Myths and Legends2023-11-10T11:21:34-05:00

Fun, bizarre, insightful, and weird stories from folklore. Wednesdays.

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354-Japanese folklore: Cursed

Two stories about finding people who like you for you. Not because you wear a rice bowl on your head. Or because you spend way too much time looking in the mirror. [...]

Irish folklore: Beggars Belief

The story of a storyteller who can't think of a story to tell, and how a stranger solves that problem by getting him fired and taking him on wacky adventures with too [...]

351-Dragons: Alternate History

A mother and son are surviving at the end of the world, while monsters prowl the wasteland all around. And now, one of them wants to leave. The creature is the Kudan [...]

350-Korean folklore: Ghosts and Goblins

Three(ish) stories from the Korean peninsula about ghosts and goblins. Kind of. Some are actual ghosts and goblins (도깨비). Some are the ghosts of happier times and the lives we thought we [...]

349-Monkey King: My Own Worst Enemy

We're back in the stories of the Monkey King on the Journey to the West and we'll see that not everyone who is mean to you is a demon. They might be [...]

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Carissa Weiser


Carissa is a former audiology professor with a background in psychoacoustics, linguistics, and creative writing. She loves her family, photography, tennis season, and riding horses.

Jason Weiser


Jason is a former hospital researcher with a background in English literature and narrative theory. He's a big fan of his wife and child, hiking, Batman, and cake (the dessert, but the band's ok, too).

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