 15th century Romanian, dracula being “son of the dragon”. But over time drac came to mean only “devil”.
My fiancee and i look forward to listening to you every week. I used to work for Disney, and I love hearing your segments about fairytales. Please keep on doing what you’re doing. This is the easiest $5 I’ve ever spent. Thank you!
you said wolf when you meant ogre in the first little red hat
Have you read Italo Calvino’s Italian Folktales? There’s an Italian version of the Grimm/Little Tailor story called Jack Strong, Slayer of 500 (and actually lots of other great stories too, from all over Italy)
Dear Jason, first of all I love the show! I am Russian myself and really enjoy the way you perform Russian/ Slavic folklore I remember from boring school books. Never have been more excited about it.
Just noticed, normally you pronounce the name of Charles Perrault the same way as the car Renault (without LT). So it should sound [ʃaʁl pɛʁo]; [Pero] without LT in the end.
Would be great to hear different interpretations of the Sleeping Beauty… things got a bit weird in the original story.
Love your work!
Your podcast is AWESOME! Keep up the great work. I never get tired of listening. During one particularly rough day waiting for a delayed flight home, I started listening to the Hercules episodes and it put me in a better mood and made being trapped at the airport bearable. Thanks for all you do.
I wish you had a chosen a different way to approach Halloween, given its interesting origins. I just hate scary stuff and I listen to theses as I fall asleep. I realize that many people enjoy it though, so good for them.
Your podcast is amazing! I’ve just started listening about a month ago (as I’ve discovered it at spotify) and I must say you really are good at what you do. I’m a literature lover and listening to your podcast is worth it. If it would help I’d like to suggest the legend of Diarmuid O’Dyna. Congrats for the success of your podcast by the way.
Hey Jason, I started listening to your podcast on spotify a couple weeks ago and instantly fell in love with it. I listen to it when i’m doing my work in math class and it helps me concentrate. The episodes have a good variety and I’ve went through around 20 episodes and they are all good stories! keep up the good work.
So, two weeks ago yesterday a friend told me about this podcast. Since then, I have listened to nearly 50 episodes. Thank you for making the show and making my long work drives bearable and easier to stay awake on.
A friend of mine recently introduced me to this podcast and I’m super glad she did!
I listen to it everyday when biking to school. Thank you for making my bike rides feel a little bit more epic :)
Love listening to your show during my long art projects. I’ve recommended it to my brother and friend, and they’re both hooked. I recently finished American Gods and there were so many great gods that I wanted to learn more about. It might be a good source to look to if you are trying to find more stories or variety in stories.
Keep up the great work!
I wasn’t going to post until I’ve caught up with every story, but the story of Gelert was too sad. It’s worse than the story of Hachiko. Thank you for this podcast. I look forward to listening to these at work.
If youre going to follow links advertised during this podcast, be very carefull and make sure no one else see your screen. Massive difference between hairys.com and hairy.com. OMG so embarrasing! I wonder how much more traffic was created by this podcast to hairy.com.
oh….wow…yeah, that second one is not something I would want to direct people toward. Sorry! I’ll be sure to spell out Harry’s for each subsequent ad. I wonder if that’s a common problem for them…
P.S. thanks for listening to the ad and for attempting to visit the site :)
I love your podcasts and listen to them repeatedly
Great voice and means of presentation ever so lightly sarcastic in a really friendly way so that you can talk about shocking events but still seem so gentle in your reprimands and comments – delightful
Hey Jason,
I love the show and all of the different cultures you cover! I do not know if you’ve ever received this request, but there is a really good Irish Folktale called the King with Horse’s Ears. It’s my son’s favorite story.
As a forewarning though, the names are a bit hard to pronounce through an English language lens.
Can’t wait to see what’s next!
P.S. I am thoroughly enjoying the tale of Jason and the Argonauts so far!
Hi! As a mythology nerd, I was so excited when I found this podcast. Listening to it has actually inspired me to start a blog about mythology, so thanks for the inspiration! Also, your commentary is hilarious. Also, I’m curious how you find all of these weird creatures for creature of the week because they’re always strange.
I found your podcast on Spotify one day while looking for something other than music to listen to. I love it! The stories and all the information you give are great. Now I listen on my way home or while falling asleep. Great job!
I love your podcast! Just recently found it while I was browsing through Spotify for podcasts. I have been listening to it non stop. Episode 20 and running!!
Btw, you might get some other inspirations from Filipino Folklore. I added some links for your references:
https://emmblu.wordpress.com/bookworm-droppings/how/ ( There are some other links of other folklores in the sidebar.)
sorry I speak Greek.
A creature of the week you could use is the Kamaitachi from Japanese legend. If you do please tell me thanks. Oh and speak Greek because that is where I am from but live in america.
I was listening to a recent Red Eye podcast in which Tom Shillue listed your podcast as one the ones he routinely listens to. I’m now hooked as well. Thanks, you do a wonderful service in bringing life to these stories. Thoroughly enjoyable!
My name is George.
Jason a friend of mine Daniel Rose told me about this podcast it is very good but you need to add more King Arthur tales. By the way do you speak any foreign languages?
Sadly I don’t speak any foreign languages. King Arthur is fun, but I try to have more variety – I’m glad you like those ones, though.
This podcast is awesome also a tale you should tell is the tale of Theseus from Greek Mythology.
Check out episodes 17A-17C :)
Jason, thank you so much for sharing your stories and talent. I so enjoy listening to your voice as I find it both entertaining and relaxing. I have been listening to your Podcast non-stop like running a marathon. I just cant get enough. Count me in as a huge fan! DeadlyBlonde?
WOW, I listened to one story, and one week later I have listened to all the amazing and fantastic tales, and know more about folklore than I thought I ever could!!! This podcast, without a doubt is recommended!
I was also wondering if you could maybe do a story on magicians and warlocks, thanks!! :) I was also wondering if you wrote the scripts for the podcast by yourself, or just take bits and pieces from various sources
That’s a good idea! If I can piece together enough different stories, then I’ll do an episode on warlocks & magicians. I write all the scripts. I use the originals as references, but I don’t copy anything.
Some stories of magicians could be, Abe No Seimei who is sometimes referred to as the Japanese Merlin, and/or Morgana Le Fay from Arthurian Legend, thanks again for your amazing podcast!!! :)
Sorry to bother you again but we are going to Japan this year and my Dad was wondering if you could do some more Japanese stories, so we could get a sense of the culture
Oh, shooooooooooot, sorry about the multiple requests for Morgana Le Fay and Abe No Seimei, I thought I had sent it the first time but it didn’t appear on my screen, so I resent it multimole times, sorry
How about a story of Abe No Seimei, or Morgana Le Fay
Maybe some stories could be of Morgana Le Fay from Arthurian legends, and/or Abe No Seimei who is sometimes referred to as the Japanese Merlin!
You had me at Japanese Merlin. That sounds amazing. Morgan le Fay will absolutely come up in the Arthurian legends as we go. She’ll likely get her own episode.
I love this podcast! I too have a background in folklore, legends, and fairy-tales! I’m the mom of a seven month old and don’t have a lot of time to continue my research, but a friend recommended your podcast and I’m hooked! I’ve been able to listen on my drive to work and at home when I have some “free” time. I’ve been wanting to dive into Russian folklore for years and can’t wait to listen to your podcasts about Baba-Yaga. I’ve been devouring your King Arthur series in preparation for a four week course I’m teaching to my middle school class about Arthur and his knights!
Hi Jason!!
LOOOOOOOOVE the podcast!! It’s one of my favorites to listen to on my commute. I’ve (most unfortunately) caught up on the episodes, so now I’m reduced to waiting impatiently for new ones to come out. :( Also joined as a member, so I’m hoping I can figure out how to access the extra podcasts! Also love the soothing quality of your voice and the sarcasm you incorporate into each podcast. Makes me giggle. :)
Will you consider an episode on Beowulf (and Grendel!!)? I understand that it might be outside your scope, but hope you’ll at least explore it.
Thank you so much for becoming a member!!
YES! I’m so excited to do Beowulf. As of right now, I have him slated for mid-November. I just got the Seamus Heaney and Tolkien versions, so hopefully I have all my bases covered :)
Oh nooooo what happened to our arrows so we can go back to older episodes??? We can’t subscribe at work and you help several of the designers here make it through the day! Please!
Whaat? It disappeared? I’ll get right on this. I paid for a better one so people could listen here.
Ok, it appears to have been randomly de-registered. I fixed it, but if it happens again let me know at jason@mythpodcast.com and I’ll fix it ASAP. I can’t get WordPress to notify me when comments come in.
You’re a hero among men!
PS we are designers and totally down to help with anything y’all need. I remember you did a shoutout about some awesome merch etc in one of the earliest episodes
I absolutely love this podcast. I found you on Spotify and I listen everywhere. In my car, while exercising, on walks, before bed & of course just for leisure. You’re podcasts are my favorite thing ever. I swear this is the “adult’s” version of a bedtime story!
what a blast!
i just found your podcast today (Sept 4th). i love it! history of legends and myths such as King Arthur is totally my childhood.
good job!
“They ,once again, Nascar Wolf it”
This podcast is my absolute favorite by far! The three part Irish one with Cù Chullain quite touching.
Some ideas if you ever need them; the Iranian and Caucasian peoples have very interesting mythology. Some of my favorites are Armenian, Persian, Kurdish and Azerbaijani myths and legends. I don’t know exactly how much is on the internet but if you come across it maybe it would be good.
Anyways, thank you so much for these podcasts!
You are one of the most entertaining persons I have had the pleasure to hear! Keep up your wonderful stories!
I just discovered this podcast last week and have been binge listening ever since. Your voice is wonderful and you really do these stories justice.
Love from Halifax,
just wanted to say that i love your podcasts!! would be keen to hear more arthurian legends and greek mythology!
So one day I was about to go outside and mow my lawn and was figuring what I should set to listen to while mowing. I searched for podcasts on my iPhone and it suggested this podcast. Fast forward a few months and I am totally obsessed with this podcast! I listen to it on my way to work, on my way home, while cooking, and pretty much any other time I can. It is a great way to get the “down and dirty” and even comical parts of myths and folklore from around the world. Great job Jason & team, keep up the great work!!
Hello Jason,
I want to say that I love to listen to your podcast, I just started recently and enjoy the variety. I just want to let you know that I am very disappointed in your Little Mermaid episode. Several times you call this the worst story because she does things like fall in love at first sight… But doesn’t that happen in almost every story you’ve told before. I think you miss some of the bigger ideas in it. Describing what the world looks like above the water isn’t because he believes we don’t know what it looks like, it’s to show how different our world can look like from another view. I know Anderson makes some of her choices silly, like going through a field when she could just go over, but it is just another way to show what sacrifices she is willing to do for “love”.
Yes, I agree, the idea of love at first sight and all these silly actions she takes are ridiculous but the story is so beautiful and it seems like you were unwilling to look at only the absurd and not see the reasons or bigger picture Anderson was trying to portray. Even the sisters show the theme of sacrifice for love, in the story it is mentioned that their hair is very important to them and they give it up for their sister. An easy enough thing for people but it’s supposed to be a big deal for them. There just seems to be so much more to the story than you are giving it credit for.
I found myself getting angry at the sarcastic tone through out the episode, especially since some of the stories have been just as ridiculous and have contradicted themselves many times over but for some reason this one offends you more…
I really do love the show and I apologize for this long unwarranted comment, but this has been my favorite story for a really long time and for some reason I felt offended. Trust me, I know that I shouldn’t be, it’s not my story and you have every right hate it if you want to. I just needed to let you know that I think there is more to it.
Thank you!
Continue your awesome podcasts and telling us new stories!
Haha yes, you are absolutely right. I do have some regret about the perspective I took with that story. There is quite a bit more to it than I gave it credit for, and there is a beautiful love story in there. I was new at that point and was still figuring out the tone I would take with the podcast. It definitely is not the worst story I have ever read, and I plan to do a look back on it and other stories if I can ever get around to the anniversary episode. Thanks for letting me know, and you are definitely not alone with your love of the story. That’s one of the most polarizing episodes I’ve done.
Thank you for being understanding of my little rant there!
Keep up the good work!
Great show! I really enjoy the stories and you do a great job providing them. However, consider saving any commentary for the end. It is much more enjoyable to hear the story as it was intended. I and my brother really like the show and even appreciate what you have to add, but it is always better when you wait till the end to share your opinion.
I’ve fallen in love with this podcast! I have a 2 hour commute to and from work each day. Listening to these stories told so eloquently and with a hint of humor has made my commute so much better. Instead of dreading the long drive I now get excited to either continue a story and begin a new one!
I have now officially listened to every episode. I can’t say enough good things about this podcast. Such good storytelling, explanations, and character development that fills in the gaps where other literary works lack. Thank you for bringing these histories and legends to life!!! #foreverafan
Hi Jason
I’m a member and can’t figure how to listen without ads. When I sign in I get a pop up that reads ‘open in news?’ Regardless of how I answer it just goes nowhere. Can you help explain?
I’ve listened to the last episode twice bec it’s so packed with story. A lot to follow there. Superb job of condensing, explaining, editorializing (especially idea for hi jinx film with Odin Thor and two kids), creating visuals with your words. Look forward to each weeks new episode. DS
Dang this is awesome!
Dang this is awesome!
Your show is the highlight of my week. I may have to wait for my Christmas bonus, but I’ll get a membership sooner or later!
love your show it is awesome you should do brave
This is by far the best Podcast I have ever heard. It gives an expression of the story with a modern description with plenty of Sarcastic humor. I can honestly say I am completely addicted to this show. Like I tell my wife, this is an addiction to be proud of. Keep up the awesome work!!!
I love the podcast. Just love it. It’s fascinating to be able to learn about so many cultures through their stories, and you do it in such a great way. Keep up the good work!
And – you do such a nice job in updating the stories so that they sound like they were written yesterday and not hundreds of years ago.
Just wanted to thank you for the great series. I love the way you look at stories and see the absurdity in the stories using a gentle humor that somehow adds to the story rather than taking away from it. You are without a doubt the best storyteller ever!
Hi Jason,
Been a keen listener (and member) for some time already! I’m always waiting for Wednesday morning to hear your Podcast.
I’m Portuguese and I’ve listened to many Portuguese/Iberian folklore when I was growing up, mostly told by grandparents, older folk and some were recounted at school.
I’m quite positive that many stories haven’t left the region, mainly because of language issues.
Is there any story/myth you’d know from Portugal and would like to elaborate maybe into a podcast?
I remember some medieval stories (our first king and the battle of Ourique, where supposedly St. James appeared), the tragic story of our teen king D. Sebastião that died in nowadays Morocco and people still say that he’ll return on a misty day, the story of Inês de Castro, a lady in waiting who the prince fell in love; his father the king had her killed and when the prince eventually became king had her rotting body sat in a throne and had his subjects kiss their queen’s hand or literary monster created by Camões – our “Shakespeare” – turned mythology, like the Adamastor that on the cape of Good Hope prevented the Portuguese on the discoveries time to reach India.
It would be nice to hear some of the stories from your research point of view!
Keep up the good work!
This podcast is so addictive! I have listened to every episode and can’t wait for the new ones each week. I have learnt so much! Now I actually look forward to my commute to and from work.. Thanks Jason!
First, off these are amazing. You are hilarious and I enjoy your sense of humor. You really make these entertaining. I was wondering though if you can do any type of Mexican folklore like, “the Llorona”? Not sure if you have delved in that yet, but it would be great.
I love your show. Had to download all your episodes and I’m enjoying each story. Trying to spread the word here in the Philippines. More power to you! Can you do more Filipino Folklore? we call them “Engkanto”. I already heard you do the Nuno sa Punso and the Kapre. There’s a vampire-like lady who flies with bat wings but leaves half her body behind, there’s also this creature that has the head of a horse on a man’s body that tries to confuse travelers and make them lose their way. Anyway, more power to the show!
Hey Jason! Just wanted to say thanks for what you do? I love the stories! You do a great job??
I just started listening. I used to read about Greek and Norse mythology when I was a kid, its nice to hear about them on podcast. Could Anansi the Spider be considered in your podcast? He is a traditional a Ghanian mythological character that has spread to the Caribbean at least from my family telling. thanks
I am so glad I just found this on Spotify! I am in love with this podcast and have been binge listening whenever I can. I am going to be so bummed when I can’t listen for hours at a time. I will probably just start them over. Please don’t ever stop making them!
I love this show! I hope you can do more Russian folklore and get into other major characters like Rusalka Or get into some Romanian stories on Dracula!
Ohh, I’m not familiar with the Romanian Dracula stories. I’ll look into that. For the Rusalka – are there major stories associated with them? I see an opera that sounds strikingly similar to “The Little Mermaid”.
Love your podcast
Went to a solstice party and recommended it to everyone we started to listen as the sun went down some wood spirit believers were there and artists and they said they would look out for your stories
Particularly like the variety not everything is Greek or Roman
Not that these aren’t great !!
Thanks! I try to include a bunch of different ones. Everyone loves the Greco-Roman myths, but there are so many great stories out there.
I have been listening since the king Arthur stories. It just really helps me to relax in the morning when there is a big exam coming up. You voice amazing and calm. Keep up the good work !!! can you possibly do some maybe chinese legends , that would be great since i have the whole history unit based on myths ancient china. But anyhow I love these podcasts they really make my day
Did you make a sneaky Homer reference in episode 7? “When rosy-fingered dawn…” I’m reading The Odyssey right now and that phrase is repeated quite a lot. Anyway, very impressive! I love the podcast, keep up the great work!
I did :) Nice catch. And thanks! Glad you like the show!
I really enjoy your podcast. It’s awesome to hear how some of these stories have changed so much over the centuries. I was also wondering if you’ve thought about doing the Robin Hood legend at some point. I know I would love to hear how that one started. Eitherway, thanks for the good work you do and please keep them up.
I discover your podcast on Spotify. I didnt even know it had podcast, I listen to the 3/4 of your entire collection. By the way I LOVE your XXIe century remarks it cracks me up every time, and I totally look like a lunatic in public laughing by myself. Continue on your AWESOMEEE work.
first off, I’ve been listening for a while but am new to your site. This is one of my favorite podcasts and I’m really excited about its success!
This podcast is my new obsession!!!! It’s so interesting, well researched, witty, and the delivery is spot on!
I just discovered this podcast and I already adore it- it’s so great! I’m not very far in, but can you talk about Selkies in one of your creatures of the week? (If you haven’t already.)
Thanks again for this amazing podcast!
I’m looking for a good selkie story – it’s been surprisingly difficult to find.
I’ve been an avid podcaster for nearly a decade, listening to roughly 4 shows a day and have run the gamut on most. I don’t know why or how I’ve missed yours until only a few weeks ago, but goddammit, it’s special. Thank you for being so engagingly hilarious and present while dealing with such interesting and ridiculous topics. This is definitely a 10/10
Where do you get all your sources? It just seems hard to have all these tales without original sources. I do like that you hear of the stories behind the “stories,” or that they are complete stories.
I’m working on not only putting together a bibliography for the episodes, but having all the available public domain files here on the site for easy reading.
Basically, I find absolutely all the earliest versions of the stories I can, read them, and then try to work them into a cohesive narrative while still being as accurate as possible.
Right now, I am on the Hercules episode and some of these stories dumbfound me. Didn’t these people think about what they were saying/writing when these stories had come up?!? Some of the plots rather contradict themselves as well as being a little farfetched. Yes, I get these are just “Myths & Legends” but would not you at least try to make some of these plausible before just setting it in stone?
In addition, have you ever considered having both sides of the stories? Let us take the current podcast into consideration, Hercules: Labor Intensive, when he retrieves the belt from the Amazonian Queen in “what is modern day Ukraine, Turkey, or Libya.” What I mean is Hercules kills the Queen and then proceeds on as if nothing happened. What do their “Myths & Legends” say about that? Do they just shrug it off just as the story tells? “This week on Myths and Ledges: Legendary Hero comes and Kills our Queen, due to lack of communication and some hoodwinked villager.” I have always wondered what the other side would say when it’s YOUR Queen or YOUR country, not the “Our Hero invaded, did what he came to do, and proceeded with his life as if it was a Tuesday.”
This is a great podcast! I love listening and you do a great job?
I love the show :) I gorged on it when I first discovered it, listening to them all within about a week whilst at work, became a member and now it is so painful having to wait each week for a new one! Keep up the good work (also please can I have a shout out for becoming a member! :D)
It’s very helpful site. I’m taking metrology class and red the King Arthur I misunderestand.When I listen I deeply understand.
I recently read that scholars think that the Little Mermaid is about HCA’s relationship with a man who was royalty and his inability to maintain that relationship as the royalty was expected to marry a prince. When you think about the story with that background, it’s a deeply depressing love story about being LGBTQ in that time period.
Excellent stuff! I’m only just recently getting into podcasts, and I’m so happy to find one that is so relevant to my interests. Your voice was made for podcasting! I burned through all these in the three days off from work I had, and eagerly await more. Thank you!
Dear Jason, I love the podcast! Have been following it for months now! I love how you adapt these old tales and make them fit our modern age, rather than repeat them to the letter, as found in old dusty history books.
That’s the way these stories should be told. Though, as a Belgian I can’t help but say that you rather butchered the name of “Kludde” in this one ;-). It took me two minutes of attentive listening before I realised what you were talking about.
Thanks for saying hi and I’m glad you like the show! Also, thanks for letting me know about the mispronunciation. I’m very much earnestly wanting to know – what is the correct pronunciation?
I’ve been telling everybody I know and their mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers about your podcast. I was delighted and pleasantly surprised to hear you mention 2 creatures of the week (tikbalang and kapre) from Filipino folklore. Yes, you kind of butchered the pronunciation (sorry, I had to point it out), but I’m ignoring it because I really love your podcast. I look forward to Wednesdays when I listen to your new episode during my early morning commute. Keep up the good work.
Please point it out :) the pronunciations are one of the most difficult things about this podcast. Some creatures are so obscure that they don’t have much written on them, let along pronunciation guides. There’s now a wider audience that I can ask for help, so hopefully it will get better with time.
You are an amazing storyteller! I really enjoy your podcast and hearing the original stories that have not been “Disneyfied.” One thing in pronunciation… I can forgive butchering the names and difficult pronunciations… you actually do a good job with it… but I cringe every time I know you’re going to say “prophesy.” It is pronounced (phonetically) “proff e sigh” Maybe it’s just how I am hearing it, but it sounds like you are saying, “prophesize.” LOL – You seriously do an awesome job.
Yeah…that’s something I didn’t realize until much, much later. I think I have corrected it, but that’s one of those mispronunciations (like my serial and ironic mispronunciation of “pronunciation”) that sneaks out from time-to-time.
Please excuse what I anticipate will be a long comment.
I love the internet and this podcast. A lot comes from what I can gleam from it. I recently dis attached from my religion. I grew up as a JW. My first step was dis-attaching myself from the principle of submission. I do not see my self sub missing to a male just because he is a male. Next this podcast enlightening me to trends in storytelling that also occur in My Book of Bible Stories or other legends of the bible like Daniel fighting a Lion or other moral stories which I previously valued as truth. I saw that story telling takes place in all places. This helped me feel more comfortable in dis attaching from main stream stories on moral legends as religion. I’m ok now. Thank you for the information. I decided to interpret that as a path of legend and not fact. More of a moral compass. Not legislation in which I can deviate. I really appreciate this information. Take care
Love listening to the podcasts! Started because I have insomnia and listening to stories helps me sleep, and i’ve never found anything thats works as well as this one! The stories are great, always so interesting, and told with humour, and a very soothing voice :)
Jaison, I want to thank you for telling me stories! I picked up some night shifts for a week and your stories or retellings got me through it and kept me sane in that intense isolation!
I recently watched this in class because we were doing stuff on myths but I really enjoyed some of them and wanted to watch it at home and I fell in love with the show keep up the good work man :)
thanks :)
Hey jason, I first heard this in English when my teacher played your episode on hercules, and I really like it and I decided to listen to all of your episodes. And also I rank your voice way up there with Morgan Freeman and ASAPScience. Keep up the good work!
That’s basically the best compliment anyone who does voice stuff can get. Haha, thanks so much, and I’m glad you like the show.
I totally “Drunk History”ed your retelling of Aladdin at the bar this past weekend. Thank you for sharing these awesome stories in a language that most of us can understand, and that the rest of us can understand better after a couple of drinks. You’re the man.
LOL! Loved the “Drunk History-ed” comment! I aspire to drunk history retell these stories particularly the Runner in the Night.
This is my first foray into podcasts and I’m sorry I waited so long! However, I love your podcast so much I’m having a hard time finding other ones that compare. Great work!
That’s a huge compliment! Thanks!
I will make a butter cat meme right now BLAME IT ON THE BUTTER CAT
You are amazing and what is the name of your other podcast
It hasn’t launched yet. April got very busy, so it will likely come out next month. I’ll announce it on the show when it comes out.
AMAZING podcast! I absolutely love the stories. Myths and Legends makes every week something to look forward to.
Love the name :)
AMAZING podcast! I absolutely love Myths and Legends. Thanks for making every week that much better.
Butter Cat!!! trying to remember which episode this was featured on … and whether anyone has the background info to the story??
My new favorite podcast!
These stories are absolutely wonderful! I love the dry wit and sarcasm as well! Thank you so much for making my hour-long commute every day fly by! seriously, truly a magnificent job my friend.
I stumbled across your podcast by pure chance and now its become a stable of my commute. I absolutely love just about all the stories in here. I’ve never heard that version of the tale of Aladdin, could you do more stories from the Middle East? I hope you will touch on folklore from Africa as well, I’m curious to learn what popular ones I’ve heard “but would surprise me in origins” or “ones I’ve haven’t heard but really should” .
There’s one coming up from Arabian folklore that I really enjoy. It will also give us another chance to talk about the djinn (genies). That’s been requested many times since the original Aladdin episode last year.
Just found the podcast in a random feed and in less than a completed story I’ve become an Errant Listener.
I LOVE this! Just found it – love the asides and the historical context. But most of all, I just love these stories. What a wonderful gift to the universe!
I have really enjoyed listening to these at work and escaping into the legends with you. An English Graduate myself, I wish that there were more focus in my own degree on folklore and mythology as they are now beloved interests of mine. Thank you for clarifying some confusing stories for me and introducing me to folk tales from across the world!!
Really enjoying the podcast but its hard to download from an older mobile. Could you maybe add a direct download button?
Yeah, absolutely – just here on the discussion post on the site? It will take a little while to do it for back episodes, but I’ll add it to the to do list.
I love this podcast! I was looking for a story-telling podcast when I came across yours. I spend a lot of time on the computer at work doing things that don’t require too much of my brain, so it’s nice to have something interesting to listen to. Great mix of imagery, humor, and brevity so I can multi-task and still fully understand what the story is about. Super great!!
By far my favorite podcast. I look forward to the new episode each week.
Hi Jason,
I only just found this podcast about a week ago, but I’m really enjoying your flair for storytelling with just a hint of sarcastic and nerdy commentary. You’ve definitely got a fan here!
I love listening on the way to my clinical! Perfect length and love the diversity presented!
Jason, your newly discovered show is a pure delight as it grants me and my son passage out of the morning commute. If we can replace just one block of NPR news torture per week with your podcast, we will survive this election year no matter what! Trump/Hillary/ISIS/Wall Street be damned!
Awesome show! :)
I was introduced to the podcast months ago, and have listened off and on to older episodes since then. I had a binge of episodes 5 to 10 the other day whilst dealing with someone else’s disaster in a very physically and mentally draining evening of stress and miles of walking.
I fell in love with the podcast, and wanted to thank you for helping pull me through what was a pretty dark time. Though everything has since mostly worked out for now, you were there for me when I needed it!
I’m glad I could help in some small way. Thanks for telling me about it. It’s great to hear and it’s an encouragement. I’m happy to hear things have gotten a little better.
Dear Jason and Co.,
Thanks for making my commutes to and from work not only bearable, but enjoyable. I love your stories.
Jason, I’ve been listening since episode 5 and I love the show. I am writing this now because I just listened to “Wisdom” for the 5th time today. I shared it, spoke of it, and am now responding to it, not only in my personal life but to share with everyone else as you did by weaving the tale. I really am thankful for this episode as it really resonated with me and helps convey the message to be happy in your own life not someone elses.
I’m really glad you liked it. I thought the stories were just amazing, and they resonated with me as well – especially the first one. It was such an interesting way to convey the message. Thanks for listening for so long and thanks so much for reaching out and saying hi.
Your voice is amazing, your humor is great and i Iove Myths and legends. Good work
Aw, thanks :) Glad you like the show!