Episode summary:

A story of a super-powered Russian hero fighting the evil, also super-powered villain known as Nightingale the Robber. Nightingale can fly, kill with a scream, and lives in the shadows of his forest. The journey will take our hero from home, through multiple stays with Baba Yaga(s), and finally into a confrontation with the legendary bandit on a quest to become the man he never thought he could be.

The creature this week is sweaty, hairy, and naked...and the only way you can beat it is by wrestling it.

The map:

See this very detailed and professional map that I made of Ilya's journey!


The hand

The...maybe real (?) remains of Ilya Muromets.


We're going to round out this post with this picture of Ilya Muromets looking every bit the medieval Slavic knight.


And this very terribly awesome depiction of Nightingale from a 1950s movie:



"Direct to Video" by Chris Zabriskie | "What Does Anybody Know About Anything?" by Chris Zabriskie | "Denzel Sprak" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Zither Sprak" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Rough Hewn" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Snowcrop" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Pukae" by Blue Dot Sessions | "Low Jack" by Podington Bear | "Kiss" by Podington Bear | "Old Regrets" by Lee Rosevere