I just have to say, I LOOOVE this podcast. Absolutely my #1 podcast and one of my favorites of any kind of media or content whatsoever. Have been listening for almost the entire time it’s been being made and loved every second, I listen quite literally every single night. I humbly request as much Monkey King content as humanely possibly, I love those ones in particular so much. Thank you!!!
YES! Same! They need to fix the backend HTML.
I just wanted to ask if there were plans to do more Egyptian Myths – there are 2 and I would LOVE to hear more.
I love your podcast! I can barely sleep without it now. I just have one request;
I know you often give a violence or adult themes warning at the beginning but please could you be more specific about when its sexual violence? And could you also note that in the description so it’s easier to avoid stories that include rape and abuse? One of the main reasons I love your podcast is it distracts me from painful experiences of abuse before sleep, but sometimes I’m taken by surprise when the podcasts brings up these themes and scenes and it ends up making it worse.
Hello! This podcast is one of my absolute favorites. It’s seriously one of the most relaxing podcasts I’ve found and is great when I’m struggling to fall asleep.
I know you did a Jewish myth a little while ago, but I was wondering if you’ve considered doing an episode about the myth of Chanukah or Passover when the holidays are around? It’d be fascinating to hear an in depth ep on either, and I know they’re a little less well known than a lot of other popular religious myths. If you’re staying clear of major religions, I completely understand. At the same time, they are some of the most interesting I’ve heard and have such a rich history.
My husband and I have been enjoying your podcasts for a while now, and I’ve just become a member. We enjoy your style and commentary. I especially like the Greek myths, as they connect with some units I teach my middle school students. We’ll be listening to the Helios and Phaethon segment of your Fatherhood episode on Friday in class. Do you happen to have a transcript I could print for my struggling students? Most of my kids will be fine listening to the podcast, but a few will struggle to stay focused and listen well if they don’t have something in front of them as well. If you have anything along those lines, it would help a lot. Thanks!
I recently began listening to your podcast, and it has quickly become my evening routine to listen to one of your stories before bed. I love disappearing into a story, and getting the feeling of also learning a bit about another time or culture. I was hoping there might be a private contact, but I guess these messages are public. So here it goes. I loved your rendition of Eros and Psyche, a personal favourite of mine. I actually wrote my own take on the tale, and found that while there are obvious differences in our stories, you and I share a similar voice. I mean that in the literary sense, not in actual speaking (haha I definitely have a lisp!). Without wanting to appear cocky for presumptuous, I wanted to show you my telling of Eros and Psyche. If you find yourself at all interested in reading it. I’d love to hear what you think. Thanks :)
Quite new to the show so if I’ve yet to hear one on this sorry, but have you considered anything around the babylonians? From the minimal knowledge I have on the area it seems quite interesting. Love the show, new favourite podcast
Hello! I have a suggestion for a creature of the week! The valravyn! Half wolf half raven, evil knights to a dark lord! How badass can it get?! Also dryads are really cool and I’d love if you did a thing about them, too.
Sarah Elizabeth
February 5, 2020 at 9:26 am - Reply
Hilarious, clever, and entertaining! Can we get an episode about Hephaestus? One of the most under-represented and coolest of the Greek gods? A true underdog.
Hi Jason! I’ve been listening to the podcast for a few months now and I love it. It’s so much fun, and I love your storytelling style!
I went to see the new Disney movie Moana this weekend and really enjoyed it. However, I never would have known that Maui originated in actual Polynesian mythology if I hadn’t looked at the movie’s Wikipedia page before I saw it. Now I’m really curious about stories of Maui and other Polynesian myths and legends. Maybe you could explore that in a future episode? I’d love to learn more about it.
Also! After your episode a while back about making deals with the devil, I couldn’t stop thinking about a novella I read for a German class in college. It’s called The Black Spider (Die Schwarze Spinne), written in 1842 by Jeremias Gotthelf. It’s (primarily) about a woman who makes a deal with the devil, who agrees to save her village from a tyrant in exchange for an unborn child. Naturally the village reneges on this deal, and as punishment the woman literally has dozens of spiders coming OUT OF HER FACE and attacking people. It’s HORRIFYING and a really fascinating look at early weird/horror literature in the style of H.P. Lovecraft (it also has some… interesting takes on morality and gender roles since it was written by a 19th century German preacher…). It doesn’t technically count as something that could be told on this podcast as it’s a published book, not based in folklore, but I thought you might find it interesting anyway.
November 8, 2016 at 12:21 am - Reply
Hello Jason! I just wanted to say I really enjoy your podcast. I listen to it on my way to school and my favorite episode is Jason and the Argonauts. My favorite creature of the week is the William creature, I forget the name of the creature, and I also like the sandal who goes around the house singing annoying songs is funny too. I may be the only one who finds this funny but the “You can help support the show for less than a vile of E. Coli,” and stuff like that. Thanks for the awesome podcast!
Sonoma Academy
October 17, 2016 at 2:52 pm - Reply
Dear Jason,
We are a class of seventeen high school students. At our high school, we choose exploratory classes, which meet twice each week for one hour. These classes run for about eight weeks. This Fall, we chose to build a class around your podcast. We listened to myths told by you, and then we would discuss them briefly. Mainly, we just wanted to get on to the next story!
We listened to the Legend of Yvain, The Volsunga, Aladdin, the Little Mermaid, the Korean Myth of the Fox with Seven Tails (“Prayers”), “Koschei” and several other stories. Your tellings made for a great course… keeping us very entertained from one episode to the next. We loved the selection of different stories from around the world. It was especially interesting to hear the original versions of stories we thought we knew from Disney.
Hands down, our favorite was the Fox Story. It was “creepy” and “gory” (it is October afterall). We also liked The Little Mermaid mainly because of your spicy commentary. Your antagonistic relationship to the story added a whole dimension to the listening experience. We found the Story of the Volsungs to be our least favorite, though due to no fault of your own. It was simply too complicated to follow such a dense account.
Your music selection was “spot on” at times, but at others somewhat unpredictable (which we loved). We distinctly recalled banjos at a point of high drama. The “fierce” accordion music stood out as well… However, on the whole, it added to the tone and spirit of each story. The theme music is great!
That’s all for now… Maybe we will do this again. We learned so much from you!
I have always been a nerd for mythology and this podcast is incredible. The way you write it really paints the whole story. Even the earliest episodes gave off a polished feel. Thank you for all the work you put in to make each story come to life.
I just wanted to say “Thank you VERY MUCH” for you excellent podcast. I was trying to leave a review on iTunes, but my lack on computer skills betrayed me. I will find a smarter friend to help me do that but, in the meantime, I just wanted to Thank you very much!
I absolutely LOVE this podcast. Ever since I started listening I just can not get enough and I am not exaggerating when I say that listening to the shows makes my day. Your stories and your very own way of storytelling have seen me through happy times and sad times. I know you take some liberties to flesh out the stories, and I really like that especially with the Kashchei stories (thats my favourite so far).
I wanna become a member soon, so I can support what you are doing. You are doing a fantastic job, please keep it up!
We moved about 40 minutes away from where my kids (aged 8 and 10) went to school. For 6 weeks, I drove them to school and back every day… This was a nightmare until we discovered you! Then, this drive became our most favorite time of the day (or times I should say)… Since our drive is shorter than the podcast, we often sit in the car in the driveway until the podcast is finished. My children… are very knowledgeable now… and it’s amazing how they could actually see the differences between the cultures that created these stories… This really has been a life changing experience for us… Thank you! We changed schools about a week ago, and we don’t drive anymore… but I catch my kids listen to your podcast on their own, and we no longer are afraid of long car trips… Very well done podcast by the way… Awesome…
I am totalling loving this podcast, I am finding excuses o drive anywhere just so I can listen to you. I have always loved the Arthurian stories and have so many books including my favorite Steinbeck’s translation of Malorey. You have reignited my passion and can not get enough, I have recommended your podcast to all my friends here in Wollongong Australia.
Jason, have you ever played the old Sierra adventure game series “Quest for Glory”? Each of the games was inspired by a certain region’s mythology from German to Middle Eastern to Egyptian to Slavic. They got me hooked on folklore as a kid. I love listening to your podcast. My girlfriend and I both grew up studying folklore and we found your podcast last week and can’t get enough. We discuss it almost every day. We’re up to Koschei now. Thank you so much for making this happen.
Just a little thought – I wonder if anyone listening is familiar with Jim Henson’s The Storyteller (available on DVDs) and as a source for Russian folklore there’s Arthur Ransome’s book Old Peter’s Russian Tales.
I wanted to let you know that I really love your show. I recently came across it and can stop listening to it, because its so fun, witty and exciting. I especially like episodes 6B and C, your story about Merlin and Uther. My father told me this as a bed time story when I was a kid. Hearing your story brought up incredibly strong nostalgic feelings that really resonated with me, as if I was still listening to my father tell the story. Although I think my father left some things out, because I definitely didn’t know that Uther was such a sleezy d-bag. So I just wanted to say thanks for the great stories.
Also if you are looking for other story ideas, I would recommend “the journey to the west”, which is the Chinese folktale about a monk and a monkey king traveling from China to India to learn about Buddhism. The monkey king is definitely a fun character who at the very least deserves his own creature of the week session, because of his incredible strength and trickster personality. One thing that makes this character even more interesting is that there numerous variants of the monkey king and his story appear in Japanese, Indian, Thai, and Chinese literature. From what I can tell, the monkey king always has a really similar personality, but a vastly different role. I think he would be a fun story to tell.
Thanks for bringing these myths and legends to life. I was wondering what sources you used for the Arrow-Odd stories and the Koschei tales, if you are willing to share. My girlfriend introduced me to you podcast a couple of weeks ago and it’s been my morning and evening commute companion ever since. In my opinion, the background music is a great compliment and far from “awful.” It won’t make me “loose interest” at all. (Sorry Claire). Thanks and keep doing what you’re doing. It’s fantastic.
A huge thank you for this fantastic podcast. Found it a few mths back, binged it, and happily anticipate the newest episode. Wonderfully entertaining and love the humour. Great radio voice. I also rated on iTunes, though I’m a ‘droid listener. Thanks again, and keep up the great work!
Thank you for the fine work you do on your show’s content, entertainment value, and super voice. I wish I could send money, but I have stage4 cancer and money is tight. BUT i do pray and wish for your great success and fame. Kathy Robinson aka DeadlyBlonde
Jason, any ideas on stories about some sea-inspired, a-la Pirates of the Caribbean-esque stories, such as Calypso, Davy Jones’ locker, etc? Or would this be a good chance to plug your user-submitted stories for this summer? Thx!
I found you recently and fell in love. I am a Grimm Brothers Fan, and I mean of the original stories. Above all I love the imagination of the writers, these stories open up an unbelievable world (granted sexist and unnecessarily gruesome) that makes me wonder what the far, far future will think about our preception of this world. We are still pretty sexist and violent. I’m listening to your podcast from the beginning and I literally cried listening to Galleger, while walking my Collie mix. I told my fiancé the story and he almost cried! Can’t wait to listen to the rest. Great job.
Just started listening last month, instantly subscribed and listening all the day. Not looking forward to when I am caught up and will have to wait a week for the new content. You may have addressed this in an episode that I haven’t listened to yet but you had mentioned T-shirts. I am very interested in getting one and wondering if you ever found someone to design one, although just your logo on a shirt would be great in my opinion.
Just wanted to say that I love this show and the way you retell these amazing stories. You are a great story teller and are very entertaining to listen to; I enjoy the sarcasm a lot. A few of my favorites so far have been the Russian Fairy Tales, and the story of the very smart tutor and idiot King. I will add that I’ve been scrolling over all the Viking stories and King Arthur as they aren’t my favorites and there are so many of them. Any plans for fables of Beauty and the Beast or Sleeping Beauty?
I’m planning on a Beauty and the Beast one, but I want to bring in many different beast stories, because the original Beauty and the Beast one isn’t all that different from the Disney movie.
I totally get that you might not like King Arthur and the Vikings. I’m trying to do them only sparingly now, since I did them so much in the beginning. I’m quickly running out of Viking tales, but King Arthur stories will pop up regularly as the podcast goes forward.
I enjoy the theme of your podcast and the stories. But I wanted to let you know I find the “background” music to be very distracting to the point that I loose interest in the middle of an episode. The music is sometimes loud enough that I have trouble hearing your voice, and the words and the type of music just doesn’t always go with the feel of the story. I know you’re probably not gonna change anything, but I think it would be great without the awful music. With it as is, I’m not gonna keep listening. Sorry.
Thanks for letting me know – I appreciate you telling me. Are there any specific instances, or is it the background music in general? I’ve really tried to work with the volume as the show goes so that it doesn’t take away from the stories, but the background music does persist throughout. Sorry it didn’t work out :(.
Personally I enjoy the background music, especially the video gamey music that plays at the climax of the stories (Well at least for the older episodes, I’m a new listener, and I’m only about half way through). I think they are great accompaniment for a modern retelling of old folklore.
One thing I did notice though, during the background music for the creature of the week I hear a very high-pitched tone that does distract and annoy me a bit. Can anyone else hear this? I know not everyone can hear high frequencies. It’s not that bad though, and I’ll keep listening regardless if it’s change or not because I love the podcast! Great work.
Yeah…I’m going to work to get that sound out of there. I hear it and I’ve heard from others that it can be distracting.
July 23, 2024 at 10:52 pm
Jason, Jason the b**** is back. The very last episode “1001 Nights: Science and Geometry” seems safe? But the others, the others episodes leading up to it are NOT. That high pitched little stinker is back in the creature of the weak music. Please tell me it has been successfully slaughtered?
There’s a joke in here about this being like, the opposite of music soothing the savage beast, and it being creature of the week music? But idk I can’t find it.
I felt the complete opposite. I love the background music, I love how it comes in, and I thought it made the feel of the whole podcast entertaining. Compliments to your sound guy. Keeping doing what you’re doing
-huge fan
Howdy! I stumbled upon this podcast a couple of months ago and I’ve been ravenously consuming each episode as quickly as I could ever since. Love your modern, sarcastic retellings of these wonderful and fascinating stories. And just recently became a yearly member! Keep up the good work! Huzzah!
I just have to say, I LOOOVE this podcast. Absolutely my #1 podcast and one of my favorites of any kind of media or content whatsoever. Have been listening for almost the entire time it’s been being made and loved every second, I listen quite literally every single night. I humbly request as much Monkey King content as humanely possibly, I love those ones in particular so much. Thank you!!!
does anyone else see [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”CONTACT US” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%232d2d2d” google_fonts=”font_family:Raleway%3A100%2C200%2C300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900|font_style:600%20bold%20regular%3A600%3Anormal”][vc_column_text][pirate_forms][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1457488776489{background-color: #3a3a3a !important;}”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”OR SAY HELLO” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff” google_fonts=”font_family:Raleway%3A100%2C200%2C300%2Cregular%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900|font_style:600%20bold%20regular%3A600%3Anormal”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-facebook” color=”sky” background_style=”rounded-outline” background_color=”sky” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.com%2Fmythpodcast||”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-twitter” color=”turquoise” background_style=”rounded-outline” background_color=”turquoise” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fmythpodcast||”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-envelope” color=”pink” background_style=”rounded-outline” background_color=”pink” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:mailto%3Ajason%40mythpodcast.com||”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]
YES! Same! They need to fix the backend HTML.
I just wanted to ask if there were plans to do more Egyptian Myths – there are 2 and I would LOVE to hear more.
Yikes, thanks for the heads up. I didn’t know this page was broken.
I love your podcast! I can barely sleep without it now. I just have one request;
I know you often give a violence or adult themes warning at the beginning but please could you be more specific about when its sexual violence? And could you also note that in the description so it’s easier to avoid stories that include rape and abuse? One of the main reasons I love your podcast is it distracts me from painful experiences of abuse before sleep, but sometimes I’m taken by surprise when the podcasts brings up these themes and scenes and it ends up making it worse.
Thank you and big love
Hello! This podcast is one of my absolute favorites. It’s seriously one of the most relaxing podcasts I’ve found and is great when I’m struggling to fall asleep.
I know you did a Jewish myth a little while ago, but I was wondering if you’ve considered doing an episode about the myth of Chanukah or Passover when the holidays are around? It’d be fascinating to hear an in depth ep on either, and I know they’re a little less well known than a lot of other popular religious myths. If you’re staying clear of major religions, I completely understand. At the same time, they are some of the most interesting I’ve heard and have such a rich history.
My husband and I have been enjoying your podcasts for a while now, and I’ve just become a member. We enjoy your style and commentary. I especially like the Greek myths, as they connect with some units I teach my middle school students. We’ll be listening to the Helios and Phaethon segment of your Fatherhood episode on Friday in class. Do you happen to have a transcript I could print for my struggling students? Most of my kids will be fine listening to the podcast, but a few will struggle to stay focused and listen well if they don’t have something in front of them as well. If you have anything along those lines, it would help a lot. Thanks!
Hi there Jason!
I recently began listening to your podcast, and it has quickly become my evening routine to listen to one of your stories before bed. I love disappearing into a story, and getting the feeling of also learning a bit about another time or culture. I was hoping there might be a private contact, but I guess these messages are public. So here it goes. I loved your rendition of Eros and Psyche, a personal favourite of mine. I actually wrote my own take on the tale, and found that while there are obvious differences in our stories, you and I share a similar voice. I mean that in the literary sense, not in actual speaking (haha I definitely have a lisp!). Without wanting to appear cocky for presumptuous, I wanted to show you my telling of Eros and Psyche. If you find yourself at all interested in reading it. I’d love to hear what you think. Thanks :)
Quite new to the show so if I’ve yet to hear one on this sorry, but have you considered anything around the babylonians? From the minimal knowledge I have on the area it seems quite interesting. Love the show, new favourite podcast
Hello! I have a suggestion for a creature of the week! The valravyn! Half wolf half raven, evil knights to a dark lord! How badass can it get?! Also dryads are really cool and I’d love if you did a thing about them, too.
Yes! I vote for Dryads as well! And Naiads.
Hilarious, clever, and entertaining! Can we get an episode about Hephaestus? One of the most under-represented and coolest of the Greek gods? A true underdog.
Great podcast. Very informative, but also funny. Nice music, not to hardcore, perfect for relaxing. Excellent banter. Give it a try
Hi Jason! I’ve been listening to the podcast for a few months now and I love it. It’s so much fun, and I love your storytelling style!
I went to see the new Disney movie Moana this weekend and really enjoyed it. However, I never would have known that Maui originated in actual Polynesian mythology if I hadn’t looked at the movie’s Wikipedia page before I saw it. Now I’m really curious about stories of Maui and other Polynesian myths and legends. Maybe you could explore that in a future episode? I’d love to learn more about it.
Also! After your episode a while back about making deals with the devil, I couldn’t stop thinking about a novella I read for a German class in college. It’s called The Black Spider (Die Schwarze Spinne), written in 1842 by Jeremias Gotthelf. It’s (primarily) about a woman who makes a deal with the devil, who agrees to save her village from a tyrant in exchange for an unborn child. Naturally the village reneges on this deal, and as punishment the woman literally has dozens of spiders coming OUT OF HER FACE and attacking people. It’s HORRIFYING and a really fascinating look at early weird/horror literature in the style of H.P. Lovecraft (it also has some… interesting takes on morality and gender roles since it was written by a 19th century German preacher…). It doesn’t technically count as something that could be told on this podcast as it’s a published book, not based in folklore, but I thought you might find it interesting anyway.
Thanks very much for all your hard work! :)
Wow. Those spiders. It sounds interesting, but wow.
With regard to the Polynesian myths, I am still getting familiar with them. When I find the right story, though, I’m excited to do some.
Hi Jason
Love this podcast!! how about Pandora from Greek myth pretty please ?
Three weeks :)
Woo hoo – can’t wait ?
Hello Jason! I just wanted to say I really enjoy your podcast. I listen to it on my way to school and my favorite episode is Jason and the Argonauts. My favorite creature of the week is the William creature, I forget the name of the creature, and I also like the sandal who goes around the house singing annoying songs is funny too. I may be the only one who finds this funny but the “You can help support the show for less than a vile of E. Coli,” and stuff like that. Thanks for the awesome podcast!
Dear Jason,
We are a class of seventeen high school students. At our high school, we choose exploratory classes, which meet twice each week for one hour. These classes run for about eight weeks. This Fall, we chose to build a class around your podcast. We listened to myths told by you, and then we would discuss them briefly. Mainly, we just wanted to get on to the next story!
We listened to the Legend of Yvain, The Volsunga, Aladdin, the Little Mermaid, the Korean Myth of the Fox with Seven Tails (“Prayers”), “Koschei” and several other stories. Your tellings made for a great course… keeping us very entertained from one episode to the next. We loved the selection of different stories from around the world. It was especially interesting to hear the original versions of stories we thought we knew from Disney.
Hands down, our favorite was the Fox Story. It was “creepy” and “gory” (it is October afterall). We also liked The Little Mermaid mainly because of your spicy commentary. Your antagonistic relationship to the story added a whole dimension to the listening experience. We found the Story of the Volsungs to be our least favorite, though due to no fault of your own. It was simply too complicated to follow such a dense account.
Your music selection was “spot on” at times, but at others somewhat unpredictable (which we loved). We distinctly recalled banjos at a point of high drama. The “fierce” accordion music stood out as well… However, on the whole, it added to the tone and spirit of each story. The theme music is great!
That’s all for now… Maybe we will do this again. We learned so much from you!
The Myth and Legends Podcast Exploratory
I have always been a nerd for mythology and this podcast is incredible. The way you write it really paints the whole story. Even the earliest episodes gave off a polished feel. Thank you for all the work you put in to make each story come to life.
I just wanted to say “Thank you VERY MUCH” for you excellent podcast. I was trying to leave a review on iTunes, but my lack on computer skills betrayed me. I will find a smarter friend to help me do that but, in the meantime, I just wanted to Thank you very much!
I absolutely LOVE this podcast. Ever since I started listening I just can not get enough and I am not exaggerating when I say that listening to the shows makes my day. Your stories and your very own way of storytelling have seen me through happy times and sad times. I know you take some liberties to flesh out the stories, and I really like that especially with the Kashchei stories (thats my favourite so far).
I wanna become a member soon, so I can support what you are doing. You are doing a fantastic job, please keep it up!
We moved about 40 minutes away from where my kids (aged 8 and 10) went to school. For 6 weeks, I drove them to school and back every day… This was a nightmare until we discovered you! Then, this drive became our most favorite time of the day (or times I should say)… Since our drive is shorter than the podcast, we often sit in the car in the driveway until the podcast is finished. My children… are very knowledgeable now… and it’s amazing how they could actually see the differences between the cultures that created these stories… This really has been a life changing experience for us… Thank you! We changed schools about a week ago, and we don’t drive anymore… but I catch my kids listen to your podcast on their own, and we no longer are afraid of long car trips… Very well done podcast by the way… Awesome…
I am totalling loving this podcast, I am finding excuses o drive anywhere just so I can listen to you. I have always loved the Arthurian stories and have so many books including my favorite Steinbeck’s translation of Malorey. You have reignited my passion and can not get enough, I have recommended your podcast to all my friends here in Wollongong Australia.
Jason, have you ever played the old Sierra adventure game series “Quest for Glory”? Each of the games was inspired by a certain region’s mythology from German to Middle Eastern to Egyptian to Slavic. They got me hooked on folklore as a kid. I love listening to your podcast. My girlfriend and I both grew up studying folklore and we found your podcast last week and can’t get enough. We discuss it almost every day. We’re up to Koschei now. Thank you so much for making this happen.
Just a little thought – I wonder if anyone listening is familiar with Jim Henson’s The Storyteller (available on DVDs) and as a source for Russian folklore there’s Arthur Ransome’s book Old Peter’s Russian Tales.
I wanted to let you know that I really love your show. I recently came across it and can stop listening to it, because its so fun, witty and exciting. I especially like episodes 6B and C, your story about Merlin and Uther. My father told me this as a bed time story when I was a kid. Hearing your story brought up incredibly strong nostalgic feelings that really resonated with me, as if I was still listening to my father tell the story. Although I think my father left some things out, because I definitely didn’t know that Uther was such a sleezy d-bag. So I just wanted to say thanks for the great stories.
Also if you are looking for other story ideas, I would recommend “the journey to the west”, which is the Chinese folktale about a monk and a monkey king traveling from China to India to learn about Buddhism. The monkey king is definitely a fun character who at the very least deserves his own creature of the week session, because of his incredible strength and trickster personality. One thing that makes this character even more interesting is that there numerous variants of the monkey king and his story appear in Japanese, Indian, Thai, and Chinese literature. From what I can tell, the monkey king always has a really similar personality, but a vastly different role. I think he would be a fun story to tell.
You should help out with Tan is.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for bringing these myths and legends to life. I was wondering what sources you used for the Arrow-Odd stories and the Koschei tales, if you are willing to share. My girlfriend introduced me to you podcast a couple of weeks ago and it’s been my morning and evening commute companion ever since. In my opinion, the background music is a great compliment and far from “awful.” It won’t make me “loose interest” at all. (Sorry Claire). Thanks and keep doing what you’re doing. It’s fantastic.
A huge thank you for this fantastic podcast. Found it a few mths back, binged it, and happily anticipate the newest episode. Wonderfully entertaining and love the humour. Great radio voice. I also rated on iTunes, though I’m a ‘droid listener. Thanks again, and keep up the great work!
Thank you for the fine work you do on your show’s content, entertainment value, and super voice. I wish I could send money, but I have stage4 cancer and money is tight. BUT i do pray and wish for your great success and fame. Kathy Robinson aka DeadlyBlonde
Jason, any ideas on stories about some sea-inspired, a-la Pirates of the Caribbean-esque stories, such as Calypso, Davy Jones’ locker, etc? Or would this be a good chance to plug your user-submitted stories for this summer? Thx!
I found you recently and fell in love. I am a Grimm Brothers Fan, and I mean of the original stories. Above all I love the imagination of the writers, these stories open up an unbelievable world (granted sexist and unnecessarily gruesome) that makes me wonder what the far, far future will think about our preception of this world. We are still pretty sexist and violent. I’m listening to your podcast from the beginning and I literally cried listening to Galleger, while walking my Collie mix. I told my fiancé the story and he almost cried! Can’t wait to listen to the rest. Great job.
Just started listening last month, instantly subscribed and listening all the day. Not looking forward to when I am caught up and will have to wait a week for the new content. You may have addressed this in an episode that I haven’t listened to yet but you had mentioned T-shirts. I am very interested in getting one and wondering if you ever found someone to design one, although just your logo on a shirt would be great in my opinion.
Yeah! They are definitely happening, though they won’t just be the logo – they are professionally designed!
I stumbled on your podcast not sure how. But I love them. Keep up the good work. God bless and may God continue grow your business.
Just wanted to say that I love this show and the way you retell these amazing stories. You are a great story teller and are very entertaining to listen to; I enjoy the sarcasm a lot. A few of my favorites so far have been the Russian Fairy Tales, and the story of the very smart tutor and idiot King. I will add that I’ve been scrolling over all the Viking stories and King Arthur as they aren’t my favorites and there are so many of them. Any plans for fables of Beauty and the Beast or Sleeping Beauty?
I’m planning on a Beauty and the Beast one, but I want to bring in many different beast stories, because the original Beauty and the Beast one isn’t all that different from the Disney movie.
I totally get that you might not like King Arthur and the Vikings. I’m trying to do them only sparingly now, since I did them so much in the beginning. I’m quickly running out of Viking tales, but King Arthur stories will pop up regularly as the podcast goes forward.
Beauty and the beast is my favorite Disney cartoon. And I’m both excited and terrified to learn the original story. :)
I enjoy the theme of your podcast and the stories. But I wanted to let you know I find the “background” music to be very distracting to the point that I loose interest in the middle of an episode. The music is sometimes loud enough that I have trouble hearing your voice, and the words and the type of music just doesn’t always go with the feel of the story. I know you’re probably not gonna change anything, but I think it would be great without the awful music. With it as is, I’m not gonna keep listening. Sorry.
Thanks for letting me know – I appreciate you telling me. Are there any specific instances, or is it the background music in general? I’ve really tried to work with the volume as the show goes so that it doesn’t take away from the stories, but the background music does persist throughout. Sorry it didn’t work out :(.
Personally I enjoy the background music, especially the video gamey music that plays at the climax of the stories (Well at least for the older episodes, I’m a new listener, and I’m only about half way through). I think they are great accompaniment for a modern retelling of old folklore.
One thing I did notice though, during the background music for the creature of the week I hear a very high-pitched tone that does distract and annoy me a bit. Can anyone else hear this? I know not everyone can hear high frequencies. It’s not that bad though, and I’ll keep listening regardless if it’s change or not because I love the podcast! Great work.
Yeah…I’m going to work to get that sound out of there. I hear it and I’ve heard from others that it can be distracting.
Jason, Jason the b**** is back. The very last episode “1001 Nights: Science and Geometry” seems safe? But the others, the others episodes leading up to it are NOT. That high pitched little stinker is back in the creature of the weak music. Please tell me it has been successfully slaughtered?
There’s a joke in here about this being like, the opposite of music soothing the savage beast, and it being creature of the week music? But idk I can’t find it.
I felt the complete opposite. I love the background music, I love how it comes in, and I thought it made the feel of the whole podcast entertaining. Compliments to your sound guy. Keeping doing what you’re doing
-huge fan
Aw, thanks! I (Jason) am the sound guy. Carissa has done a lot to get my voice right on tape, but there’s no dedicated sound person :)
Howdy! I stumbled upon this podcast a couple of months ago and I’ve been ravenously consuming each episode as quickly as I could ever since. Love your modern, sarcastic retellings of these wonderful and fascinating stories. And just recently became a yearly member! Keep up the good work! Huzzah!